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Re: Ketogenic

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I give her veges and fruits at most meals but she leaves them and

> eats the fats and meats. She was overweight when she started and how is

> probably at her correct weight - I don't want her to lose any more.


> Does anyone have any advice on what to do?


Try hiding them. Put squash or ground green beans in hamburgers. Include fruit

in stewed


Carol F.

Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Well, one option would be to require her to eat the fruits and vegetables

before the meat/fat is served. Or serve only a small portion of meat and not

give any " seconds " until the other foods on the plate are gone.

The other would be to give her juice to drink.

And another would be to hide the fruits and veggies in her meat.


mom to -6 and -8

SCD 30 months

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r u using enzymes?


> Well, one option would be to require her to eat the fruits and


> before the meat/fat is served. Or serve only a small portion of

meat and

> not

> give any " seconds " until the other foods on the plate are gone.


> The other would be to give her juice to drink.


> And another would be to hide the fruits and veggies in her meat.






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Our doctor recommended to give him a drop of honey or two when we

noticed " the smell " ...

My son's bad breath dissapeared when we stopped some homeopathic

remedies that had alcohol. We also started giving him water " before " ,

not " during " the meals, and that seems to help his digestion... The

theory is that he doesn't produce enough ClH in the stomach, and water

with meals will further dilute the acid.

Also, take her to the dentist. My son's mouth was very stinky when he

had several small cavities that I had not really noticed. Sinus

infections can also make you stink.


Follow the advice the other people gave you... she needs to eat fruit

and vegetables - mix them in pancakes, meatballs, stew, etc...

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Hi ,

I have got Houston enzymes a few weeks ago and I reacted to them so I

haven't enforced them for Gemma. I'll try them for her. Would they also help

with what I assume is ketosis?



on 29/8/05 11:34 AM, andrew at alevin@... wrote:

r u using enzymes?


> Well, one option would be to require her to eat the fruits and


> before the meat/fat is served. Or serve only a small portion of

meat and

> not

> give any " seconds " until the other foods on the plate are gone.


> The other would be to give her juice to drink.


> And another would be to hide the fruits and veggies in her meat.






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which houstonni enzymes do you have? which filler?

how r u using them? if you have the hn-zyme with the rice bran oil

filler, just starting with small quantities of that sprinkled on the

food might be best

what other supps are you taking?

yeah they would help but ketosis has to be tackled from a number of


dunno jody, i always eat meat and protein first, supposedly the

stomach digests meat first and if you have veges it holds up on the

vegs until the meat is digested, a bit of acid fruit like kiwifruit

after the meal can help

i eat two meals a day and not much or nothing in between now but you

need to be able to metabolise fat well to do this and that takes

supps and high nutrient foods

> >

> > Well, one option would be to require her to eat the fruits and

> vegetables

> > before the meat/fat is served. Or serve only a small portion of

> meat and

> > not

> > give any " seconds " until the other foods on the plate are gone.

> >

> > The other would be to give her juice to drink.

> >

> > And another would be to hide the fruits and veggies in her meat.

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enzymes with the celluose fillers do NOT work imo, the no fenol is

rice bran oil filler? do any of the other enzymes have rice bran oil


if they have the cellulose filler they are useless, throw away items.

chemical sensitivity is liver processing issues and possibly heavy

metal accumulation and fluoride won't be helping at all.

i have never had an inhalation problems with sprinkling enzymes, if

gemma is that sensitive she can pick them up frrm across the room she

has a leaky gut from yeast etc and low omegas threes (fish oil)

basically allergies and food intolerances come from undigested or

partly digested food particles getting across a leaky gut and until

you address this you are just chasing the wind.

nz is low selenium and selenium is essential for passivating heavy


i have a dual selenium protocol which in my web page 'minerals i

take' in the index of http://tinyurl.com/2csa3

once on the 'minerals i take' page, just scroll down to SELENIUM


also look at zinc and copper in that index, zinc is the basic heavy

metals detox but you need to get the forms, co facotrs and

quantities right

www.betterlife.com has reasonable prices and good service

fluoride is an issue especially in toothpaste, its an enzyme


you should have my selenium protocol in place before getting the

amalgams removed and remove one at a time with say several weeks at

least between

if you have sleeping issues look at melatonin in 'other supplements'

in that index, the mrm melatonin is very good

imo a lot of kids do not tolerate nut flours or butters at all, they

do have enzyme inhibitors in

no more vaccines at this point

> Hi ,


> Thanks for replying. I live in NZ and a friend who is also on this

list has

> lent me pots of Zyme Prime , No-fenol (only 4 capsules left) and

> AFP-Peptizyde from Houston Nutraceuticals Inc that she had shipped


> We've only tried Zyme prime so far which didn't agree with me.

Fillers are

> cellulose and water and includes rice bran for No-fenol.


> We are taking no supplements at the moment because:

> 1) I react to everything including these which has made me very

chicken (I

> lose two weeks of sleep at every try) and careful with Gemma and

> 2) I think need to ship them from overseas which is expensive and I


> had the money (should be able to very soon).


> Another reason is Gemma is very chemically sensitive - especially to

> perfumes etc so when it says to be careful not to inhale the enzyme


> it makes me a little wary. Her Dad or I can sprinkle the enzymes on

but she

> picks up particles from way across the room. Do you know why it

says not to

> enhale? Perhaps I will email the company.


