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Off Topic-New Probiotic for Autism and ADHD

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A dietitian we are working with sent us information about a new

probiotic that specifically breaks down the " exorphins " created by

foods such as wheat and milk (as well as others). The bad news is

that as part of the mixture, a little B. bifidus is included, as

well as FOS. I think the FOS is only in the capsule form, not the


My husband (who does ADHD research) and I were reading the

scientific articles and had quite a few questions. The probiotic

(called ProbioZym) was developed in Norway and just reached the US

(marketed as HCL Mindlinx by Pharmax). It was given to just 6

normal volunteers and it showed a reduction in urinary exorphins.

It was given to one child with Autism and reduced the urinary

exorphins. Why would non-autistic people have high levels in their

urine? They never gave any numbers for the autistic child, so we

could not compare levels.

There are 2 special strains of Lactobacillus (rhamnosus and

crispatus) in the mixture and they are included for their ability to

attach to the gut lining very well as well as break down the

exorphins. Pharmax also has a recommended protocol for additonal

supplements to go along with the Mindlinx. (All of which they sell

by the way) Apparently these probiotics help heal the gut too.

So we are not sure if we want our son to be a guinea pig until we

know more. The dietitian is out of town right now, so we can't ask

her. I just thought there might be someone out there who is well

versed in probiotics who wants to investigate.

Sue (SCD 6 weeks for asthma, eczema, allergies)

BTW our son is 3 with ASD and we were only able to keep him on the

diet for 10 days due to extreme pickiness. We are backing us and

trying some other things because we believe SCD was helping him, but

he needs to get over some major sensory issues before we try SCD

again. I think we ran into some ketosis with him as his carb intake

was very limited on SCD, which I think caused nausea and led to him

developing some food aversions. I keep doing research to look for

ways to help him.

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Thanks so much for letting us know about this new probiotic. Is it for sale

yet? If so, how can we get it?


SCD 3 months

Off Topic-New Probiotic for Autism and ADHD

>A dietitian we are working with sent us information about a new

> probiotic that specifically breaks down the " exorphins " created by

> foods such as wheat and milk (as well as others). The bad news is

> that as part of the mixture, a little B. bifidus is included, as

> well as FOS. I think the FOS is only in the capsule form, not the

> powder.


> My husband (who does ADHD research) and I were reading the

> scientific articles and had quite a few questions. The probiotic

> (called ProbioZym) was developed in Norway and just reached the US

> (marketed as HCL Mindlinx by Pharmax). It was given to just 6

> normal volunteers and it showed a reduction in urinary exorphins.

> It was given to one child with Autism and reduced the urinary

> exorphins. Why would non-autistic people have high levels in their

> urine? They never gave any numbers for the autistic child, so we

> could not compare levels.


> There are 2 special strains of Lactobacillus (rhamnosus and

> crispatus) in the mixture and they are included for their ability to

> attach to the gut lining very well as well as break down the

> exorphins. Pharmax also has a recommended protocol for additonal

> supplements to go along with the Mindlinx. (All of which they sell

> by the way) Apparently these probiotics help heal the gut too.


> So we are not sure if we want our son to be a guinea pig until we

> know more. The dietitian is out of town right now, so we can't ask

> her. I just thought there might be someone out there who is well

> versed in probiotics who wants to investigate.


> Sue (SCD 6 weeks for asthma, eczema, allergies)


> BTW our son is 3 with ASD and we were only able to keep him on the

> diet for 10 days due to extreme pickiness. We are backing us and

> trying some other things because we believe SCD was helping him, but

> he needs to get over some major sensory issues before we try SCD

> again. I think we ran into some ketosis with him as his carb intake

> was very limited on SCD, which I think caused nausea and led to him

> developing some food aversions. I keep doing research to look for

> ways to help him.








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I have a flyer from Pharmax that says " if you would like more

information or would like to speak with our technical department,

please call us on " I'm not sure if this marketed to

professionals or laypeople as a dietitian gave it to me. (Although

I'm an RD too) Pharmax is in Bellevue, WA. I have not called yet.

Prices listed sound cheap to me, so it may be professional prices

(60 capsules for $19.90 or 60 grams for $18.90)


> Sue,

> Thanks so much for letting us know about this new probiotic. Is it

for sale

> yet? If so, how can we get it?

> Marilyn

> SCD 3 months






> Off Topic-New Probiotic for Autism and ADHD



> >A dietitian we are working with sent us information about a new

> > probiotic that specifically breaks down the " exorphins " created


> > foods such as wheat and milk (as well as others). The bad news


> > that as part of the mixture, a little B. bifidus is included, as

> > well as FOS. I think the FOS is only in the capsule form, not


> > powder.

> >

> > My husband (who does ADHD research) and I were reading the

> > scientific articles and had quite a few questions. The probiotic

> > (called ProbioZym) was developed in Norway and just reached the


> > (marketed as HCL Mindlinx by Pharmax). It was given to just 6

> > normal volunteers and it showed a reduction in urinary exorphins.

> > It was given to one child with Autism and reduced the urinary

> > exorphins. Why would non-autistic people have high levels in


> > urine? They never gave any numbers for the autistic child, so we

> > could not compare levels.

> >

> > There are 2 special strains of Lactobacillus (rhamnosus and

> > crispatus) in the mixture and they are included for their

ability to

> > attach to the gut lining very well as well as break down the

> > exorphins. Pharmax also has a recommended protocol for additonal

> > supplements to go along with the Mindlinx. (All of which they


> > by the way) Apparently these probiotics help heal the gut too.

> >

> > So we are not sure if we want our son to be a guinea pig until we

> > know more. The dietitian is out of town right now, so we can't


> > her. I just thought there might be someone out there who is well

> > versed in probiotics who wants to investigate.

> >

> > Sue (SCD 6 weeks for asthma, eczema, allergies)

> >

> > BTW our son is 3 with ASD and we were only able to keep him on


> > diet for 10 days due to extreme pickiness. We are backing us and

> > trying some other things because we believe SCD was helping him,


> > he needs to get over some major sensory issues before we try SCD

> > again. I think we ran into some ketosis with him as his carb


> > was very limited on SCD, which I think caused nausea and led to


> > developing some food aversions. I keep doing research to look


> > ways to help him.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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