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Re: regressions

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It's too early to be able to tell if SCD or switching is in order. Everyone

reacts differently when beginning SCD, and 2 months is the beginning.

Could be some bad second month die off happening. Other ideas, a new food

sensitivity or fenol problem surfacing. It is hard to say with no information

about what your kids are eating. As long as there is a holey intestine, there is

opportunity for new sensitivities. This cycle will continue until healing has

taken place, no matter what dies one moves too.

Are your children on digestive enzymes? If not, I would consider it. Also, I

would recommend to introduce no more than one new food every week or two, to

save you from having to back track. It can take awhile to understand the effects

of a problemic food. Heck, we didn't realize we all reacted to Peanut Butter

until getting it completely out of our diet for a month...until then, we thought

we were fine. The beginning of SCD was incredibly rough for us too, I have my

own health problems and two children with autism and other health problems. I

would not trade one ounce of our troubles when transitionning to this diet (I

didn't think it would really work, lol) for what we have now. Healing takes

time, keep that in mind, go back and re-evaluate everything, absolutely every

symptom that is happening, every food that is in the diet, and any place other

illegals may have been introduced. Consider digestive enzymes, and if you want

to, post your daily menu for your children.

Also, when problems arise, especially in the beginning, going back to the

introductory diet can help, that way you can see if it is food related and

introduce foods back in slowly.

Also, do you keep a food journal on your children? Have you introduced yogurt

yet? Are there underlying yeast problems being triggered dietarily?

We still have temporary regressions here and there, they get shorter and less

severe over time. I attribute them mostly to an unintended illegal from

somewhere triggering yeast. Starches are feeders to many yeast and bad microbes,

so especially with microbe related behavoirs, this can actually stop healing and

thus, progress.

Summer, SCD 14 months

jacey_rich jacey_rich@...> wrote:

I have a question

I have read in Dr. Baker's book that there are a number of regressions on the

SCD. I have had

my son on it for 2 months and recently i am seeing a hard regression....he has

done nothing

but sleep on this diet and is falling asleep in school....

Now at 2 months, he is having a lot of old bad stimms - and some new ones.

anyone else see this on the SCD. How long before he is out of it? He seemed to

do much

better on the GFCF but my daughter desperately needs to be on SCD - she is

typical but has

horrible explosive diarrea (sp?) unlesss she is on it.

I am trying not to think about putting them on different diets but wonder if

that is what may

eventually happen.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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> I have a question

> I have read in Dr. Baker's book that there are a number of regressions on the

SCD. I have


> my son on it for 2 months and recently i am seeing a hard regression....he has



> but sleep on this diet and is falling asleep in school....

> Now at 2 months, he is having a lot of old bad stimms - and some new ones.

> anyone else see this on the SCD. How long before he is out of it? He seemed to

do much

> better on the GFCF but my daughter desperately needs to be on SCD - she is

typical but


> horrible explosive diarrea (sp?) unlesss she is on it.

> I am trying not to think about putting them on different diets but wonder if

that is what


> eventually happen.

> jc

At the start of SCD there is often regression or as we call it, " die off. " Bad

bacteria put up a

last ditch battle to prevail over being denied their favorite food, the starch

and sugar that

is restricted from use on SCD. It can mean lethargy, flu like symptoms,

irritabilty, and a

number of other things. It takes a lot of patience on the part of an anxious

parent to see

this phase through. I was told that Dr, Baker although an advocate of SCD in the

past two

years is moving on with some protocols of his own. I cannot verufy this though.

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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Hi JC,

> I have a question

> I have read in Dr. Baker's book that there are a number of

regressions on the SCD.

There are possible regressions/periods of die off - *but* not

everybody gets them.

I have had

> my son on it for 2 months and recently i am seeing a hard

regression....he has done nothing

> but sleep on this diet and is falling asleep in school....

> Now at 2 months, he is having a lot of old bad stimms - and some

new ones.

How long has it been since the stimming returned?

> anyone else see this on the SCD. How long before he is out of it?

He seemed to do much

> better on the GFCF but my daughter desperately needs to be on SCD -

she is typical but has

> horrible explosive diarrea (sp?) unlesss she is on it.

> I am trying not to think about putting them on different diets but

wonder if that is what may

> eventually happen.

Have you added any new foods/supplements/meds lately?


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