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Re: Need info on Yogurt makers :-)

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I had no idea that raisins were dusted in gluten! Is this true for organic

raisins as well?

>I know of only one brand (Sun-Maid - the red box) that

>doesn't dust their raisins with gluten.

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Shoprite carries a brand of raisins from Earthbound Farm Organic. They use

sunflower oil in place of flower. They carry it in their produce section.

If you go on line with Miss Roben's - www.AllergyGrocer.com you will find

that they cary " Just Raisins " brand, also.

ABarberi barberir@...> wrote:

I had no idea that raisins were dusted in gluten! Is this true for organic

raisins as well?

>I know of only one brand (Sun-Maid - the red box) that

>doesn't dust their raisins with gluten.

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I didn't buy a separte yogurt maker (though I's really like to buy an

excaliber food dehydrate which would dehydrate food and make yogurt.)

Instead I just the jar-in-method.

1. I put my milk in large applesause jars I do 2 at a time.(leave

about 1 inch from the top).

2. I place the jars in a large pot of water with a wash cloth on the

bottom (so it does not rattle). Make sure the water goes up to about

1-2 inches from the opening of the jar.

3. Place my candy thermometer in and heat until 185 degrees.

4. Remove from the pot of water and allow to cool to 105 degrees

(after 20 minutes on the counter, I place it in in cold water in the

sink for 20 minutes to cool it rapidly.)

5. While it is cooling, I set up my crock pot setup for the 24 hour

heating process. I have a pot that has a heating base with a

removable dish (you could probaly use a traditional on as well.) I

remove the dish and place a pizza circle pan upside down on top if

it. Then I place the pot that I prevoiusly heated the milk in on top

over the heating base. My crockpot has a heat set knob of 1-5. To

keep my yogurt at 105-110 I set mine in 2 You'll just have to play

with it to get the temp right). I then add a glass or 2 of cold

water to cool the boiling water down.

5. When the yogurt is cooled add the starter and place the lid on

the jars and I place it back in the pot of water. If the water is

still too hot, I place in COLD water to the neck of the jar, if it is

just right, I add warm water to the neck of the jar. Then check the

temp of the water often during the first few hours to make sure it is

just the right temp.

6. 24 hours later your yogurt is done!

Hope this helps!

andrea mother of Caden 2.5 years old SCD since 2/05 and Emmalynn 11


> >

> > My non-verbal 4.5 yr old son just started the SCD yesterday. I

> have

> > some questions to be sure I am 100% having him on the diet


> I

> > understand this is a diet that needs to be followed 100% or there

> > will not be the benefit. In the past my son had severe diarrhea

> w/

> > leaky gut, distended stomach (bacteria) and yeast. His stomach


> > no longer distended and we have greatly reduced the yeast

> issues.

> >

> > My son has been on the CF/GF/SF diet for 2.5 years.

> > On page 61 in the " Introducing the Diet " section (Breaking the

> > Vicious Cycle) the book states that fruits should be ripe, peeled

> > and cooked. It also states that you should wait to introduce the

> > raw fruits until the diarrhea is under control. My son


> > doesn't have the severe diarrhea he had in the past. My son

> > currently has semi-formed soft bowel movements. Since he


> > currently have the diarrhea would we be following the diet by

> > starting with fresh fruit and still leaving the skins on the

> fruits

> > (green apples, pears, grapes, etc.)? My son is very picky about

> > what he eats. He does like fresh green apples with the skins,

> pears

> > with the skins and grapes with the skins, but he isn't interested

> in

> > eating the cooked fruits. My son also likes raw carrots and not

> > cooked carrots. Would it be SCD legal to start with the raw

> carrots?

> >

> > Also, I am looking for advice on how we can still stay casein


> > while on this diet since it appears to me the yogurts are a big

> part

> > of the diet. My son is very sensitive to casein. I am also

> > interested in ideas for treats (reinforcers) both prepackaged and

> > homemade to use with my son's ABA / VB program. In the past we

> > have used CF/GF/SF ginger cookies and dried fruits. With the


> > he won't be able to have the ginger cookies anymore and we will

> need

> > some new options.

