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Re: detoxification....

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At least 40 oz. of just water alone everyday. Another 25oz. of juice also

everyday. An average of about 70oz. a day of fluids. Peeing at least 20

times a day. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: detoxification....

> How much water does she drink daily?



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

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" At least 40 oz. of just water alone everyday. Another 25oz. of juice

also everyday. An average of about 70oz. a day of fluids. Peeing at

least 20 times a day. "

Wow, that's a lot of liquid for a child her size.

That's more than most adults drink.

I would be more concerned about drinking too much than drinking too

little. 25oz of juice is a lot of juice.

Most recommendations for children is 8oz per day. The rest should be



mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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I know. She is really thirsty most of the time. I told all her Dr.'s about

it and no one thought it was enough to worry about. I know it is terrible.

She also overindulges on protein and doesn't eat any fruits or veggies. Only

pb for carbs but, just because she favors them a lot but, for the first

couple months would not touch any carbs. I thought allowing her this much

juice was ok because she doesn't really eat carbs. I feel wrong for denying

her the drinks. When I do, she gets a bad cold, infection. For way too long,

I couldn't even break her from the bottle for a long time because she wasn't

drinking enough out of a cup to keep her from getting sick. This happened

until we went on scd. We have had these issues for too long. She has reduced

herself to only eating chicken and eggs now. That doesn't make up the whole

diet so we will have to just wait until she feels she can tolerate more

foods. Her ped. GI says he sees evidence of esophigitis. She has consistency

issues big time. I am a bit discouraged but, cannot begin to think of how

she is feeling. Is there a scd compliant immune booster-vit. c? How much CLO

do I give to her-50lbs.(47 " tall)? Jenn L Re: detoxification....

> " At least 40 oz. of just water alone everyday. Another 25oz. of juice

> also everyday. An average of about 70oz. a day of fluids. Peeing at

> least 20 times a day. "



> Wow, that's a lot of liquid for a child her size.

> That's more than most adults drink.


> I would be more concerned about drinking too much than drinking too

> little. 25oz of juice is a lot of juice.

> Most recommendations for children is 8oz per day. The rest should be

> water.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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70oz isn't enough to make her sick from drinking too much.

And you are right that she needs the carbs. We just need to come up

with a way to get the carbs in food form rather than so much juice. :)

Hopefully the medication for the esophagitus will help and she will be

more open to trying other foods.

There are plenty of legal SCD vitamins and minerals that she could

take. Some brands are listed on pecanbread.com, other brands may also

be okay, just not yet researched.

As for the CLO, my boys take 2 gel caps from Kirkmans. Kali is about

the same size as (He is 48 " , 48lbs.)

responded very positively to colostrum when he was younger and

refused to eat. It made a big difference for him. Maybe some other

people will share what has helped their kids' desire to eat.

Maybe getting rid of the worms will help too.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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Thanks Jody. I will look into the colostrum. I missed putting in that the pb

was actually pb brownies from btvc. I add some zucchini and some walnuts and

she just can't enough of them and then she doesn't want anymore of them for

almost a week. I've tried all the recipes that kids like and she doesn't

like them. She won't eat meatballs or the pancakes no matter how I prepare

them. She cannot tolerate swallowing pureed food of any kind or she gags,

chokes and sometimes vomits. The time is now for her to heal more or she is

going to start losing weight. I need to get some fruits and veggies in her

somehow also. I just don't know how yet. Anyone have any ideas? Jenn & kali

7 months scd ---- Original Message -----

To: pecanbread >

Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 8:56 PM

Subject: Re: detoxification....

> 70oz isn't enough to make her sick from drinking too much.

> And you are right that she needs the carbs. We just need to come up

> with a way to get the carbs in food form rather than so much juice. :)


> Hopefully the medication for the esophagitus will help and she will be

> more open to trying other foods.


> There are plenty of legal SCD vitamins and minerals that she could

> take. Some brands are listed on pecanbread.com, other brands may also

> be okay, just not yet researched.


> As for the CLO, my boys take 2 gel caps from Kirkmans. Kali is about

> the same size as (He is 48 " , 48lbs.)


> responded very positively to colostrum when he was younger and

> refused to eat. It made a big difference for him. Maybe some other

> people will share what has helped their kids' desire to eat.


> Maybe getting rid of the worms will help too.


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I would try some colostrum and the medication for the esophagitus,

plus the medicine to get rid of the worms (natural or

prescription-whatever you decide on).

I think that her system is overrun with " bad guys " . If I had what she

has, I might not want to eat either. Let's try to get rid of the bad

guys and hope that she will be more interested in eating once they are


What about frozen food? Will she eat popsicles?


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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She will eat popsickles if they are only made from fruit juices and water.

What other frozen foods are there on scd? Jenn L

Re: detoxification....

> Jenn,


> I would try some colostrum and the medication for the esophagitus,

> plus the medicine to get rid of the worms (natural or

> prescription-whatever you decide on).


> I think that her system is overrun with " bad guys " . If I had what she

> has, I might not want to eat either. Let's try to get rid of the bad

> guys and hope that she will be more interested in eating once they are

> gone.


> What about frozen food? Will she eat popsicles?


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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What about pureeing a banana in some juice (using a blender), then

freezing it into a popsicle?

Try one and see if she'll eat it. At least it would be a fruit. You

can start with a small amount, maybe 1/4 of a banana in 4 oz of

juice/water and freeze it.

It's just an experiment to see if we can expand the popsicles to

include some pureed fruit.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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I will try it but, she really dislikes the taste of bananas. I let you know

if she likes it. Maybe I can add a drop or two of vanilla to make it

sweeter. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd.

