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sheila - constipation

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hi sheila

just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms have returned

to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all the fear, pain and stress

has gone as he did it in his potty!!!!!!! :-)

as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i leave it

before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it okay for me to

reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than nuts, like avocado?

kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has always been

constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his bowel has always been

too full, its sluggish and doesnt work properly - like its been stretched - so

in theory this means that for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal

wall will have to tighten up

how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the case - i wont

know if they constipate him or not because hes constipated anyway

plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the constipation - and i dont

really want to have to stop this as its obviously helping somewhere someway,

unless of course you recommend that to be the case. i dont not want to give it

to fian as it has stopped his d

i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result, he has a bm

1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his bowels moving, and

detoxing his system at the same time

i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve enough as its

unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it will produce d as oppossed

to just soft stools?

am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i have to wait

until the constipation is resolved and he is having at least 1 healthy bm a day

on his own - its just i fear this may take a long time and i dont know how

comfortable i am keeping him just on carrots and zucchinni

thanks sheila

kindest regards



Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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hi just to add - kai is refusing to eat nut products - i dont know why he just

seems to have gone off them


Emma eeejay174@...> wrote:

hi sheila

just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms have returned

to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all the fear, pain and stress

has gone as he did it in his potty!!!!!!! :-)

as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i leave it

before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it okay for me to

reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than nuts, like avocado?

kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has always been

constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his bowel has always been

too full, its sluggish and doesnt work properly - like its been stretched - so

in theory this means that for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal

wall will have to tighten up

how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the case - i wont

know if they constipate him or not because hes constipated anyway

plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the constipation - and i dont

really want to have to stop this as its obviously helping somewhere someway,

unless of course you recommend that to be the case. i dont not want to give it

to fian as it has stopped his d

i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result, he has a bm

1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his bowels moving, and

detoxing his system at the same time

i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve enough as its

unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it will produce d as oppossed

to just soft stools?

am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i have to wait

until the constipation is resolved and he is having at least 1 healthy bm a day

on his own - its just i fear this may take a long time and i dont know how

comfortable i am keeping him just on carrots and zucchinni

thanks sheila

kindest regards



Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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hi cindy,

ive been following the whole chiropractic issue with interest, kai and fian are

both seeing an osteopath next week, although now im thinking that maybe its

should be a chiropracter that we need to go too, so i may cancel it and

rearrange an appointment - i like the secuirty of an xray so we can really see

whats going on,

cant wait for the bowentherapy either, thats this thursday!!

kindest regards


mama2gandj no_reply > wrote:

Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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hi cindy,

ive been following the whole chiropractic issue with interest, kai and fian are

both seeing an osteopath next week, although now im thinking that maybe its

should be a chiropracter that we need to go too, so i may cancel it and

rearrange an appointment - i like the secuirty of an xray so we can really see

whats going on,

cant wait for the bowentherapy either, thats this thursday!!

kindest regards


mama2gandj no_reply > wrote:

Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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hi cindy,

ive been following the whole chiropractic issue with interest, kai and fian are

both seeing an osteopath next week, although now im thinking that maybe its

should be a chiropracter that we need to go too, so i may cancel it and

rearrange an appointment - i like the secuirty of an xray so we can really see

whats going on,

cant wait for the bowentherapy either, thats this thursday!!

kindest regards


mama2gandj no_reply > wrote:

Hi Emma.

It seems like my daughter's constipation was relieved through one

chiropractic visit. She's passed stools at lunchtime every day since

our visit last week. I wouldn't have believed it, especially since I

was so skeptical following the appointment. There was obviously

something in her body that wasn't functioning correctly - it wasn't

a food issue specifically. Bowen therapy might do the same thing -

you'll have to see. Make sure to mention it to the practitioner!


> hi sheila


> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?


> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up


> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni


> thanks sheila


> kindest regards


> emma




> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

with voicemail



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Hi Emma.

Just a thought... and I admit this is kind of hypocritical, since we

had both appointments 3 days apart, but make sure you're not

scheduling anything too close together. Our kids are sensitive! The

Bowen therapist definitely told me to cancel all future chiropractic

visits and not to make any changes at all for a few days following

each appointment - it seems that after a Bowen session, it takes the

body 2 or 3 days to adjust and do whatever healing it's going to do.

We're still within this timeframe and my daughter's been tired and

often grumpy. But I agree with you that x-rays might be useful...

Just try to space out your appointments enough so you know what's

helping and what's not... and to give your kids some time to rest.


> > hi sheila

> >

> > just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

> have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

> the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

> potty!!!!!!! :-)

> >

> > as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should


> leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

> okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other


> nuts, like avocado?

> >

> > kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

> always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because


> bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

> properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

> for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will


> to tighten up

> >

> > how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

> case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

> constipated anyway

> >

> > plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

> constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

> obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you


> that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

> stopped his d

> >

> > i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a


> he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

> bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time

> >

> > i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

> enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as


> will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?

> >

> > am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

> have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having


> least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may


> a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just


> carrots and zucchinni

> >

> > thanks sheila

> >

> > kindest regards

> >

> > emma

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

> with voicemail

> >

> >

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Hi Emma.

Just a thought... and I admit this is kind of hypocritical, since we

had both appointments 3 days apart, but make sure you're not

scheduling anything too close together. Our kids are sensitive! The

Bowen therapist definitely told me to cancel all future chiropractic

visits and not to make any changes at all for a few days following

each appointment - it seems that after a Bowen session, it takes the

body 2 or 3 days to adjust and do whatever healing it's going to do.

We're still within this timeframe and my daughter's been tired and

often grumpy. But I agree with you that x-rays might be useful...

