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Re: Need your prayers & interviewing tips, please

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You are in my prayers for your interview and insurance.

Some tips...learn whatever you can about the company before the interview.

This will enable you to tell the company how you can best serve their needs.

Prepare several one minute narratives which show your shining moments in

your previous job. Remember that not only are they interviewing you, you are

interviewing them. Walk with confidence (even if you don't feel it, fake it)

and hold your head up high. Tell them why you will be an asset to their

company's bottom line. dont be afraid to ask them questions about the

company, their work environment, the management's style of leadership.

Ask them what they see as the most important quality in the person they are

looking for and then show them how you fit that description.

Above all, know that you are being lifted up on prayer and no matter

what...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Keep us posted!



MGB 4/10/00


15.25 inches lost forever!!

Dr. Rutledge (http:/clos.net)

" He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the

day of Christ Jesus. " - Phil. 1:6

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In a message dated 5/23/00 1:15:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

kpankonin@... writes:

<< I'm really glad you're up

and " on the mend " as they say. Enjoy your trip to Alaska.


You are very welcome!

Speaking of being " up " I should probably get to bed lol! I don't want to sap

my energy before we leave Friday! I'm sure I'll be too excited to sleep on

the plane!



MGB 4/10/00


15.25 inches lost forever!!

Dr. Rutledge (http:/clos.net)

" He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the

day of Christ Jesus. " - Phil. 1:6

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Dear Claire,

Thanks so much for the prayers and great tips! I'm really glad you're up

and " on the mend " as they say. Enjoy your trip to Alaska.

Love, P. in GA

Re: Need your prayers & interviewing tips,


> ,


> You are in my prayers for your interview and insurance.


> Some tips...learn whatever you can about the company before the interview.

> This will enable you to tell the company how you can best serve their


> Prepare several one minute narratives which show your shining moments in

> your previous job. Remember that not only are they interviewing you, you


> interviewing them. Walk with confidence (even if you don't feel it, fake


> and hold your head up high. Tell them why you will be an asset to their

> company's bottom line. dont be afraid to ask them questions about the

> company, their work environment, the management's style of leadership.


> Ask them what they see as the most important quality in the person they


> looking for and then show them how you fit that description.


> Above all, know that you are being lifted up on prayer and no matter

> what...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!


> Keep us posted!


> {{HUGS}}


> Claire

> MGB 4/10/00

> 300/272

> 15.25 inches lost forever!!

> Dr. Rutledge (http:/clos.net)



> " He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the

> day of Christ Jesus. " - Phil. 1:6


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:

> http://click.egroups.com/1/4054/2/_/453517/_/959058469/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm




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Dear Carolyn,

You're certainly up late for a new post-op! Glad you are feeling so well.

Thanks for the advice. I guess I'm really concerned with how I look and

whether my appearance will adversely affect my chances. I am 52 and almost

300 lb. and worry that I don't look like a totally " healthy " person; I kind

of walk slow and, as I mentioned in my first post tonight, my

feet/ankles/legs are really swollen; I'm afraid they won't want to hire me

because of my appearance--I''m not exactly the picture of health. But I

suppose, who is, at 300 lb. I think I generally come across well in

interviews, I know my job/field well and have over 10 yr. experience. I

just wonder how important appearance is these days. Yes, I know they're not

supposed to discriminate, but we all know " they " do. I guess I'm just

looking to have my fears/insecurities chased away.

Why do interviewers like to ask about your strengths/weaknesses??? That's

always a tough question, isn't it? Nobody's perfect, but who likes to point

out their imperfections up front! I know you're supposed to mention one or

two, but then try to turn them around so they really don't look bad, right??

Or is there some other technique I should know?

By the way, how long were you actually gone from home for your MGB? Did you

plan on staying a week? Or don't we need to plan on that anymore? I live 4

hr. from Durham, outside Atlanta, and would like to be able to stay away

from home for as little time as possible, due to cost, since I've been out

of work. Although, I suppose, if I get this job, or any job soon, I guess

the cost wouldn't matter.

Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

P. in GA

Re: Need your prayers & interviewing tips,


> --Dear ,


> My prayers are with you. As for interviewing tips - think up the

> questions you think they will most likely ask you - prepare your

> answers and practice. Practice out loud answering these questions.

> Always be prepared to answer the old strengths and weaknesses

> question. I have not worked in personnel in a number of years, but

> have been a personnel director and majored in Personnel Management

> and Employment Counseling in college. If you have specific

> questions, please feel free to e-mail me and I will be happy to help

> you if I can.

> Carolyn in VA







> - In MiniGastricBypass (AT) e, " Pankonin "

> wrote:

> > As you may recall, I applied for the MGB and then lost my job in

> IL. I have since moved to GA and gotten settled and struggled to pay

> for my Cobra coverage so I can have the MGB. I hadn't had any luck

> finding a job down here and really didn't know if I could work due to

> health problems aggravated by gaining about 60 lb. in the last yr. or

> so. I applied to Soc. Sec. for disability, but did not complete the

> paperwork they sent me and have been debating with myself if I really

> want to call myself disabled and unable to work.

> >

> > I recently decided to send out some resumes; I emailed or faxed 7

> since last Friday to ads in the paper. Today I got 3 phone calls for

> interviews. Two are too far--one 45 mi. and the other 55 miles--but

> I have an appt. at 10 am on Wed. within 25 mi. or so. I have not

> interviewed in 5.5 years and 60 lb. ago, so I am pretty nervous. I

> also had nothing to wear, so went shopping this afternoon looking for

> something to try to cover my fat and swollen feet/ankles/legs. (the

> last job I had was with people I had worked with for 5 yr. & a very

> casual dress environment).

