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Re: HELP....

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Sorry. I didn't think it was going to go through since almost none of my

other ones have lately. I would appreciate any help from moderators or any

other parent that has been through this very same thing before. Thanks in

advance. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd.


> Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months ago. She

had die-off a few times. She also made great gains. Although, the only

veggies she has eaten are uncooked carrots and cooked zucchini which I hid

in the pb brownies but, only once a week would she eat them each. I give her

carrot & pinapple juice with water and occasionally grape juice. That's all

she drinks. She will only eat raw apples and never started with cooked,

peeled or deseeded fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a

bite of pureed or warm fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is

too grossed out(?) to want anything else. She is very thin already and she

will wait till she gets home from school to want to eat anything almost

everyday. When she comes home, she indulges in protein ONLY! She has had

some recent infractions and she is no longer looking me in the eye or

imitating me. Did her yeast grow back with the infractions? I feel she may

have problems because she gets constipated




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The moderators must be on Christmas vacation....:)




> > Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months ago. She

> had die-off a few times. She also made great gains. Although, the only

> veggies she has eaten are uncooked carrots and cooked zucchini which I hid

> in the pb brownies but, only once a week would she eat them each. I give


> carrot & pinapple juice with water and occasionally grape juice. That's


> she drinks. She will only eat raw apples and never started with cooked,

> peeled or deseeded fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a

> bite of pureed or warm fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is

> too grossed out(?) to want anything else. She is very thin already and she

> will wait till she gets home from school to want to eat anything almost

> everyday. When she comes home, she indulges in protein ONLY! She has had

> some recent infractions and she is no longer looking me in the eye or

> imitating me. Did her yeast grow back with the infractions? I feel she may

> have problems because she gets constipated

> >

> >

> >

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Does it sound like she needs to be on a rotation diet? I haven't done much

checking into the rd's. I know her I gA is 478. From 0-100 that's really too

high. We don't know why yet...Jenn & Kali 7 months scd




> > Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months ago. She

> had die-off a few times. She also made great gains. Although, the only

> veggies she has eaten are uncooked carrots and cooked zucchini which I hid

> in the pb brownies but, only once a week would she eat them each. I give


> carrot & pinapple juice with water and occasionally grape juice. That's


> she drinks. She will only eat raw apples and never started with cooked,

> peeled or deseeded fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a

> bite of pureed or warm fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is

> too grossed out(?) to want anything else. She is very thin already and she

> will wait till she gets home from school to want to eat anything almost

> everyday. When she comes home, she indulges in protein ONLY! She has had

> some recent infractions and she is no longer looking me in the eye or

> imitating me. Did her yeast grow back with the infractions? I feel she may

> have problems because she gets constipated

> >

> >

> >

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> Does it sound like she needs to be on a rotation diet?

Rotation is not a basic SCD protocol as we aim at variety. But if that works for

you I would

not try to discourage you from continuing with it.

However, I would not suggest is as a general procedure to others. Also,

constant reptition

of only the same foods every day long term is not the best idea.

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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Hi Jenn,

What did she eat before SCD?

How about making foods that have cooked veggies added in? Meatloaf,

meatballs? The bread recipe that uses cooked vegetables in the file

section (If you puree the veggies beforehand you won't know at all),

tomato sauce pureed with cooked vegetables.



> Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months

ago. She had die-off a few times. She also made great gains.

Although, the only veggies she has eaten are uncooked carrots and

cooked zucchini which I hid in the pb brownies but, only once a week

would she eat them each. I give her carrot & pinapple juice with

water and occasionally grape juice. That's all she drinks. She will

only eat raw apples and never started with cooked, peeled or

deseeded fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a bite

of pureed or warm fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is

too grossed out(?) to want anything else. She is very thin already

and she will wait till she gets home from school to want to eat

anything almost everyday. When she comes home, she indulges in

protein ONLY! She has had some recent infractions and she is no

longer looking me in the eye or imitating me. Did her yeast grow

back with the infractions? I feel she may have problems because she

gets constipated like she is - 3 days now- and all with protein left

in there for too long. Do I take away the eggs and meat when she

gets home and force her to choose something good or not eat at all?