> >

> > My son is following the DAN protocol and is prescribed a lot of

> > supplements each day. Yesterday and today I used lemon flavored

> > Crystal Light to cover the taste of his supplements which include

> 2

> > tsp of cod liver oil each day. This morning my son vomited


> > an hour after drinking the supplements (all SCD approved by

> > Kirkman). He has been drinking the cod liver oil for 2.5 years


> I

> > am thinking the diet is the source of the reaction and I hope the

> > vomiting was a good sign of much needed cleansing taking place.

> > Any ideas on other ways to cover / hide the taste of the

> supplements

> > would be greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Please email me directly with any suggestions / tips you may have

> > that might help me help my son.

> >

> > Thank you for your time.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > Mom2mc2004 @ yahoo . com (no spaces in email)

> >


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Mimi or Jody or Sheila,

Can you please tell me how much yogurt to increase and when? I gave Kali

the goat yogurt before but, she didn't take it well, spit it out, gagged,

and gave me an extremely hard time about taking it. I gave her about a month

off and then, restarted it with the almond yogurt. She is on 1/8 tsp. of

almond yogurt. She is still showing signs of die-off, I think. She has a

clear runny nose. And has had it from about 24 hours after we started it, 5

days ago. Also, when would be a good time to start those enzymes? Which

enzymes seem to work best for kids with Autism? I will do the goat yogurt

instead of the nut yogurt in about another 2 weeks or so. I did notice that

she was imitating a lot of words yesterday. Her developmental progress is

showing well but, she keeps getting those ear/sinus infections. Even after

her tubes were put in and tonsils/adenoids out and sinus surgery. We are now

working with a classical homeopath because traditional Dr.'s and medicine

have proved themselves unable to help her. It is way too expensive for this

poor family to bring her to see a DAN! Dr. Thanks a bunch for all your help.

Jenn Lessard

Need info on Yogurt makers :-)

I am interested in trying the goat's milk yogurt with my son after

he has been on the SCD for a full month. So far we are on day two

and I am not sure if we are doing things correctly. I received a

wonderful response from Mimi addressing my concerns about the

importance of the yogurt in the SCD since my son has been casein

free for a long time I was very concerned. Thank you - Mimi - You

have convinced me to give the goat's milk yogurt a try after my son

has been on the diet for a full month. Hopefully I will receive

some responses to my other questions about the fruits and vegetables

because I don't know what I am doing and he won't eat the cooked

fruits and vegetables. He does like the uncooked ones and he likes

the skins. He also likes raisins. Are raisins allowed on the

SCD? I know of only one brand (Sun-Maid - the red box) that

doesn't dust their raisins with gluten.

To prepare for making the yogurt with the goat's milk I now need to

shop for a yogurt maker. The ones I have found say they cook for a

max of 10 hours. I thought SCD needs yogurt heated for 24 hours at

100 to 110 degrees. I am not very good in the kitchen, but my

son's health and future now need me to figure out how to make the

foods his body and brain need to heal. I need to find a very easy

to use and very easy to clean yogurt maker. I would greatly

appreciate if you could email me the brand and model of yogurt maker

you use and why you like or don't like the one you have.

Thank you for your time.


Mom2mc2004 @ yahoo . com (no spaces in email)



> My non-verbal 4.5 yr old son just started the SCD yesterday. I


> some questions to be sure I am 100% having him on the diet because


> understand this is a diet that needs to be followed 100% or there

> will not be the benefit. In the past my son had severe diarrhea


> leaky gut, distended stomach (bacteria) and yeast. His stomach is

> no longer distended and we have greatly reduced the yeast



> My son has been on the CF/GF/SF diet for 2.5 years.

