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Re: SCD 2 days, not totally compliant yet, need help deciphering resulting symptoms

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> Hi,


> I have started my daughter on SCD for 2 days. We are still doing

> intro diet and are not totally compliant yet. I have seen some

> changes and need help on " deciphering " the changes.


> Below is the diet she's on:

> Breakfast: Boiled egg (for Friday) and scrambled egg (for Sarurday)

> Lunch and dinner: Chicken broth with pieces of chicken and carrots.

> (Broth was home made; with chicken, carrots, celery and onion)

> Drink

> Drink: Diluted home made apple juice, almond milk (store bought and

> illegal since it contains brown rice sugar and xanthum gum), water.


> Changes we saw:

> 1. More lethargic

> 2. A little more whinny on the 1st day but was better on the second

> day

> 3. Diarrhea on Friday and was greenish in color. She seldom has

> diarrhea. Usually she constipates. Formed stool on Saturday but has

> two colors: grayish white on one part and brownish orange on the

> other.

> 4. Increase night sweat.


> Questions:

> 1. If I replace the almond milk with diluted home made apple juice,

> could this be considered SCD compliant?


Please don't get overly stressed and will need to have patience.

Nut milk is not to be used at the start. Apple juice is also on hold until loose

stools have

stopped. (personally I would not mix the juice and nut milk even later because

the flavor

doesn't sound good.)

> 2. Is lethargy, whinny, weird color poop and increase night sweat a

> normal reaction of starting SCD? Should the reaction be so soon? We

> are only on it for 2 days and not even 100% compliant yet!

This is often typical at the start as bad bacteria resist being denied their

favorite food

sources, starch and sugar.

> 3. I'm very concern about the increase night sweat. She has always

> sweat at night and we started Epsom Salt bath about 10 days ago (1/2

> cup of Epsom salt in a children tub which is larger than baby tubs

> but much smaller than a normal bath tub). The sweating seems to have

> reduced a little but now with the introduction of SCD, it is worse

> than before. Is this normal?

Epsom salt baths may help reduce night sweats, also eliminating the illegals.

> 4. What's my next step? Go on to phase I? Stay on intro diet for a

> few more days until we are 100% compliant?

Do another day or two of the intro.

Should we start GSE? How

> do I even know if she has yeast before testing?

I cannot advise on supplements

> 5. The diet contains mainly chicken, carrot and eggs. Since I am to

> introduce food very slowly, there will be very little variety.

Beef patties?

> Wouldn't having carrot everyday give too much vitamin A? What about

> cholestrol from eggs?

I do not think these should trouble you. You will soon be introducing green

vegetables and

other foods for balance. Dieray cholesterol and that which the body makes are


> 6. Am I going crazy?

Not at all. Changes for the diet of a sick child would cause anyone concern.


strength from the success and support you will find here. if this diet is not

what you

expect for your child you can always stop, but do give it a fair trial first and

be prepared to

put up with some " die off systems " during the first weeks.

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Hi ,

> I have started my daughter on SCD for 2 days. We are still doing

> intro diet and are not totally compliant yet. I have seen some

> changes and need help on " deciphering " the changes.


> Below is the diet she's on:

> Breakfast: Boiled egg (for Friday) and scrambled egg (for Sarurday)

> Lunch and dinner: Chicken broth with pieces of chicken and


> (Broth was home made; with chicken, carrots, celery and onion)

> Drink

> Drink: Diluted home made apple juice, almond milk (store bought


> illegal since it contains brown rice sugar and xanthum gum), water.


> Changes we saw:

> 1. More lethargic

> 2. A little more whinny on the 1st day but was better on the


> day

> 3. Diarrhea on Friday and was greenish in color. She seldom has

> diarrhea. Usually she constipates. Formed stool on Saturday but


> two colors: grayish white on one part and brownish orange on the

> other.

> 4. Increase night sweat.


> Questions:

> 1. If I replace the almond milk with diluted home made apple


> could this be considered SCD compliant?

Yes. Once you remove the commercial (rice sugar) almond milk you'd

be 100% SCD. The intro should be done for 2-5 days, 4-5 for

diarrhea and 2-3 for everything else. After the intro you'd

introduce increasingly more complex to digest foods -(even though

she tends toward constipation). Starting with peeled cooked fruit

and veggies as explained in BTVC.

> 2. Is lethargy, whinny, weird color poop and increase night sweat


> normal reaction of starting SCD? Should the reaction be so soon?


> are only on it for 2 days and not even 100% compliant yet!

Yes, it sounds like you are going through microbial die off. Epsom

salt baths and/or activated charcoal may help. See



> 3. I'm very concern about the increase night sweat. She has always

> sweat at night and we started Epsom Salt bath about 10 days ago


> cup of Epsom salt in a children tub which is larger than baby tubs

> but much smaller than a normal bath tub). The sweating seems to


> reduced a little but now with the introduction of SCD, it is worse

> than before. Is this normal?

Sweating is the bodies' way of detoxing. It is a good thing to get

all those toxins out.

> 4. What's my next step? Go on to phase I? Stay on intro diet for a

> few more days until we are 100% compliant?

See response to 1. above.

> Should we start GSE?

If you start GSE now you may see increased die off. Why do you want

to start GSE?

> How

> do I even know if she has yeast before testing?