She has very dark circles around her eyes now and only noticed them

before she went on the diet. This cannot be healthy. Why won't she

eat? Is she holding out for the " bad " foods? She ate a hershey's

kiss one day, 2 pieces of potatoe bread another day and 2 big bites

off of butter cut into a star another day. All at holiday parties we

were invited to and I tried to stop her but, she is quick and knows

to swallow fast. She has even had increased PICA. What can I do for

her constipation? She will not eat anything that will make her need

to go. I need a supplement or something that will work fast and see

if she's just not feeling great due to the constipation. Sorry so

long but, how much longer does she need to be going through all this-

No Eating at times and not eating the good stuff. I'm sure she has

GI problems and hope to have these addressed soon. I will try to

stick with it for the next month until those GI test results come

back and maybe start over at that time. Right now, I don't think

it'll be beneficial to start over because she won't eat most of the

foods on the intro. Do the moderators here have any helpful

suggestions? We went through going off meds and behaviors are down.

We aren't going back to pre-scd ever again so, we would appreciate

any help please. Thanks in advance. Jenn & Kali Lessard 7 months scd

and hanging in there.




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Kali ate potatoe chips, chocalate chip cookies, french fries and meat only

before the diet. She was just weaned off of McD's chix nuggets a month ago

also to make it 100 SCD but, the way she's choosing not to eat certain foods

or at all is not good. I tried the meatballs. She won't eat ground meat.

She won't eat any breads either, if I buy them or bake them myself -only the

pb brownies. No crackers. Her carb intake is usually just the juices. She

just won't eat any other carbs except only if she gets her hands on a

friend's cheerios or chips at school. Her teacher knows the strictness of

this diet and is good about not letting it happen but, Kali is very quick

about it. Thanks. Sheila. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: HELP....

Hi Jenn,

What did she eat before SCD?

How about making foods that have cooked veggies added in? Meatloaf,

meatballs? The bread recipe that uses cooked vegetables in the file

section (If you puree the veggies beforehand you won't know at all),

tomato sauce pureed with cooked vegetables.



> Ok here goes. I put my daughter, 5 with Autism on SCD 7 months

ago. She had die-off a few times. She also made great gains.

Although, the only veggies she has eaten are uncooked carrots and

cooked zucchini which I hid in the pb brownies but, only once a week

would she eat them each. I give her carrot & pinapple juice with

water and occasionally grape juice. That's all she drinks. She will

only eat raw apples and never started with cooked, peeled or

deseeded fruits or veggies. She literally throws up when just a bite

of pureed or warm fruits or veggies touches her tounge. Then, she is

too grossed out(?) to want anything else. She is very thin already

and she will wait till she gets home from school to want to eat

anything almost everyday. When she comes home, she indulges in

protein ONLY! She has had some recent infractions and she is no

longer looking me in the eye or imitating me. Did her yeast grow

back with the infractions? I feel she may have problems because she

gets constipated like she is - 3 days now- and all with protein left

in there for too long. Do I take away the eggs and meat when she

gets home and force her to choose something good or not eat at all?

She has very dark circles around her eyes now and only noticed them

before she went on the diet. This cannot be healthy. Why won't she

eat? Is she holding out for the " bad " foods? She ate a hershey's

kiss one day, 2 pieces of potatoe bread another day and 2 big bites

off of butter cut into a star another day. All at holiday parties we

were invited to and I tried to stop her but, she is quick and knows

to swallow fast. She has even had increased PICA. What can I do for

her constipation? She will not eat anything that will make her need

to go. I need a supplement or something that will work fast and see

if she's just not feeling great due to the constipation. Sorry so

long but, how much longer does she need to be going through all this-

No Eating at times and not eating the good stuff. I'm sure she has

GI problems and hope to have these addressed soon. I will try to

stick with it for the next month until those GI test results come

back and maybe start over at that time. Right now, I don't think

it'll be beneficial to start over because she won't eat most of the

foods on the intro. Do the moderators here have any helpful

suggestions? We went through going off meds and behaviors are down.