> On page 61 in the " Introducing the Diet " section (Breaking the

> Vicious Cycle) the book states that fruits should be ripe, peeled

> and cooked. It also states that you should wait to introduce the

> raw fruits until the diarrhea is under control. My son currently

> doesn't have the severe diarrhea he had in the past. My son

> currently has semi-formed soft bowel movements. Since he doesn't

> currently have the diarrhea would we be following the diet by

> starting with fresh fruit and still leaving the skins on the


> (green apples, pears, grapes, etc.)? My son is very picky about

> what he eats. He does like fresh green apples with the skins,


> with the skins and grapes with the skins, but he isn't interested


> eating the cooked fruits. My son also likes raw carrots and not

> cooked carrots. Would it be SCD legal to start with the raw



> Also, I am looking for advice on how we can still stay casein free

> while on this diet since it appears to me the yogurts are a big


> of the diet. My son is very sensitive to casein. I am also

> interested in ideas for treats (reinforcers) both prepackaged and

> homemade to use with my son's ABA / VB program. In the past we

> have used CF/GF/SF ginger cookies and dried fruits. With the SCD

> he won't be able to have the ginger cookies anymore and we will


> some new options.


> My son is following the DAN protocol and is prescribed a lot of

> supplements each day. Yesterday and today I used lemon flavored

> Crystal Light to cover the taste of his supplements which include


> tsp of cod liver oil each day. This morning my son vomited about

> an hour after drinking the supplements (all SCD approved by

> Kirkman). He has been drinking the cod liver oil for 2.5 years so


> am thinking the diet is the source of the reaction and I hope the

> vomiting was a good sign of much needed cleansing taking place.

> Any ideas on other ways to cover / hide the taste of the


> would be greatly appreciated.


> Please email me directly with any suggestions / tips you may have

> that might help me help my son.


> Thank you for your time.


> Sincerely,

> Mom2mc2004 @ yahoo . com (no spaces in email)


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Hi mom2mc2004,


has been on the diet for a full month. Hopefully I will receive

> some responses to my other questions about the fruits and


> because I don't know what I am doing and he won't eat the cooked

> fruits and vegetables. He does like the uncooked ones and he


> the skins.

It will be better if you can start with cooked and peeled fruit and

vegetables if still having bowel issues. Raw fruit and veggies are

legal but are harder to digest and can delay gut healing for those

not ready for them.

He also likes raisins. Are raisins allowed on the

> SCD?

Raisins are allowed but are harder to digest because they are 1.

uncooked and 2. have the water removed.

I know of only one brand (Sun-Maid – the red box) that

> doesn't dust their raisins with gluten.


> To prepare for making the yogurt with the goat's milk I now need


> shop for a yogurt maker. The ones I have found say they cook for


> max of 10 hours. I thought SCD needs yogurt heated for 24 hours


> 100 to 110 degrees. I am not very good in the kitchen, but my

> son's health and future now need me to figure out how to make the

> foods his body and brain need to heal. I need to find a very


> to use and very easy to clean yogurt maker.

Many find that the yogurmet is great beacuse you only use one and

don't have to clean a bunch of jars. You can also get a second jar

if you use the yogurt a lot. You can get the yogurmet yogurt maker

from a number of places



Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi Jenn,

> Can you please tell me how much yogurt to increase and when? I

gave Kali

> the goat yogurt before but, she didn't take it well, spit it out,


> and gave me an extremely hard time about taking it. I gave her

about a month

> off and then, restarted it with the almond yogurt. She is on 1/8

tsp. of

> almond yogurt. She is still showing signs of die-off, I think. She

has a

> clear runny nose. And has had it from about 24 hours after we

started it, 5

> days ago.

Are you using epsom salt baths and/or activated charcoal - they may

help with die off.

Are you giving 1/8tsp each day?

You could try 1/4 tsp now and see how she does. Let me know.

Also, when would be a good time to start those enzymes? Which

> enzymes seem to work best for kids with Autism?

It depends what you are using the enzymes for - yeast, digesting

vegetables, phenol problems etc....

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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