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Re: constipation and starting over

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Hi Jeni Lynn,

> hello. my family is on day three of the intro. diet . . . eggs,

> boiled chicken, and chicken broth.


> my children are really constipated. what do I do? is it time to


> on in the diet, introducing something else?

Yes, time to introduce more foods. Some to start with would be more

cooked vegetables and cooked fruit - peeled (because the peels can

contribute to constipation).

Check out " Constipation " and " COnstipation continued " at


(let me know if you have trouble with the links and I'll send the info


> can i give prune juice?

You can, but first read the links above - they explain the

Constipation protocol.

> is this a good sign, bad sign, no sign? is this normal?

It isn't abnormal.

> also, my daughter snuck a cracker in sunday school today. do i have

> to start all over again, or do we just continue as we are?

If she has no obvious reaction just continue.

Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

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Hi Sheila,

Thanks for the reply. Since I last posted, my children passed their movements

and now have a different issue. My son passed a greenish stool which was

followed by diaherra (sp?). My daughter passed a greenish stool, too, and her

stool this morning was rather orange (I introduced cooked carrots last night)

and it was " jagged. " The best way to describe it is as a sausage without the

casing. Is this the " sandy stool " as a result of yeast die-off? And now that

we are having these strange stools do I still progress in the diet as you

suggested in your last post, or do I " hold " with the carrots? I am sorry for

all the questions. I am just a little confused when it comes to looking for

tell-tale signs and knowing how to respond to them.

Jeni Lynn, undiagnosed digestive problems

Mom to Margeaux, 5 yr., waiting for diagnosis

Mom to , 3 yr., waiting for diagnosis

Mom to Elle, 1 yr., leaky gut

SCD for 4 days

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Hi ,

> Thanks for the reply. Since I last posted, my children passed

their movements and now have a different issue. My son passed a

greenish stool which was followed by diaherra (sp?). My daughter

passed a greenish stool, too, and her stool this morning was rather

orange (I introduced cooked carrots last night) and it

was " jagged. " The best way to describe it is as a sausage without

the casing. Is this the " sandy stool " as a result of yeast die-off?

Yes, it does sound like die off.

And now that we are having these strange stools do I still progress

in the diet as you suggested in your last post, or do I " hold " with

the carrots?

No, you can still continue but it would be best to stick to easy to

digest foods - and add one at a time - a day or two at least for

each new one. Make sure all fruits and vegetables are peeled (if

necessary - you peel carrots but not green beans etc.) and cooked.

If they have a lot of die off symptoms you can try epsom salt baths

and/or activated charcoal to alleviate symptoms. A food journal at

this stage will also help determine which foods you add are

tolerated and which you aren't for quite yet.

For more info see:



Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

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