We aren't going back to pre-scd ever again so, we would appreciate

any help please. Thanks in advance. Jenn & Kali Lessard 7 months scd

and hanging in there.




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I just meant it to be funny- I hope I didn't insult you. If I did I am

sorry. I do understand the holidays and kids. And I do appreciate all the

help I get here. So thank you again for everything and I hope we can sort

through this mess. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: HELP....


> The moderators must be on Christmas vacation....:)

No, it's just a really busy time of year with appointments, kids and

such. Y'know - life.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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I just meant it to be funny- I hope I didn't insult you. If I did I am

sorry. I do understand the holidays and kids. And I do appreciate all the

help I get here. So thank you again for everything and I hope we can sort

through this mess. Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: HELP....


> The moderators must be on Christmas vacation....:)

No, it's just a really busy time of year with appointments, kids and

such. Y'know - life.


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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Nope, not on vacation.

What type of meat does she like?

Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?

What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit juice? If

I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people running

to the toilet.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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In regards to a rotation diet...

Very few people actually implement a true rotation diet where only

foods from the same family are eaten on the same day and the families

are rotated on a 4 day cycle.

Given what you've said about her pickiness and willingness to hold

out, I don't honestly see how you could implement a true rotation diet.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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In regards to a rotation diet...

Very few people actually implement a true rotation diet where only

foods from the same family are eaten on the same day and the families

are rotated on a 4 day cycle.

Given what you've said about her pickiness and willingness to hold

out, I don't honestly see how you could implement a true rotation diet.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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If you just got the last of the wheat out of her diet a month ago, my

guess would be that she has been going through withdrawal and that

she's craving it REALLY bad. At least my son did. He did anything

and everything he could just to get a tiny bite of something.

I honestly saw him looking like he needed a cigarette or something.

Like he was really physically addicted to it.

If those foods are in her classroom, I wouldn't be surprised if she's

not getting something she shouldn't every day she goes to school,

especially since you say that she's sneaky and quick.

Maybe over the Christmas break, you can get her system 100% legal and

keep her away from infractions. I know it seems impossible. I'm not

sure how heavy she is, but it may involve you carrying her around at

family/friend's holiday events.

Oftentimes, once kids get all of the " bad " stuff out of their systems,

they open up to trying new foods.

You mentioned chocolate chip cookies... will she eat any other kind of



mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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If you just got the last of the wheat out of her diet a month ago, my

guess would be that she has been going through withdrawal and that

she's craving it REALLY bad. At least my son did. He did anything

and everything he could just to get a tiny bite of something.

I honestly saw him looking like he needed a cigarette or something.

Like he was really physically addicted to it.

If those foods are in her classroom, I wouldn't be surprised if she's

not getting something she shouldn't every day she goes to school,

especially since you say that she's sneaky and quick.

Maybe over the Christmas break, you can get her system 100% legal and

keep her away from infractions. I know it seems impossible. I'm not

sure how heavy she is, but it may involve you carrying her around at

family/friend's holiday events.

Oftentimes, once kids get all of the " bad " stuff out of their systems,

they open up to trying new foods.

You mentioned chocolate chip cookies... will she eat any other kind of



mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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She will eat maybe 1 small brownie a day and I do put zucchini in it. But,

lately she does not even want them. We have used carrot juice, a small amt.

every other day for quite a while now and still constipation. She will not

eat hamburgers or ground meat of any kind. I feel very much at an end for

her. She eats the same things everyday and I'm afraid she will or is having

a reaction to these foods too now since her infractions. It has been 6 days

of restlessness. And night wakenings also. Thanks for any ideas. Jenn & Kali

scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> Nope, not on vacation.



> What type of meat does she like?

> Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?