> If I include the veges in her meat pureed then she won't eat

anything. If I

> don't puree them she picks them out! I got a whole bowlful of left


> veges yesterday. She likes pureed soups and juices so I'll do it

that way.

> She likes things to be separate I think - all vege dinner or cut up


> lunch but not mixed with meat - I'm still figuring it out. I need

to use

> fitday.com too of what she actually eats and I should get the

balance right.


> She's digesting well now - regular soft smooth motions and can


> everything except peanut butter so that's a great sign (nut flours

are too

> hard as yet to digest but the butters are good). Also, her

behaviour is

> great now - I just need to manage this aspect.


> Thanks for your comments.


> Vicki, Celiac/food intolerances, SCD 8 months

> Gemma, MCS, SCD 7 weeks



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Bless you , that's really on the button for both me and Gem. Luckily

she has no amalgam fillings (I have loads which can come out as finances

dictate) and we have not had fluoride toothpaste (use the Weleda Salt) and

used spring water since finding out she has MCS (diagnosed 3 years ago). She

was fully vaccinated as a child - I only wised up 3 years ago.

We'll go to the docs to get tested for selenium levels etc and order in some

new enzymes with the rice bran oil fillers.

Thanks again, appreciate it.


Vicki, Celiac/food intolerances, SCD 8 months

Gemma, 9, MCS, SCD 7 weeks

on 30/8/05 1:12 PM, andrew at alevin@... wrote:

enzymes with the celluose fillers do NOT work imo, the no fenol is

rice bran oil filler? do any of the other enzymes have rice bran oil


if they have the cellulose filler they are useless, throw away items.

chemical sensitivity is liver processing issues and possibly heavy

metal accumulation and fluoride won't be helping at all.

i have never had an inhalation problems with sprinkling enzymes, if

gemma is that sensitive she can pick them up frrm across the room she

has a leaky gut from yeast etc and low omegas threes (fish oil)

basically allergies and food intolerances come from undigested or

partly digested food particles getting across a leaky gut and until

you address this you are just chasing the wind.

nz is low selenium and selenium is essential for passivating heavy


i have a dual selenium protocol which in my web page 'minerals i

take' in the index of http://tinyurl.com/2csa3

once on the 'minerals i take' page, just scroll down to SELENIUM


also look at zinc and copper in that index, zinc is the basic heavy

metals detox but you need to get the forms, co facotrs and

quantities right

www.betterlife.com has reasonable prices and good service

fluoride is an issue especially in toothpaste, its an enzyme


you should have my selenium protocol in place before getting the

amalgams removed and remove one at a time with say several weeks at

least between

if you have sleeping issues look at melatonin in 'other supplements'

in that index, the mrm melatonin is very good

imo a lot of kids do not tolerate nut flours or butters at all, they

do have enzyme inhibitors in

no more vaccines at this point

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Why do you think that the enzymes with cellulose filler are a waste?

My son has a food intelerance to rice and rice products... Does that

mean he couldn't benefit from enzymes?


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food intolerance is a leaky gut and undigested food particle getting

across the gut and reacting with the immune sytem

when you have that sort of situation anything you eat is going to have

the potential for developing an intolerance

rice today, milk products tomorrow

you basically need a broad based approach to address these issues,

minerals (especially optizinc to help dampen the histamines), fish oil

to help the membranes become less permeable, maybe candex and

occasional oreganol, maybe a very small amount of msm as per my

compendium, scd dietary empahsis ...................

i don't think it would take to much to get to the point of tolerating

the tiny amount of rice bran in the hosutonni enzymes

strong allergies can be unwound

my face would blow up with a tiny amount of mango and now i can eat

with no issues

> ,


> Why do you think that the enzymes with cellulose filler are a waste?


> My son has a food intelerance to rice and rice products... Does that

> mean he couldn't benefit from enzymes?


> Coral

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sorry andrew

can you explain why cellulose fillers arent as efficient as the rice bran oil


andrew alevin@...> wrote:

food intolerance is a leaky gut and undigested food particle getting

across the gut and reacting with the immune sytem

when you have that sort of situation anything you eat is going to have

the potential for developing an intolerance

rice today, milk products tomorrow

you basically need a broad based approach to address these issues,

minerals (especially optizinc to help dampen the histamines), fish oil

to help the membranes become less permeable, maybe candex and

occasional oreganol, maybe a very small amount of msm as per my

compendium, scd dietary empahsis ...................

i don't think it would take to much to get to the point of tolerating

the tiny amount of rice bran in the hosutonni enzymes

strong allergies can be unwound

my face would blow up with a tiny amount of mango and now i can eat

with no issues

> ,


> Why do you think that the enzymes with cellulose filler are a waste?


> My son has a food intelerance to rice and rice products... Does that

> mean he couldn't benefit from enzymes?


> Coral

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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cellulose is a complex sugar and mcs is a modifyed cellulose

in theory the sugars are not accessible but in practice they appear

to be in varying degrees

the processing amy well make the sugars more accessible to gut bugs

it is actually one of the limitations of supplements in that you can

only take so much of the fillers

the other side is that practically the experience of users of the

enzymes has indicated the mcs filler has issues.

> > ,

> >

> > Why do you think that the enzymes with cellulose filler are a


> >

> > My son has a food intelerance to rice and rice products... Does


> > mean he couldn't benefit from enzymes?

> >

> > Coral





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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