Re: detoxification....

> What about pureeing a banana in some juice (using a blender), then

> freezing it into a popsicle?


> Try one and see if she'll eat it. At least it would be a fruit. You

> can start with a small amount, maybe 1/4 of a banana in 4 oz of

> juice/water and freeze it.


> It's just an experiment to see if we can expand the popsicles to

> include some pureed fruit.


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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She will only drink the Welch's grape juice. Maybe cherries in tiny pieces.

What would that taste like though? Jenn & K

Re: detoxification....

> Use a different fruit then.

> What fruit juices does she like?


> It doesn't have to be bananas.

> How about peaches? Cherries?



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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<<< I need to get some fruits and veggies in her

somehow also. I just don't know how yet. Anyone have any ideas? Jenn &


Have you tried home made " juice " or smoothies? With my ASD boy he won't

eat vegetables, or most fruit, and is very sensitive to different

textures, so what I do is puree fruits and veggies with some ice cubes

(I use a vitamix, but you might try a blender or processor). I often

add a little yogurt too as well as supplements. Today I made pumpkin

pineapple smoothies (it wasn't very sweet though, I should have added

banana or pear, or maybe just a little honey). Yesterday it was beet

apple banana juice. I am sure to blend it a looooong time. If ds finds

anything he considers to be a " lump " or " pulp " I am in trouble ;)


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<<< I need to get some fruits and veggies in her

somehow also. I just don't know how yet. Anyone have any ideas? Jenn &


Have you tried home made " juice " or smoothies? With my ASD boy he won't

eat vegetables, or most fruit, and is very sensitive to different

textures, so what I do is puree fruits and veggies with some ice cubes

(I use a vitamix, but you might try a blender or processor). I often

add a little yogurt too as well as supplements. Today I made pumpkin

pineapple smoothies (it wasn't very sweet though, I should have added

banana or pear, or maybe just a little honey). Yesterday it was beet

apple banana juice. I am sure to blend it a looooong time. If ds finds

anything he considers to be a " lump " or " pulp " I am in trouble ;)


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<<< I need to get some fruits and veggies in her

somehow also. I just don't know how yet. Anyone have any ideas? Jenn &


Have you tried home made " juice " or smoothies? With my ASD boy he won't

eat vegetables, or most fruit, and is very sensitive to different

textures, so what I do is puree fruits and veggies with some ice cubes

(I use a vitamix, but you might try a blender or processor). I often

add a little yogurt too as well as supplements. Today I made pumpkin

pineapple smoothies (it wasn't very sweet though, I should have added

banana or pear, or maybe just a little honey). Yesterday it was beet

apple banana juice. I am sure to blend it a looooong time. If ds finds

anything he considers to be a " lump " or " pulp " I am in trouble ;)


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Yes, consistencies are just not her thing but, so are tastes. She will only

eat raw apples and she doesn't like her foods mixed together with anything.

I do have a blender and a smoothie machine. She likes ice but, not with her

yogurt. She won't even take her yogurt unless I tell her that she needs it.

And really have to persuade her. She won't drink only water and welch's

grape juice. And she will eat apples raw only but, not mixed with anything.

She just won't allow it yet. Maybe soon I hope. Thanks for the idea for the

pineapple pumpkin smoothie- It sounds yummy and I will try it. If she won't

drink it, I will:) Yummy! Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: Re: detoxification....

> <<< I need to get some fruits and veggies in her

> somehow also. I just don't know how yet. Anyone have any ideas? Jenn &

> kali>>>


> Have you tried home made " juice " or smoothies? With my ASD boy he won't

> eat vegetables, or most fruit, and is very sensitive to different

> textures, so what I do is puree fruits and veggies with some ice cubes

> (I use a vitamix, but you might try a blender or processor). I often

> add a little yogurt too as well as supplements. Today I made pumpkin

> pineapple smoothies (it wasn't very sweet though, I should have added

> banana or pear, or maybe just a little honey). Yesterday it was beet

> apple banana juice. I am sure to blend it a looooong time. If ds finds

> anything he considers to be a " lump " or " pulp " I am in trouble ;)


> Laurie





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book _B

reaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Re: detoxification....

| Jenn,


| I would try some colostrum and the medication for the


| plus the medicine to get rid of the worms (natural or

| prescription-whatever you decide on).


Is colostrum legal? Any particular brand? Thanks


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Have any of your family members or yourself had the pinworms before? I

am really worried about the med. We don't have any med. for the esophagitis

yet. The full results will not be given to until Feb. 1. i will ask the doc

what he suggests for K's esophagitis. I'm sure Clostrum must be leagl here.

Jody? Thanks. Jenn & Kali Lessard 7 months scd Re: detoxification....



> | Jenn,

> |

> | I would try some colostrum and the medication for the

> esophagitus,

> | plus the medicine to get rid of the worms (natural or

> | prescription-whatever you decide on).

> |

> Is colostrum legal? Any particular brand? Thanks

> Rhonda





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Kirkman Labs sells unflavored colostrum.

Not very tasty, but legal. I hide it in purple grape juice.

Colostrum was the big turn around for my FTT younger son. We started

him on 1oz a day at age 2 and it made a huge difference for him. He

actually started eating food. It was a slow process and every time I

tried to lower the dose, he ate less or refused to eat again. I

cannot honestly say what exactly was wrong with him or exactly what

the colostrum did to make it better, but he went from pretty much

eating nothing at all (he was on Neocate and drank only enough to stay

alive) to trying new foods and slowly turning into a decent eater.

He still threw up a lot and never expanded his diet very far until we

started SCD. Now, he'll eat just about anything, brussell sprouts



mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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