> >

> > Anyway, I am trying to hope for the best. I am very good in my

> field (mortgage loan closer); at least, that's what all my former

> coworkers and bosses said. I just hope the prospective co. can see

> past the obvious. Is it possible?? I really need to get back to

> work to feel better about myself, to feel better health-wise, and so

> I can have the MGB.

> >

> > I read the posts every day and enjoy the gentle humor and rejoice

> in everyone's success stories and wonder if my turn will ever really

> come. I have been on the list since last fall and many people have

> come on and crossed over to the other side during that time. Any and

> all prayers and good thoughts will be appreciated. Also any advice

> about interviewing and not stressing out too much over it. Sorry

> this is so long.

> >

> > Love, P. in GA

> >

> >

> >

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I would like to e-mail you personally with my best advice for your

interview. I will do that in the morning. As you know it is very

late now. I am up because I had about 40 digest to read to catch up

on things. I had my surgery on Friday and came home on Monday. I

live 3 1/2 hours from Durham. If I had not felt so good I would have

stayed longer - but I knew it just was not necessary. Look for

personal email from me around mid morning.

Good night for now. Sleep well.


-- In MiniGastricBypass (AT) e, " Pankonin "


> Dear Carolyn,


> You're certainly up late for a new post-op! Glad you are feeling

so well.

> Thanks for the advice. I guess I'm really concerned with how I

look and

> whether my appearance will adversely affect my chances. I am 52

and almost

> 300 lb. and worry that I don't look like a totally " healthy "

person; I kind

> of walk slow and, as I mentioned in my first post tonight, my

> feet/ankles/legs are really swollen; I'm afraid they won't want to

hire me

> because of my appearance--I''m not exactly the picture of health.

But I

> suppose, who is, at 300 lb. I think I generally come across well in

> interviews, I know my job/field well and have over 10 yr.

experience. I

> just wonder how important appearance is these days. Yes, I know

they're not

> supposed to discriminate, but we all know " they " do. I guess I'm


> looking to have my fears/insecurities chased away.


> Why do interviewers like to ask about your strengths/weaknesses???


> always a tough question, isn't it? Nobody's perfect, but who likes

to point

> out their imperfections up front! I know you're supposed to

mention one or

> two, but then try to turn them around so they really don't look

bad, right??

> Or is there some other technique I should know?


> By the way, how long were you actually gone from home for your

MGB? Did you

> plan on staying a week? Or don't we need to plan on that anymore?

I live 4

> hr. from Durham, outside Atlanta, and would like to be able to stay


> from home for as little time as possible, due to cost, since I've

been out

> of work. Although, I suppose, if I get this job, or any job soon,

I guess

> the cost wouldn't matter.


> Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.


> P. in GA

> Re: Need your prayers & interviewing


> please



> > --Dear ,

> >

> > My prayers are with you. As for interviewing tips - think up the

> > questions you think they will most likely ask you - prepare your

> > answers and practice. Practice out loud answering these


> > Always be prepared to answer the old strengths and weaknesses

> > question. I have not worked in personnel in a number of years,


> > have been a personnel director and majored in Personnel Management

> > and Employment Counseling in college. If you have specific

> > questions, please feel free to e-mail me and I will be happy to


> > you if I can.

> > Carolyn in VA

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > - In MiniGastricBypass (AT) e, " Pankonin "

> > wrote:

> > > As you may recall, I applied for the MGB and then lost my job in

> > IL. I have since moved to GA and gotten settled and struggled to


> > for my Cobra coverage so I can have the MGB. I hadn't had any


> > finding a job down here and really didn't know if I could work

due to

> > health problems aggravated by gaining about 60 lb. in the last

yr. or

> > so. I applied to Soc. Sec. for disability, but did not complete


> > paperwork they sent me and have been debating with myself if I


> > want to call myself disabled and unable to work.

> > >

> > > I recently decided to send out some resumes; I emailed or faxed


> > since last Friday to ads in the paper. Today I got 3 phone calls


> > interviews. Two are too far--one 45 mi. and the other 55 miles--


> > I have an appt. at 10 am on Wed. within 25 mi. or so. I have not

> > interviewed in 5.5 years and 60 lb. ago, so I am pretty nervous.


> > also had nothing to wear, so went shopping this afternoon looking


> > something to try to cover my fat and swollen feet/ankles/legs.


> > last job I had was with people I had worked with for 5 yr. & a


> > casual dress environment).

> > >

> > > Anyway, I am trying to hope for the best. I am very good in my

> > field (mortgage loan closer); at least, that's what all my former

> > coworkers and bosses said. I just hope the prospective co. can


> > past the obvious. Is it possible?? I really need to get back to

> > work to feel better about myself, to feel better health-wise, and


> > I can have the MGB.

> > >

> > > I read the posts every day and enjoy the gentle humor and


> > in everyone's success stories and wonder if my turn will ever


> > come. I have been on the list since last fall and many people


> > come on and crossed over to the other side during that time. Any


> > all prayers and good thoughts will be appreciated. Also any


> > about interviewing and not stressing out too much over it. Sorry

> > this is so long.

> > >

> > > Love, P. in GA

> > >

> > >

> > >

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