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Re: die off after 1 yr SCD?

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Is your child ASD?

There is a final expected regression at the 11month

mark with ASD kids. It is supposed to be the longest

and most pronounced regression, lasting up to

21 days. However, there is usually great gains

seen after the regression. I don't know if this is

what is happening with your child, just thought

it might help....especially if you are blaming yourself.

When Peyton had his regression at 5mos, I tried to

look at it as a good thing, when I finally figured out

what was going on. HIs lasted for about 12-14 days

and now he is back to normal with some moderate

gains (more verbal and better eye contact, along with

formed stool for the first time in about 4 mos) I hope

this is the case with you.

Take Care,


Peyton 2.5 asd scd (5+ mos)

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Thanks for the information, Tammy. 21 days?! Ack!

I honestly don't know though if that's what's going on here. We seem

to have entered a rough spot, but it's inconsistent. For example,

today she had an awful morning with arguing, tantrums and biting -

the worst she's been in a while - and then had a pretty good

afternoon - engaging with kids at preschool, offering to help her

brother, etc. I don't get it. Have long-time SCD'ers seen a

regression that looks like that?

I guess it's also possible that regressions just look different as

progress is made. Since our last really bad spell, we've added

enzymes and other therapies that may be helping, so we're on

slightly different ground here. She really loves her afternoon

preschool so she also might just get excited and rise to the

occasion - even if she's not feeling great.

Oh well... we'll wait and see how long the zig-zagging seems to last.

It's just disconcerting to not know what mindframe you're going to

find at any given moment.



> Cindy,


> Is your child ASD?


> There is a final expected regression at the 11month

> mark with ASD kids. It is supposed to be the longest

> and most pronounced regression, lasting up to

> 21 days. However, there is usually great gains

> seen after the regression. I don't know if this is

> what is happening with your child, just thought

> it might help....especially if you are blaming yourself.

> When Peyton had his regression at 5mos, I tried to

> look at it as a good thing, when I finally figured out

> what was going on. HIs lasted for about 12-14 days

> and now he is back to normal with some moderate

> gains (more verbal and better eye contact, along with

> formed stool for the first time in about 4 mos) I hope

> this is the case with you.


> Take Care,

> Tammy

> Peyton 2.5 asd scd (5+ mos)




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Hi Cindy,

> My daughter's approaching 12 months on SCD (next week). Has anyone

> seen another round of die-off happen at this point? We've had some

> yucky, yeasty-looking stools, poor referencing and cranky behavior


> the past few days.


> I gave her some legally soaked and cooked navy beans for the first

> time on Sunday morning, and she's been miserable ever since. I don't

> know whether she's just having some kind of die-off (and the bean

> timing is coincidental) or whether the beans wrecked her tummy.


> she hasn't been miserable for this long after eating a food she


> tolerate - it seems to resolve itself within a day or so.

It sounds as if she isn't ready for cooked beans. Since she is having

a harder time with this than other food it may be a good idea to give

a basic diet for 1 or 2 days to help clear it out of her system. It

could also be further die off but right now it seems to be indicating

the beans. Has she had regular bursts of further die off in the first


You wrote yeasty sools - is she battling yeast?

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

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Hi Sheila.

Yeah... you're probably right about the beans. In any case, I'm not

giving them to her again for a long while. She passed 3 yucky stools

that day (Sunday) and hasn't gone since (it completely cleared out

her system). She'd been fairly regular lately going once a day.

We're not exactly " battling " yeast, but she does take 2 Candidase

every night to keep it in check, and it seems to be working. But a

few days before the bean incident, she started getting orally stimmy

again, and then two of the stools she passed that day were spongy &

feathery at the end, which I usually think of as yeasty. I gave her

another Candidase dose late that afternoon to help her clean out her

gut and also gave her slightly larger doses of Peptizide with her

meals for the same purpose.

I didn't think that one food " transgression " would make her so

grumpy for several days afterwards, though, unless it really ruined

her gut. Thoughts? That's why I was wondering if it might be part of

a larger deal.




> Hi Cindy,


> > My daughter's approaching 12 months on SCD (next week). Has


> > seen another round of die-off happen at this point? We've had


> > yucky, yeasty-looking stools, poor referencing and cranky


> in

> > the past few days.

> >

> > I gave her some legally soaked and cooked navy beans for the


> > time on Sunday morning, and she's been miserable ever since. I


> > know whether she's just having some kind of die-off (and the


> > timing is coincidental) or whether the beans wrecked her tummy.

> Lately

> > she hasn't been miserable for this long after eating a food she

> can't

> > tolerate - it seems to resolve itself within a day or so.


> It sounds as if she isn't ready for cooked beans. Since she is


> a harder time with this than other food it may be a good idea to


> a basic diet for 1 or 2 days to help clear it out of her system.


> could also be further die off but right now it seems to be


> the beans. Has she had regular bursts of further die off in the


> year?


> You wrote yeasty sools - is she battling yeast?



> Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 41 mos


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Hi Cindy,

> I didn't think that one food " transgression " would make her so

> grumpy for several days afterwards, though, unless it really ruined

> her gut. Thoughts?

It would seem to indicate that she *really* isn't ready for beans yet.

She couldn't tolerate it the yeasties etc. did. Going basic for a d

ay or two should help with the grumpiness. Also epsom salt

baths/activated charcoal may also help.

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

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