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Re: Off Topic: 2nd Update on my Dad

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In a message dated 5/22/2000 9:49:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

JULIE0630@... writes:

<< But the test showed severe blockage

and he was transferred to another hospital via ambulance for a quad bypass.

This hospital is about 20 miles from us and is the best in this area for

heart procedures.

To all of you who have been thru something like this I don't have to tell


how frightening this was. >>

, my prayers are with you, you're dad and family. I do know what you're

going thru as my father had to have a quadruple bypass at the age of 55 after

his 2nd heart attack. I know how scary and frightening it can be for you and

also for you're dad, please know I will be thinking and praying for all of



to be on the other side,

Cathy in Lenoir, NC

Patient Info Emailed on 5/2/00

BMI 42

" A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step! "

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In a message dated 5/22/00 9:48:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

JULIE0630@... writes:




I'm so relieved to hear such a good report about your Dad. He and your whole

family remain in my prayers.

I remember when my Dad had bypass surgery. He had a difficult time coming

out of the anesth. and off the respirator, much confusion. But he did great

and was with us for many more years. We were able to laugh months later

about the conversations we had with Dad while he was in the hospital

insisting that he was home and my aunt or brothers were downstairs visiting

with Mom. It's cool how happy memories can come out of such serious


God bess!



MGB 4/10/00


15.25 inches lost forever!!

Dr. Rutledge (http:/clos.net)

" He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the

day of Christ Jesus. " - Phil. 1:6

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, I know this is late, but I want you to know that I do understand what

you're going through, and if I can be of any help, feel free to call or

email me anytime 703/876-9889. Hang in there! :)



Amy S. Poe

MGB 5/22/2000 *I made it!*


United Healthcare Select Plus POS approved

Off Topic: 2nd Update on my Dad

Hi Gang,

Dad had his heart test this morning and since his heart attack was mild we

fully expected to take him home today. But the test showed severe blockage

and he was transferred to another hospital via ambulance for a quad bypass.

This hospital is about 20 miles from us and is the best in this area for

heart procedures.

To all of you who have been thru something like this I don't have to tell


how frightening this was. My Mom got in touch with my brother at work and

we were off to the hospital. Since Dad's stroke he cannot write and Mom had

to sign papers to allow the operation so we needed to get their posthaste.

We did alright, got there about 15 minutes after he did.

We had a chance to see and talk with him before surgery. He was groggy from

some meds and we're not sure how much of what was about to happen he

understood. He was frightened and we all knew he didn't expect this either

and he wanted none of it, he just wanted to go home.

The surgery took 3 instead of the 4 hours they originally told us and they

performed a triple bypass instead of the quad. They took a vein graft from

each leg and one from his chest. All went very well with the operation.

We were allowed to see him in ICU for a short time. He's on a ventilator


has a naso tube both of which should be removed sometime this evening.


are a lot of 'bells & whistles' coming in and going out of him, but details

aren't important.

They try to wake him up a little at a time but want him to remain calm


he's fully awake. He started to wake up while we were with him and he


combative. They already had his arms tied down. This is to prevent


pulling out any tubes in a panic or from fear. Understandable since they

haven't realized what they've just gone thru and are still so groggy.

Well...leave it to my Dad to try and sit up! With legs kicking, he strained

and pulled at his arm restraints and nearly made it to a sitting position.

They gave him some morphine to quiet him down and in case he was having


and then kicked us out of there.

So, I got my answer to an earlier question....which was 'can you tell if he

had another stroke?' The nurse Sue(who was wonderful) said the way he was

moving his arms and legs, that she doubted he'd had another stroke. Sue

allowed us back about 30 minutes later but we didn't talk to him and spoke


whispers so as not to upset him now that he was so calm.

Sue said, 'he sure is a strong man, he nearly made it to a full sitting

position'. Guess they had to practically wrestle him back down till the


took effect. That's my Dad!!! Strong and determined and too stubborn to

leave his family. I'm so proud of him.... =O)

Of course I am not discounting all your prayers and good thoughts and

positive energy. I'm positive God heard all of you and He has seen fit to


us have him for a while longer yet, and we couldn't be happier about it. So

if I could, I'd like to impose upon you once again for a prayer and good

thoughts. If all goes well, and I'm certain it will, we should be bringing

him home 5 days from now.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and for supporting me thru all this.

My surgery will pale in comparision to these last few days. I am not afraid

and my odds of having a successful surgery are much higher than my Dad's


A little venting here. Couldn't believe the doctor who gave Dad the heart

test this morning. He showed Mom the clogged arteries and said because of

his previous stroke and this heart attack that he thought Dad wouldn't make

it thru surgery. What happened to compassion and hope that every patient


the right to have? Why do that to my Mom when she was so afraid to begin

with? I wish I had been there when he said that, he would've heard a few

choice words from me about his crappy attitude.

Sorry about this long post...I'm just so relieved and so emotionally

drained...I tend to ramble.

Hugs to all,







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