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Re: Re: baby food analysis

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Thanks Sheila, the activated charcoal was very helpful

and fast. We dissolved a capsule in half a cup of

water and put it in his mouth with a dropper. Ten

droppers did the trick. His mood was better instantly.

We are using an epsom salt cream every morning too,

but haven't seen any significant change with that, but

maybe it's helping a bit.

Now I just realized the juice we have been giving him

is not legal either (Knudsen Organic Pear). He had

been drinking the one in glass bottles but then we run

out of it and I gave him the one in boxes from

concentrate. I guess that is the last thing and we are

100% legal.

Yesterday I took a couple of tablespoons of goat

yogurt to test for the casein (still breastfeeding).

It didn't go well. He did a big tantrum at bathtime

and seemed to be terrified with the water. I guess we

will have to wait longer to introduce yogurt.

Flor (Simon 22 months ASD, SCD 3 weeks)

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Hi Flor,


> > Beech-Nut baby food....> jarred sweet peas with

> jarred beef. I

> read what Elaine

> > wrote about commercial baby food, but still that

> was

> > our last resort food. In order make sure we sent

> it to

> > a food lab, and it came out that it has 3.8%

> sucrose!


> Thank you for posting this, it is very interesting.



> >.... Today we noticed a little bit

> more of die-off


> I hope Simon is feeling better soon. You might want

> to try either

> epsom salt baths and/or activated charcoal for die

> off

> http://pecanbread.com/badreaction.html (bottom of

> link)


> Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 41 mos









Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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