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Can SCD help with seizure disorder?

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SCD for Seizure Control


I was afraid of how it would interfere with her seizure meds



recovers fron Siezures


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Thank you all for your responses & emails. The information has been very

helpful. I have forwarded all the information and hope that she will give SCD a

try. She is very encouraged by the progress my son has made on SCD.

Thanks again,

> > > > There is a 2.5 yr girl that goes to the same speech thearpy as my ASD

> >son.

> > > > She is not autistic, but has seizure disorder. She has been taking

> >meds to

> > > > control the seizures for the past year +

> > > >

> > > > Once she goes off the meds, she regresses and the seizures come


> >I

> > > > recommened SCD to her mother, but I'm not sure it will help her. Does

> >anyone

> > > > have any advice for me to give. I don't feel the meds will help her in

> >the

> >long

> > > > term, something more can be done.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you,

> > > >

> > >

> > > A former member of this list, Patty Dubrovic used a Ketogenic Diet for

> >her

> >child Katera

> > > who had a seizure disorder. I believe she had the child on SCD at some

> >point. Perhaps Jody

> > > will be able to recall the details

> > >

> > > Carol F.

> > > SCD 5 years, celiac

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> >_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> >websites:

> > > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > > and

> > > http://www.pecanbread.com

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> hi


> my point of epilepsy is this, epilepsy, autistis spectrum disorders and

migraine all run

along the same bio-chemical pathway


> Dr Reichelt based in oslo university norway did a study on people with


and epilepsy and found that by removing wheat and dairy, their symptoms either

decreased so dramatically that they no longer required medication or required

very little


> hth

Dr. R. likes GFCF.

Carol F.

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Before starting SCD, especially since this is a seizure

disorder/epilepsy concern... Make certain the pediatric neurologist

and pediatrician are well aware of the dietary changes contemplated

because my understanding is that such dietary changes can change the

medication levels found in the blood. This means, if on Trileptal

for example (a widely used anticonvulsant drug), the simple blood

test to check Trileptal level would probably be increased to watch

for sudden increase within the bloodstream (there are known risk

factors to having too much Trileptal in the system).

I'm not against SCD by any means, but playing around with diet while

on anticonvulsants is something that needs doctor supervision as

well. :) Good luck... Here's a link describing epilepsy and seizure

disorders: http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/answerplace/faq.cfm

seizures are one " symptom " of epilepsy, but seizures do not equal

epilepsy diagnosis.

Granted, ASD and Epilepsy are in the same realm. My best

recommendation would be talk with your ped. neuro. and pediatrician

FIRST... A diet change for a child w/ epilepsy is NOT something that

should be done without Dr consultation (and constant monitoring).

Best wishes,


Mom of 4; 5 yr old daughter has childhood epilepsy and 3.5 year old

son has regressive autism

> > > There is a 2.5 yr girl that goes to the same speech thearpy as

my ASD

> son.

> > > She is not autistic, but has seizure disorder. She has been

taking meds to

> > > control the seizures for the past year +

> > >

> > > Once she goes off the meds, she regresses and the seizures

come back. I

> > > recommened SCD to her mother, but I'm not sure it will help

her. Does

> anyone

> > > have any advice for me to give. I don't feel the meds will

help her in the

> long

> > > term, something more can be done.

> > >

> > > Thank you,

> > >

> >

> > A former member of this list, Patty Dubrovic used a Ketogenic

Diet for her

> child Katera

> > who had a seizure disorder. I believe she had the child on SCD

at some

> point. Perhaps Jody

> > will be able to recall the details

> >

> > Carol F.

> > SCD 5 years, celiac

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> There is a 2.5 yr girl that goes to the same speech

> thearpy as my ASD son.

> She is not autistic, but has seizure disorder. She

> has been taking meds to

> control the seizures for the past year +


> Once she goes off the meds, she regresses and the

> seizures come back. I

> recommened SCD to her mother, but I'm not sure it

> will help her. Does anyone

> have any advice for me to give. I don't feel the

> meds will help her in the long

> term, something more can be done.


Hi , my 7 year old son Hudson has now been

seizure free for just over a year, he started SCD for

his gut condition in August last year and his last

major status sseizure was two weeks after that, none

since, major celebrations here since he was having to

go to hospital every5-6 weeks to stop the seizures and

having many small ones each day. SCD is the only thing

that could have changed this. He's also medication

free, we had to change meds just before we started so

asked his neuro if we could go med free for a while,

give it a few weeks before starting a new med and

started SCD right then, never needed another


Hudson has cerebral palsy, we have many friends with

epilepsy and though every sees the changes with their

own eyes not one has wanted to try the diet- so by all

means recommend the diet but don't put a friendship on

the line, so many people believe their neuro's that

the epilepsy is intractible and only the right

combination of medication will help, nothing else can

because it's the brain that is damaged and nothing

will change that. We no longer bother to see our neuro

since he would never recommend the diet or even

acknowledge that the diet is the only factor that

could cause the seizures to stop, they think it's just

a pause in his epilepsy and we'll be back- hahahaha!!

I'm happy for anyone to give my email address to

anyone who wants more details on his epilepsy, Chris

in New Zealand.

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Wow, your story is an inspiration. I'm glad your son is doing so well on SCD

and med-free. I will forward your information to my friend. And you're

absolutely right about recommending the diet. I've given her all the

information and responses I received from this list, and I hope she gives it a

try. I think she has some doubts. She has seen the progress my son has made

on SCD and legal supplements…I really hope she gives it a try. Nothing to

lose, right?




> > There is a 2.5 yr girl that goes to the same speech

> > thearpy as my ASD son.

> > She is not autistic, but has seizure disorder. She

> > has been taking meds to

> > control the seizures for the past year +

> >

> > Once she goes off the meds, she regresses and the

> > seizures come back. I

> > recommened SCD to her mother, but I'm not sure it

> > will help her. Does anyone

> > have any advice for me to give. I don't feel the

> > meds will help her in the long

> > term, something more can be done.

> >

> Hi , my 7 year old son Hudson has now been

> seizure free for just over a year, he started SCD for

> his gut condition in August last year and his last

> major status sseizure was two weeks after that, none

> since, major celebrations here since he was having to

> go to hospital every5-6 weeks to stop the seizures and

> having many small ones each day. SCD is the only thing

> that could have changed this. He's also medication

> free, we had to change meds just before we started so

> asked his neuro if we could go med free for a while,

> give it a few weeks before starting a new med and

> started SCD right then, never needed another

> medication.

> Hudson has cerebral palsy, we have many friends with

> epilepsy and though every sees the changes with their

> own eyes not one has wanted to try the diet- so by all

> means recommend the diet but don't put a friendship on

> the line, so many people believe their neuro's that

> the epilepsy is intractible and only the right

> combination of medication will help, nothing else can

> because it's the brain that is damaged and nothing

> will change that. We no longer bother to see our neuro

> since he would never recommend the diet or even

> acknowledge that the diet is the only factor that

> could cause the seizures to stop, they think it's just

> a pause in his epilepsy and we'll be back- hahahaha!!

> I'm happy for anyone to give my email address to

> anyone who wants more details on his epilepsy, Chris

> in New Zealand.


> Send instant messages to your online friends http://


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