For some people going on the diet is enough to get their yeast under

control. Tell us how she is doing in a couple of days and what

symptoms she has. There are all sorts of yeast symptoms, thrush,

itchy bottom, rashes etc.

> 5. The diet contains mainly chicken, carrot and eggs. Since I am


> introduce food very slowly, there will be very little variety.

> Wouldn't having carrot everyday give too much vitamin A?

It is only for a couple of days and then you'll introduce other

veggies and fruit to get a better balance of vits and minerals.

What about > cholestrol from eggs?

The whole cholesterol/egg thing is " hooey " . Eggs have good

cholesterol. There are many fantastic sources of egg cholesterol

info on the net. http://lyris.dundee.net/read/messages?


Many on the diet who " had " high cholesterol find it reduced when

they went on the diet, eating eggs, almonds and everything else.



> 6. Am I going crazy?

I doubt it, but if you are you can join the crazy train with the

rest of us ;)

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi ,

> I have started my daughter on SCD for 2 days. We are still doing

> intro diet and are not totally compliant yet. I have seen some

> changes and need help on " deciphering " the changes.


> Below is the diet she's on:

> Breakfast: Boiled egg (for Friday) and scrambled egg (for Sarurday)

> Lunch and dinner: Chicken broth with pieces of chicken and


> (Broth was home made; with chicken, carrots, celery and onion)

> Drink

> Drink: Diluted home made apple juice, almond milk (store bought


> illegal since it contains brown rice sugar and xanthum gum), water.


> Changes we saw:

> 1. More lethargic

> 2. A little more whinny on the 1st day but was better on the


> day

> 3. Diarrhea on Friday and was greenish in color. She seldom has

> diarrhea. Usually she constipates. Formed stool on Saturday but


> two colors: grayish white on one part and brownish orange on the

> other.

> 4. Increase night sweat.


> Questions:

> 1. If I replace the almond milk with diluted home made apple


> could this be considered SCD compliant?

Yes. Once you remove the commercial (rice sugar) almond milk you'd

be 100% SCD. The intro should be done for 2-5 days, 4-5 for

diarrhea and 2-3 for everything else. After the intro you'd

introduce increasingly more complex to digest foods -(even though

she tends toward constipation). Starting with peeled cooked fruit

and veggies as explained in BTVC.

> 2. Is lethargy, whinny, weird color poop and increase night sweat


> normal reaction of starting SCD? Should the reaction be so soon?


> are only on it for 2 days and not even 100% compliant yet!

Yes, it sounds like you are going through microbial die off. Epsom

salt baths and/or activated charcoal may help. See



> 3. I'm very concern about the increase night sweat. She has always

> sweat at night and we started Epsom Salt bath about 10 days ago


> cup of Epsom salt in a children tub which is larger than baby tubs

> but much smaller than a normal bath tub). The sweating seems to


> reduced a little but now with the introduction of SCD, it is worse

> than before. Is this normal?

Sweating is the bodies' way of detoxing. It is a good thing to get

all those toxins out.

> 4. What's my next step? Go on to phase I? Stay on intro diet for a

> few more days until we are 100% compliant?

See response to 1. above.

> Should we start GSE?

If you start GSE now you may see increased die off. Why do you want

to start GSE?

> How

> do I even know if she has yeast before testing?

For some people going on the diet is enough to get their yeast under

control. Tell us how she is doing in a couple of days and what

symptoms she has. There are all sorts of yeast symptoms, thrush,

itchy bottom, rashes etc.

> 5. The diet contains mainly chicken, carrot and eggs. Since I am


> introduce food very slowly, there will be very little variety.

> Wouldn't having carrot everyday give too much vitamin A?

It is only for a couple of days and then you'll introduce other

veggies and fruit to get a better balance of vits and minerals.

What about > cholestrol from eggs?

The whole cholesterol/egg thing is " hooey " . Eggs have good

cholesterol. There are many fantastic sources of egg cholesterol

info on the net. http://lyris.dundee.net/read/messages?


Many on the diet who " had " high cholesterol find it reduced when

they went on the diet, eating eggs, almonds and everything else.



> 6. Am I going crazy?

I doubt it, but if you are you can join the crazy train with the

rest of us ;)

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Thank you to Carol and Sheila for the replies.

> If you start GSE now you may see increased die off. Why do you


> to start GSE?

I'm not sure. I read that GSE is antifungal so I thought that might

be a good next step.

> For some people going on the diet is enough to get their yeast


> control. Tell us how she is doing in a couple of days and what

> symptoms she has. There are all sorts of yeast symptoms, thrush,

> itchy bottom, rashes etc.

Before we started the diet, she has a big tummy (not huge, but quite

big for a 2.5 year old) and constipates a lot and has bits of food in

her poop almost all the time. That's why we started SCD.

She doesn't have thrush, itchy bottom and rarely has diaper rash.

Does that mean she doesn't have yeast?

She has been on SCD (not 100% compliant) for 4.5 days now and she's

very lethargic, whinny, grouchy and kept saying " I want eating! " .

Makes me nervous. Is she hungry from not eating carbohydrates? She

doesn't like SCD food. :(

> > 6. Am I going crazy?


> I doubt it, but if you are you can join the crazy train with the

> rest of us ;)

It is definitely stressful trying to think about what my daughter can

eat and trying to deal with her saying " I want eating! "


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