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Re: change in stools

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okay further update

hes gone again much firmer again but now its stringy yellow with lots of dark

specks - im to assume here candida die off?

if thats the case - hoorah for fermented goat yogurt!!!

eeejay174 eeejay174@...> wrote:

hi all

im confused, i know i probably shouldnt have but i went gun-ho with

the goat yogurt and have given the boys 1 tsp with breakfast for the

last 2 days

anyway today fian has had 2 terribly loose bowel movements, rather

yellowy but no undigested food but loads of orange bacterial bits in

it as opposed to black, hes just had a 3rd one, and it was solid,

orangy brown with undigested food in it

im not sure wether to see this as an improvement or not?

when it was total mush there was no food and now its solid there is

can anyone explain this to me?


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Is your child on the spectrum? I'd love it if Eli could eat goat

yogurt some day. We tried making our own a while ago, but we weren't

on SCD. Eli had one tbsp and it was a disaster.

a H.

> hi all


> im confused, i know i probably shouldnt have but i went gun-ho with

> the goat yogurt and have given the boys 1 tsp with breakfast for


> last 2 days


> anyway today fian has had 2 terribly loose bowel movements, rather

> yellowy but no undigested food but loads of orange bacterial bits


> it as opposed to black, hes just had a 3rd one, and it was solid,

> orangy brown with undigested food in it


> im not sure wether to see this as an improvement or not?


> when it was total mush there was no food and now its solid there is


> can anyone explain this to me?


> ty







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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" Eli had one tbsp and it was a disaster. "


One TBL is a LOT to start with.

We recommend that the kids start with 1/8-1/4 tsp.

Then gradually work up to more.

Yogurt is a LOT more powerful than encaspulated/powdered probiotics.


mom to -6 and -8

SCD 30 months

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fian would have been without scd to be honest - despite all his bowel

problemswhich can make his behaviour really off - generally he improved so much

in such a short space of time that she said he had some oddities like echolia

etc but felt one he was too young and too they werent severe enough to give a

diagnosis - considering the fact the gp asked me if he adhd and did i want a

referral 2 weeks beofre scd kicked in (she didnt know the health visitor had

referred me) i think hes done pretty well

i think if you are worried about giving it - i would give it along with houston

peptizyde enzymes then there is no risk of any beta milk proteins affecting his

behaviour and if you do have any behavioural issues then you will know for sure

that its just down to die off

a tbsp is a lot to start with and could well have produced a major die off

a tsp is a lot too most people recommend just 1/8th but they had just such a bad

week that i wanted to try and rectify the damage as quickly as possible, which

in fairness it appears that it has



phashmall PHashmall@...> wrote:


Is your child on the spectrum? I'd love it if Eli could eat goat

yogurt some day. We tried making our own a while ago, but we weren't

on SCD. Eli had one tbsp and it was a disaster.

a H.

> hi all


> im confused, i know i probably shouldnt have but i went gun-ho with

> the goat yogurt and have given the boys 1 tsp with breakfast for


> last 2 days


> anyway today fian has had 2 terribly loose bowel movements, rather

> yellowy but no undigested food but loads of orange bacterial bits


> it as opposed to black, hes just had a 3rd one, and it was solid,

> orangy brown with undigested food in it


> im not sure wether to see this as an improvement or not?


> when it was total mush there was no food and now its solid there is


> can anyone explain this to me?


> ty







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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I thought his reaction was more from the casein than from the

probiotics. Also, he weighs 135 lbs. So I thought that the 1/4 tsp

was for starting out on a small kid. Nevertheless, if we ever try

again, it will be with a small amount. Thanks, a H.

> " Eli had one tbsp and it was a disaster. "



> a,


> One TBL is a LOT to start with.


> We recommend that the kids start with 1/8-1/4 tsp.

> Then gradually work up to more.


> Yogurt is a LOT more powerful than encaspulated/powdered probiotics.


> Jody

> mom to -6 and -8

> SCD 30 months

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