> What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit juice? If

> I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people running

> to the toilet.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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She will eat maybe 1 small brownie a day and I do put zucchini in it. But,

lately she does not even want them. We have used carrot juice, a small amt.

every other day for quite a while now and still constipation. She will not

eat hamburgers or ground meat of any kind. I feel very much at an end for

her. She eats the same things everyday and I'm afraid she will or is having

a reaction to these foods too now since her infractions. It has been 6 days

of restlessness. And night wakenings also. Thanks for any ideas. Jenn & Kali

scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> Nope, not on vacation.



> What type of meat does she like?

> Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?


> What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit juice? If

> I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people running

> to the toilet.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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She will eat maybe 1 small brownie a day and I do put zucchini in it. But,

lately she does not even want them. We have used carrot juice, a small amt.

every other day for quite a while now and still constipation. She will not

eat hamburgers or ground meat of any kind. I feel very much at an end for

her. She eats the same things everyday and I'm afraid she will or is having

a reaction to these foods too now since her infractions. It has been 6 days

of restlessness. And night wakenings also. Thanks for any ideas. Jenn & Kali

scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> Nope, not on vacation.



> What type of meat does she like?

> Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?


> What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit juice? If

> I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people running

> to the toilet.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I'm having a hard time getting anything in her at all. I fear we may need to

start over at some point but, she's really lost some of her progress lately

and she won't eat the intro foods and never has. Jenn & K scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> In regards to a rotation diet...


> Very few people actually implement a true rotation diet where only

> foods from the same family are eaten on the same day and the families

> are rotated on a 4 day cycle.


> Given what you've said about her pickiness and willingness to hold

> out, I don't honestly see how you could implement a true rotation diet.


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I'm having a hard time getting anything in her at all. I fear we may need to

start over at some point but, she's really lost some of her progress lately

and she won't eat the intro foods and never has. Jenn & K scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> In regards to a rotation diet...


> Very few people actually implement a true rotation diet where only

> foods from the same family are eaten on the same day and the families

> are rotated on a 4 day cycle.


> Given what you've said about her pickiness and willingness to hold

> out, I don't honestly see how you could implement a true rotation diet.


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I'm having a hard time getting anything in her at all. I fear we may need to

start over at some point but, she's really lost some of her progress lately

and she won't eat the intro foods and never has. Jenn & K scd 7 months

Re: HELP....

> In regards to a rotation diet...


> Very few people actually implement a true rotation diet where only

> foods from the same family are eaten on the same day and the families

> are rotated on a 4 day cycle.


> Given what you've said about her pickiness and willingness to hold

> out, I don't honestly see how you could implement a true rotation diet.


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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She used to like the spicy walnut cookies but, will no longer eat them

either. Kali has to go through a cleanout with senna & magnesium citrate to

be ready for GI scopes next Thurs. & a nutritional analysis among other

tests. The GI Dr. will be using secretin. i hope it works for her on a

treatment basis but, who knows... Jenn & Kali 7 months scd

Re: HELP....

> Jen,


> If you just got the last of the wheat out of her diet a month ago, my

> guess would be that she has been going through withdrawal and that

> she's craving it REALLY bad. At least my son did. He did anything

> and everything he could just to get a tiny bite of something.


> I honestly saw him looking like he needed a cigarette or something.

> Like he was really physically addicted to it.


> If those foods are in her classroom, I wouldn't be surprised if she's

> not getting something she shouldn't every day she goes to school,

> especially since you say that she's sneaky and quick.


> Maybe over the Christmas break, you can get her system 100% legal and

> keep her away from infractions. I know it seems impossible. I'm not

> sure how heavy she is, but it may involve you carrying her around at

> family/friend's holiday events.


> Oftentimes, once kids get all of the " bad " stuff out of their systems,

> they open up to trying new foods.


> You mentioned chocolate chip cookies... will she eat any other kind of

> cookie?


> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Have you tried giving your daughter Magnesium Oxide for her

constipation problems? It works by drawing moisture into the bowel,

is a non-stimulant, and is not habit forming. It has really helped

my son who has had horrible problems with constipation. I was

having to continually increase the amount of magnesium citrate I

gave him to get him to have a bm, and then it would be completely

runny. A small amount of magnesium oxide helps him go daily. I buy

the powdered mag oxide and put 1/4 tsp. in his juice. I have also

put it in his pancakes or muffins when he wasn't drinking his juice

very well. It can also be mixed in with a spoonful of food. If she

is really constipated right now, you may need to give her a larger

dose along with some magnesium citrate or vitamin C powder to get

her going. Just another option since you asked if there was a

supplement that may work. I tried and tried to get my son's

constipation issues fixed through food, but it just wouldn't work

for him because he either wouldn't eat a particular food or he

didn't tolerate things like carrots for juicing or prune juice

nectar and various other natural food ways to stop constipation.

Hope this or something else that has been suggested will help you.



> Nope, not on vacation.



> What type of meat does she like?

> Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?


> What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit

juice? If

> I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people


> to the toilet.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03


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Have you tried giving your daughter Magnesium Oxide for her

constipation problems? It works by drawing moisture into the bowel,

is a non-stimulant, and is not habit forming. It has really helped

my son who has had horrible problems with constipation. I was

having to continually increase the amount of magnesium citrate I

gave him to get him to have a bm, and then it would be completely

runny. A small amount of magnesium oxide helps him go daily. I buy

the powdered mag oxide and put 1/4 tsp. in his juice. I have also

put it in his pancakes or muffins when he wasn't drinking his juice

very well. It can also be mixed in with a spoonful of food. If she

is really constipated right now, you may need to give her a larger

dose along with some magnesium citrate or vitamin C powder to get

her going. Just another option since you asked if there was a

supplement that may work. I tried and tried to get my son's

constipation issues fixed through food, but it just wouldn't work

for him because he either wouldn't eat a particular food or he

didn't tolerate things like carrots for juicing or prune juice

nectar and various other natural food ways to stop constipation.

Hope this or something else that has been suggested will help you.



> Nope, not on vacation.



> What type of meat does she like?

> Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?


> What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit

juice? If

> I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people


> to the toilet.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03


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Thanks. I will try the magnesium oxide. That's the best help I've heard

yet. Thanks. Us moms have to figure things out sometimes. Jenn & kali 7

months scd

Re: HELP....

> Have you tried giving your daughter Magnesium Oxide for her

> constipation problems? It works by drawing moisture into the bowel,

> is a non-stimulant, and is not habit forming. It has really helped

> my son who has had horrible problems with constipation. I was

> having to continually increase the amount of magnesium citrate I

> gave him to get him to have a bm, and then it would be completely

> runny. A small amount of magnesium oxide helps him go daily. I buy

> the powdered mag oxide and put 1/4 tsp. in his juice. I have also

> put it in his pancakes or muffins when he wasn't drinking his juice

> very well. It can also be mixed in with a spoonful of food. If she

> is really constipated right now, you may need to give her a larger

> dose along with some magnesium citrate or vitamin C powder to get

> her going. Just another option since you asked if there was a

> supplement that may work. I tried and tried to get my son's

> constipation issues fixed through food, but it just wouldn't work

> for him because he either wouldn't eat a particular food or he

> didn't tolerate things like carrots for juicing or prune juice

> nectar and various other natural food ways to stop constipation.

> Hope this or something else that has been suggested will help you.


> Debbie



> >

> > Nope, not on vacation.

> >

> >

> > What type of meat does she like?

> > Will she eat hamburgers? Meatloaf?

> > You mentioned the brownies. Will she eat those everyday?

> >

> > What about juicing vegetables and putting them in her fruit

> juice? If

> > I remember right carrot and beet juice will send most people

> running

> > to the toilet.

> >

> >

> > Jody

> > mom to -7 and -9

> > SCD 1/03

> >









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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