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Hello I am new and started diet 4 days ago

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Hi everyone

My name is and I have Adam (5yrs ASD) Just an update, Adam

was diagnosed ASD at 3 or so and it seemed like it took about a year

to get through all the tests/doctors/evals/school stuff etc and

research myself on what we could do. Adam has been GFCF for 1 year

and takes formulated vitamins/minerals for him, Cod Liver Oil,

Enzymes, Probiotics (Inulin free now),Co Q 10, Grapefruit seed

Extract, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Goldenseal Root. On another

site I read alot about the SCD and thought ok. I read the book, and

away we went. Adam is extremely fussy eater. So far its Banana with

peanut butter (he eats the banana now), fresh hamburger, pears, I've

tried some almond flour raisen cookies, he ate a pork chop for the

first time the other night and tried butternut squash (fries) he

still doesnt try chicken but I see that I will have to get creative

and chop it up in muffins and pancakes etc. I ordered another

cookbook to help me.

A couple questions to those with more knowledge, Applegate hot dogs?

are they ok, casein free, gluten free, antibiotic free, these are the

ingredients: Beef, water, Sodium Lactate (from beets) Sea Salt,

Evaporated Cane Juice, Spices, Celery Juice, Paprika, Lactic Acid

Starter Culture (not Dairy) I think the Cane Juice now that I type

this out may answer my question to " No " . Any type of processed Hot

Dog out there ok?

Another question Pear Juice from Gerber Ok? Pear Juice, PearJuice

from concentrate and asorbic Acid (no sweetners/artificials or


Suggestions are welcomed for simple meals to try at first. He will

not eat soup yet!! and we will have to hold out on the dairy/yoghurt

for a bit until his gut heals.

On a promising note - only 4 days on the diet and his stool is

forming (its been a while) and his gas has lowered, the school

noticed him not pulling at his sides like they have over the last

couple of months. HURRAY!!!

Thanks to everyone for their help and suggestions.

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Welcome to the list ,

> My name is and I have Adam (5yrs ASD) Just an update,


> was diagnosed ASD at 3 or so and it seemed like it took about a


> to get through all the tests/doctors/evals/school stuff etc and

> research myself on what we could do. Adam has been GFCF for 1


> and takes formulated vitamins/minerals for him, Cod Liver Oil,

> Enzymes, Probiotics (Inulin free now),Co Q 10, Grapefruit seed

> Extract, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Goldenseal Root. On another

> site I read alot about the SCD and thought ok. I read the book,


> away we went. Adam is extremely fussy eater. So far its Banana


> peanut butter (he eats the banana now), fresh hamburger, pears,


> tried some almond flour raisen cookies, he ate a pork chop for the

> first time the other night and tried butternut squash (fries) he

> still doesnt try chicken but I see that I will have to get


> and chop it up in muffins and pancakes etc. I ordered another

> cookbook to help me.


> A couple questions to those with more knowledge, Applegate hot


> are they ok, casein free, gluten free, antibiotic free, these are


> ingredients: Beef, water, Sodium Lactate (from beets) Sea Salt,

> Evaporated Cane Juice, Spices, Celery Juice, Paprika, Lactic Acid

> Starter Culture (not Dairy) I think the Cane Juice now that I


> this out may answer my question to " No " . Any type of processed


> Dog out there ok?

The applegate hot dogs are illegal. Cane juice is illegal. I don't

think there are any legal commercial hot dogs. There is a recipe

for homemade floating around.

> Another question Pear Juice from Gerber Ok? Pear Juice, PearJuice

> from concentrate and asorbic Acid (no sweetners/artificials or

> perservitives.

Nope. The legal commercial juices:

Tropicana Pure premium OJ

Dole pineapple juice

Heinz and 's Tomato juice

The Knudsen's *Just Juice* line (not the rest of their products)

Kedeem grape juice

Welch's Grape juice

And local apple cider as per directions in BTVC (appendix).

> Suggestions are welcomed for simple meals to try at first. He will

> not eat soup yet!! and we will have to hold out on the


> for a bit until his gut heals.

