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Re: Re: Bits of food appearing in the poop. What should I do?

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I strongly suspect my youngest son has issues with phenols/salicylates (sp?)

and avoided applesauce until I read here that applesauce made with golden

delicious apples don't have the phenols that the red delicious do. My kids

both tolerate it very well and it's very yummy. I also give my youngest the

welch's white grape juice instead of apple juice.


Re: Bits of food appearing in the poop. What should I


> Hi ,


>> Sorry, I have more questions.


>> My daughter has been on SCD for a little more than 3 weeks. So

> far,

>> every kind of vegetables I have introduced (carrot, spinach, green

>> beans) have appeared in the poop. I'm not sure about zucchini

> because

>> I probably can't detect that even if it is in the poop.


>> I took her off carrot and spinach when it came out in the poopo.

> Now

>> green beans and probably zucchini also came out undigested.


>> She was gassy and begavior got worse when I gave her banana, so I

>> suspect phenol and is trying to take away her apple juice and

>> applesauce. In which case she'll have no carb!



>> Questions:

>> 1. ALL vegetables introduced seem to come out in the poop. Do I

> have

>> to stop giving them? All vegetables were peeled, seeded and well

>> cooked.


> Is she still having Diarrhea? When she started the diet she went

> thru pretty intense die off, right? Has that improved at all?

> Somtimes young children don't chew very well (or at all) and

> depending on transit time thru the body there may still be largish

> pieces in the stool. Some wait it out and wait for the body to heal

> and some add in enzymes.



>> 2. When I gave banana, her behavior got worse but it never got

> better

>> after it has been removed. It has been more than 10 days. Could it

> be

>> yeast? Could it be just initial die-off in SCD process?


> Hard to tell but if you give more info we can try and decipher if

> it's die off or yeast. Are you still using epsom salt baths.


> Have you been keeping a food journal (including bm's) hese really

> are a great help especially at the beginning when there are many

> changes.


> Sheila







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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