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Re: goat milk yogurt, more mucousy poop

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Yes. When the mucous is in there it harbors our bad bugs. Yeast and such. It

could be die-off so keep going. When we first started the yogurt the same

thing happened and we have seen dramatic improvements in our little girl.

Sounds like a very good thing. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

goat milk yogurt, more mucousy poop

> Hello,


> My 2.5 year old son

> has been doing strict SCD since 6/05

> (was on and off SCD before)

> recently I restarted giving him the SCD goat milk yogurt

> and noticed his poops are slightly coated with a layer of

> clear mucous


> is that a good or bad sign?

> does it warrant holding off the yogurt

> which he LOVES?


> thanks!


> Jzin

> mama to Vihren, age 2.5, Aspergers







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi Jzin,

How much are you giving each day? Did you start small and gradually

increase the amount?

Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

> recently I restarted giving him the SCD goat milk yogurt

> and noticed his poops are slightly coated with a layer of

> clear mucous


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