See http://pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#menu

and for recipes:






> On a promising note - only 4 days on the diet and his stool is

> forming (its been a while) and his gas has lowered, the school

> noticed him not pulling at his sides like they have over the last

> couple of months. HURRAY!!!

Sounds as if you are headed in the right direction. :)

Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

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I just saw some hotdogs by Country Natural Beef at

Whole Foods.

They had the following:

Beef,Water,Honey,salt,paprika,mustard, garlic powder,

coriander, salt and pepper. Not sure if they are legal

due to garlic powder. Does anyone know?

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Welcome to the list ,


> > My name is and I have Adam (5yrs ASD)

> Just an update,

> Adam

> > was diagnosed ASD at 3 or so and it seemed like it

> took about a

> year

> > to get through all the tests/doctors/evals/school

> stuff etc and

> > research myself on what we could do. Adam has

> been GFCF for 1

> year

> > and takes formulated vitamins/minerals for him,

> Cod Liver Oil,

> > Enzymes, Probiotics (Inulin free now),Co Q 10,

> Grapefruit seed

> > Extract, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Goldenseal

> Root. On another

> > site I read alot about the SCD and thought ok. I

> read the book,

> and

> > away we went. Adam is extremely fussy eater. So

> far its Banana

> with

> > peanut butter (he eats the banana now), fresh

> hamburger, pears,

> I've

> > tried some almond flour raisen cookies, he ate a

> pork chop for the

> > first time the other night and tried butternut

> squash (fries) he

> > still doesnt try chicken but I see that I will

> have to get

> creative

> > and chop it up in muffins and pancakes etc. I

> ordered another

> > cookbook to help me.

> >

> > A couple questions to those with more knowledge,

> Applegate hot

> dogs?

> > are they ok, casein free, gluten free, antibiotic

> free, these are

> the

> > ingredients: Beef, water, Sodium Lactate (from

> beets) Sea Salt,

> > Evaporated Cane Juice, Spices, Celery Juice,

> Paprika, Lactic Acid

> > Starter Culture (not Dairy) I think the Cane

> Juice now that I

> type

> > this out may answer my question to " No " . Any type

> of processed

> Hot

> > Dog out there ok?


> The applegate hot dogs are illegal. Cane juice is

> illegal. I don't

> think there are any legal commercial hot dogs.

> There is a recipe

> for homemade floating around.


> > Another question Pear Juice from Gerber Ok? Pear

> Juice, PearJuice

> > from concentrate and asorbic Acid (no

> sweetners/artificials or

> > perservitives.


> Nope. The legal commercial juices:


> Tropicana Pure premium OJ

> Dole pineapple juice

> Heinz and 's Tomato juice

> The Knudsen's *Just Juice* line (not the rest of

> their products)

> Kedeem grape juice

> Welch's Grape juice


> And local apple cider as per directions in BTVC

> (appendix).


> > Suggestions are welcomed for simple meals to try

> at first. He will

> > not eat soup yet!! and we will have to hold out on

> the

> dairy/yoghurt

> > for a bit until his gut heals.


> See http://pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#menu

> and for recipes:

> http://pecanbread.com/recipes.html

> http://www.scdrecipe.com/recipes.html

> http://www.scdiet.net/scdfood.htm

> http://www.scdiet.org/2recipes/indexa.html

> http://www.uclbs.org/recipes/





> > On a promising note - only 4 days on the diet and

> his stool is

> > forming (its been a while) and his gas has

> lowered, the school

> > noticed him not pulling at his sides like they

> have over the last

> > couple of months. HURRAY!!!


> Sounds as if you are headed in the right direction.

> :)


> Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 43 mos









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I just saw some hotdogs by Country Natural Beef at

Whole Foods.

They had the following:

Beef,Water,Honey,salt,paprika,mustard, garlic powder,

coriander, salt and pepper. Not sure if they are legal

due to garlic powder. Does anyone know?

