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Re: Carol & other SCD veterans (was oxalates)

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> Carol (or others), I DO understand the benefit of having a message

> board with a unified purpose...but do you think there is any way to

> list links or allow (!brief!) discussions of other digestive

> avenues/supps etc w/out appearing like pecanbread condones it? Like

> a file for " things some SCD families have found interesting " . Or

> something similar. Just so people know where to look should they

> wish to find out more about something w/out taking up lots of board

> space - as I am now :-)? Or other ideas for when the inevitable

> question about something else 'non-exclusively-SCD' comes up? I just

> think it will continue to happen. FWIW.


> -christine


We all get over tired and can sound impatient on occasion. Did I come on like a


school teacher? if so , once again, I am sorry.

I am not an official moderator here, I do not have an ASD child and I don't make

the rules

but do try to interpret Elaine's intentions as best I can since I had the

blessed opportunity

to get to know her and she shared many of her thoughts about SCD.

Even though I've been active on this group for several years I am still very


sometimes forget to abandon my adult perspective of the diet and have not become

cogniscent of the many treatments, theories and other avenues in dealing with

autism as

I've chosen the diet as my area of interest and support.

I can help with food suggestions, web links, googling some defintions, getting


from food company web sites and I do confer with Mimi, Sheila and Jody when I do


understand things.

I am not intractable. When scientific research decries changes should be made,

I'll change.

But I can be stubborn to not approve of SCD being compromised. It has turned


Pecanbread members in the past. My experience with boards that advocate


diets and advanced diets has been largely negative. Staunch defense of undiluted

SCD has

made me unwelcome on some of those groups. My insistence upon compliance even


me into hot water on adult SCD groups.

Think of me as a friendly watchdog guarding the gates as best I can. I promsied

that at

Elaine's memorial service and before her passing.

I've seen so many who questioned the diet and digressed from it come back to the


and get the hoped for results and that is my wish for everyone. These were

mainly people

with there own versions of SCD, not Elaine's.

Unfortunatlely I am not blessed with the tact displayed by Mimi, Jody and

Sheila, but I'm

working on it and I do say what I mean and tend to 'shoot from the hip. "

When it comes to other links, it's a democracy and people are welcome to search

elsewhere but not suggest here appending or amending SCD with what they find of

interest. That seems fair.

Who would want to stifle education and research? The Internet can be a

priceless resource

but it also can be loaded with misinformation.

Good luck and good surfing!

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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