Just try to space out your appointments enough so you know what's

helping and what's not... and to give your kids some time to rest.


> > hi sheila

> >

> > just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

> have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

> the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

> potty!!!!!!! :-)

> >

> > as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should


> leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

> okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other


> nuts, like avocado?

> >

> > kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

> always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because


> bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

> properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

> for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will


> to tighten up

> >

> > how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

> case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

> constipated anyway

> >

> > plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

> constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

> obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you


> that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

> stopped his d

> >

> > i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a


> he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

> bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time

> >

> > i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

> enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as


> will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?

> >

> > am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

> have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having


> least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may


> a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just


> carrots and zucchinni

> >

> > thanks sheila

> >

> > kindest regards

> >

> > emma

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide

> with voicemail

> >

> >

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Hi Emma.

Just a thought... and I admit this is kind of hypocritical, since we

had both appointments 3 days apart, but make sure you're not

scheduling anything too close together. Our kids are sensitive! The

Bowen therapist definitely told me to cancel all future chiropractic

visits and not to make any changes at all for a few days following

each appointment - it seems that after a Bowen session, it takes the

body 2 or 3 days to adjust and do whatever healing it's going to do.

We're still within this timeframe and my daughter's been tired and

often grumpy. But I agree with you that x-rays might be useful...

Just try to space out your appointments enough so you know what's

helping and what's not... and to give your kids some time to rest.


> > hi sheila

> >

> > just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

> have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

> the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

> potty!!!!!!! :-)

> >

> > as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should


> leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

> okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other


> nuts, like avocado?

> >

> > kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

> always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because


> bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

> properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

> for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will


> to tighten up

> >

> > how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

> case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

> constipated anyway

> >

> > plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

> constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

> obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you


> that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

> stopped his d

> >

> > i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a


> he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

> bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time

> >

> > i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

> enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as


> will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?

> >

> > am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

> have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having


> least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may


> a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just


> carrots and zucchinni

> >

> > thanks sheila

> >

> > kindest regards

> >

> > emma

> >

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Hi Emma,

> just another update havent given fian any nut butter and his bms

have returned to normal, totally healthy - utterly perfect and all

the fear, pain and stress has gone as he did it in his

potty!!!!!!! :-)


> as nuts are sending him off into the world of d, how long should i

leave it before i consider trying to re-introduce them? and is it

okay for me to reintroduce stage 2 foods into fians diet other than

nuts, like avocado?

Yes, it is probably a good idea to avoid the nuts for another couple

of weeks at least. Some other good foods to try gradually and guage

his reaction with are avocado, squash, green beans (well cooked for

Fian) or asparagus (if he'll eat it).

> kai is still constipated, i have a question about this, kai has

always been constipated, and his gastroenterologist says because his

bowel has always been too full, its sluggish and doesnt work

properly - like its been stretched - so in theory this means that

for him to have normal bowel function his intestinal wall will have

to tighten up

How were Kai's BM's before the incident with his Dad?

> how do i go about moving kai onto stage 2 foods if this is the

case - i wont know if they constipate him or not because hes

constipated anyway


> plus the die off from the nut yogurt is adding to the

constipation - and i dont really want to have to stop this as its

obviously helping somewhere someway, unless of course you recommend

that to be the case. i dont not want to give it to fian as it has

stopped his d


> i have started giving kai milk thistle, twice a day - as a result,

he has a bm 1/2 to 1 hour after it so at least we are keeping his

bowels moving, and detoxing his system at the same time


> i am also assuming that i will tell when his bowels do improve

enough as its unlikely i will need the milk thistle anymore - as it

will produce d as oppossed to just soft stools?


> am i okay to keep him like this and move on to stage 2, or do i

have to wait until the constipation is resolved and he is having at

least 1 healthy bm a day on his own - its just i fear this may take

a long time and i dont know how comfortable i am keeping him just on

carrots and zucchinni

How is Kai feeling now? He was having cramps and d a few days ago.


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Hi Emma,

> todays update


> fian had a 'purge' this evening, d with loads of black bits, im

not actually too concerned at this point as i hope it is just a

purge and there have been no incidents since

When my yeast was pretty bad the die off period had stools with lots

of little black bits.

> ive sneaked avocado in a cpl of times to meatballs and pureed veg

and they havent noticed


> trying squash tonite


> kai has really perked up, he said he had a long and slimy bm this

morning which was consistent to a bm after the milk thistle, then

over joyed he says 'but this afternoon i had the lots of solid brown

poos hooray i had a normal poo at long last!!!'

Bless his little heart!! :)

> when we very first started scd, he went perfect, 2 bms a day

perfectly formed, then we had the biokult and it all went pear

shaped, just didnt seem to recover to be honest - wed have some good

days and lots of bad days


> he was regular but loose since biokult and before the incident

with his dad - i say regular, he went once a day - since his dad he

has a hot water bottle every night, but there were no normal stools

for ages after the biokult, completely upset the flora


> and today i forgot to give him nut yogurt - i dont know if that

had anything to do with it


> kai says hell only eat nuts if i make him pizza - that means lots

of cooked tomatos - im a little bit wary of re-introducing these

when hes not quite right, he used to have terrible digesting them -

this did improve immensely with no-fenol - but even so, im not sure

what to here, yes the nuts would be great, but do i try a small bit

of pizza, say next week and see what happens? or wait until we get a

bit of consistency - im so frightened of pushing them too soon

I agree with you that it may be pushing them too soon. If you do

decide I'd wait until the end of next week and just a wee bit to

start with.


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