--- Sheila Trenholm sheilat@...> wrote:

> Welcome to the list ,


> > My name is and I have Adam (5yrs ASD)

> Just an update,

> Adam

> > was diagnosed ASD at 3 or so and it seemed like it

> took about a

> year

> > to get through all the tests/doctors/evals/school

> stuff etc and

> > research myself on what we could do. Adam has

> been GFCF for 1

> year

> > and takes formulated vitamins/minerals for him,

> Cod Liver Oil,

> > Enzymes, Probiotics (Inulin free now),Co Q 10,

> Grapefruit seed

> > Extract, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Goldenseal

> Root. On another

> > site I read alot about the SCD and thought ok. I

> read the book,

> and

> > away we went. Adam is extremely fussy eater. So

> far its Banana

> with

> > peanut butter (he eats the banana now), fresh

> hamburger, pears,

> I've

> > tried some almond flour raisen cookies, he ate a

> pork chop for the

> > first time the other night and tried butternut

> squash (fries) he

> > still doesnt try chicken but I see that I will

> have to get

> creative

> > and chop it up in muffins and pancakes etc. I

> ordered another

> > cookbook to help me.

> >

> > A couple questions to those with more knowledge,

> Applegate hot

> dogs?

> > are they ok, casein free, gluten free, antibiotic

> free, these are

> the

> > ingredients: Beef, water, Sodium Lactate (from

> beets) Sea Salt,

> > Evaporated Cane Juice, Spices, Celery Juice,

> Paprika, Lactic Acid

> > Starter Culture (not Dairy) I think the Cane

> Juice now that I

> type

> > this out may answer my question to " No " . Any type

> of processed

> Hot

> > Dog out there ok?


> The applegate hot dogs are illegal. Cane juice is

> illegal. I don't

> think there are any legal commercial hot dogs.

> There is a recipe

> for homemade floating around.


> > Another question Pear Juice from Gerber Ok? Pear

> Juice, PearJuice

> > from concentrate and asorbic Acid (no

> sweetners/artificials or

> > perservitives.


> Nope. The legal commercial juices:


> Tropicana Pure premium OJ

> Dole pineapple juice

> Heinz and 's Tomato juice

> The Knudsen's *Just Juice* line (not the rest of

> their products)

> Kedeem grape juice

> Welch's Grape juice


> And local apple cider as per directions in BTVC

> (appendix).


> > Suggestions are welcomed for simple meals to try

> at first. He will

> > not eat soup yet!! and we will have to hold out on

> the

> dairy/yoghurt

> > for a bit until his gut heals.


> See http://pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#menu

> and for recipes:

> http://pecanbread.com/recipes.html

> http://www.scdrecipe.com/recipes.html

> http://www.scdiet.net/scdfood.htm

> http://www.scdiet.org/2recipes/indexa.html

> http://www.uclbs.org/recipes/





> > On a promising note - only 4 days on the diet and

> his stool is

> > forming (its been a while) and his gas has

> lowered, the school

> > noticed him not pulling at his sides like they

> have over the last

> > couple of months. HURRAY!!!


> Sounds as if you are headed in the right direction.

> :)


> Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 43 mos









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> I just saw some hotdogs by Country Natural Beef at

> Whole Foods.

> They had the following:

> Beef,Water,Honey,salt,paprika,mustard, garlic powder,

> coriander, salt and pepper. Not sure if they are legal

> due to garlic powder. Does anyone know?


You are right!. They are not legal because of the garlic powder. Could you have

a butcher

make some up to your specifications?

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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Hi Amy,

> I just saw some hotdogs by Country Natural Beef at

> Whole Foods.

> They had the following:

> Beef,Water,Honey,salt,paprika,mustard, garlic powder,

> coriander, salt and pepper. Not sure if they are legal

> due to garlic powder. Does anyone know?

They'd be illegal because garlic powder is illegal, the honey may not

be pure (you'd have to check with the company since some honey has

corn syrup),the honey may have pollen (which can be irritating to the

gut) and the mustard may have illegals.

Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

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