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Re: Re: Yeast/Fruit and constipation

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On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 06:27:05 -0000 " philallen876546 " phiallen@...>


> Hi I had been using 30hr SCD yogurt with a good starter, I only

> introduced kefir recently as a trial and I seem ok following lactose


> guidelines. I do 30hrs culturing then I leave it for a further 2

> days

> in the cupboard without the grains. I would really like to have

> small

> amounts of fruit in my diet though. Is it best to just have peeled

> fruit or should it be peeled and cooked. Or if you have symptoms of

> candida still none at all?


> Phil

Hi Phil. What are you here for? I joined because of my son with Crohn's.

When he started SCD he was on prednisone which meant a) he was starving,

so the starter diet wasn't enough for him, and B) his symptoms were

largely under control. So as cautious as you want to be, if IBD, etc. is

your situation, you may be able to move a little faster than some of the

kids whose parents are here. Take care, Fay

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On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 02:05:11 -0000 " Jody G. " momtobandj@...>


> I agree with Fay.


> It seems that many of our ASD kids have to move very slowly

> introducing new foods compared to adults.


> It could be that like Fay's son, many of the adults and non-ASD kids

> are on medications that help control their symptoms. Whereas the

> vast

> majority of the ASD kids are not on any medications (oftentimes

> because most GIs won't take us seriously enough to scope our kids).

Ideally though, and I've spoken to Weiss about this, the diet

alone may obviate the need for medication, or at least some medications.

Though more often then not, people don't find SCD till they've been on

meds and those meds do have to be stopped very carefully. The point is,

that while the scoping would be really helpful for a clear diagnosis (and

if a child is presenting with serious symptoms, I would hope GIs would

take the parents seriously; I don't know if scoping should be routine for

ASD kids) real compliance with the diet by itself can do wonders. It does

with IBD and IBS and I hope that's encouraging for you. Take care, Fay

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Please email me privately. I would like to know more about the candida

diet. jlessard@... Thanks, Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: Yeast/Fruit and constipation

> Hi Phil,


> > My symptoms are white patches and coated tongue, jock itch

> > occasionally and constipation. When eating fruit I have mucus over

> my

> > stools but my transit time is slow so that does not help.


> Yes, that does sound pretty yeast-y.


> > Food wise I just eat meat and veg no starchy veg apart from

> > occasional carrots. Supplement and probiotics are Vit C, E, Cod

> liver

> > oil, flax oil, and kirkman acidophilus. Not sure on kefir as you

> say,

> > I do seem to be more regular without it. My background is 1yr

> candida

> > diet, 6 months SCD diet. Did it take you long to overcome the

> > candida/bacteria and was there anything in particular you think

> > helped?


> My yeast problems stem from antibiotic overuse (mostly from

> preSCD). My bacteria problems were helped immediately with SCD but

> after an abscessed tooth and antibiotics my yeast took off. I tried

> many things reducing honey, limiting fruit somewhat, carrot and

> garlic juice, rotating natural antifungals, prescription antifungals

> but the best thing was antiyeast enzymes. I tried Candex but it is

> hard to get into Canada, so I now use a Canadian enzyme that is very

> similar (Candizyme). There are a number of different enzyme

> treatments for yeast depending on where you live and what works for

> you.


> > I have not tried cooked fruit, I just thought it may be worse

> because

> > of it being cooked and then its without the natural enzymes? Am I

> > wrong in this assumption do you think its easier better to digest

> > cooked?


> Yes, cooking fruit does make it easier to digest. And if you can

> digest it then the yeasties can't use it. But, many find that they

> have to reduce their honey intake and that some fruit are worse than

> others with yeast. I do well with apples, pears, peaches now but

> still have trouble having ripe banana. That's because my yeasties

> have a feast on it. Other people with yeast may be okay with banana

> but not the apple. What may help is to cut all fruit for a day and

> then try the peeled cooked fruits one at a time to see how your

> symptoms react. That way you will get a baseline of foods that work

> for you that you can then build on.


> Any other helpful hints etc with candida/bacteria would be

> > greatly appreciated.


> Also see " Yeast and SCD " and The " Carrot juice and garlic Remedy " at

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread/files/


> Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 43 mos







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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me too- lkpetrolino@...


>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread >

>Subject: Re: Re: Yeast/Fruit and constipation

>Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 09:13:40 -0500



> Please email me privately. I would like to know more about the candida

>diet. jlessard@... Thanks, Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

> Re: Yeast/Fruit and constipation



> > Hi Phil,

> >

> > > My symptoms are white patches and coated tongue, jock itch

> > > occasionally and constipation. When eating fruit I have mucus over

> > my

> > > stools but my transit time is slow so that does not help.

> >

> > Yes, that does sound pretty yeast-y.

> >

> > > Food wise I just eat meat and veg no starchy veg apart from

> > > occasional carrots. Supplement and probiotics are Vit C, E, Cod

> > liver

> > > oil, flax oil, and kirkman acidophilus. Not sure on kefir as you

> > say,

> > > I do seem to be more regular without it. My background is 1yr

> > candida

> > > diet, 6 months SCD diet. Did it take you long to overcome the

> > > candida/bacteria and was there anything in particular you think

> > > helped?

> >

> > My yeast problems stem from antibiotic overuse (mostly from

> > preSCD). My bacteria problems were helped immediately with SCD but

> > after an abscessed tooth and antibiotics my yeast took off. I tried

> > many things reducing honey, limiting fruit somewhat, carrot and

> > garlic juice, rotating natural antifungals, prescription antifungals

> > but the best thing was antiyeast enzymes. I tried Candex but it is

> > hard to get into Canada, so I now use a Canadian enzyme that is very

> > similar (Candizyme). There are a number of different enzyme

> > treatments for yeast depending on where you live and what works for

> > you.

> >

> > > I have not tried cooked fruit, I just thought it may be worse

> > because

> > > of it being cooked and then its without the natural enzymes? Am I

> > > wrong in this assumption do you think its easier better to digest

> > > cooked?

> >

> > Yes, cooking fruit does make it easier to digest. And if you can

> > digest it then the yeasties can't use it. But, many find that they

> > have to reduce their honey intake and that some fruit are worse than

> > others with yeast. I do well with apples, pears, peaches now but

> > still have trouble having ripe banana. That's because my yeasties

> > have a feast on it. Other people with yeast may be okay with banana

> > but not the apple. What may help is to cut all fruit for a day and

> > then try the peeled cooked fruits one at a time to see how your

> > symptoms react. That way you will get a baseline of foods that work

> > for you that you can then build on.

> >

> > Any other helpful hints etc with candida/bacteria would be

> > > greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Also see " Yeast and SCD " and The " Carrot juice and garlic Remedy " at

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread/files/

> >

> > Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

> > mom of , SCD 43 mos

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

>_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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