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Re: am leaving pecanbread completely

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I know that we've had our differences, but I would be very sorry to see you

go. I hope that you will reconsider. You really are so valuable to all of


Best wishes,


am leaving pecanbread completely

> last post, cyas.


> nothing personal, just a bit tired of the attitudes


> i have message board if you are interested but realistically i can't

> see any here interested so its better for me to focus more for what i

> know and am working with.


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/who_knows/






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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one of the most remarkable testimonies for scd is elaine gottschalls

mental agility at a very advanced age

it was staggering to see her moving with the forefront of research

several years ago when she was posting on elianes children

she was very interested in the innate immune system of the gut, this

emphasis is the direction of logical progression of scd........

when she stopped posting on elaines children she retired effectively

from the conceptual development of scd and scd and not moved since

with me its moving and with this board its not moving so i am feeling

now the board is holdling me back

sometimes you really have to really listen and look hard at what

people are telling you and elaine was always moving

> Well,


> I know that we've had our differences, but I would be very sorry to

see you

> go. I hope that you will reconsider. You really are so valuable to

all of

> us.


> Best wishes,


> Marilyn







> am leaving pecanbread completely



> > last post, cyas.

> >

> > nothing personal, just a bit tired of the attitudes

> >

> > i have message board if you are interested but realistically i


> > see any here interested so its better for me to focus more for

what i

> > know and am working with.

> >

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/who_knows/

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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one of the most remarkable testimonies for scd is elaine gottschalls

mental agility at a very advanced age

it was staggering to see her moving with the forefront of research

several years ago when she was posting on elianes children

she was very interested in the innate immune system of the gut, this

emphasis is the direction of logical progression of scd........

when she stopped posting on elaines children she retired effectively

from the conceptual development of scd and scd and not moved since

with me its moving and with this board its not moving so i am feeling

now the board is holdling me back

sometimes you really have to really listen and look hard at what

people are telling you and elaine was always moving

> Well,


> I know that we've had our differences, but I would be very sorry to

see you

> go. I hope that you will reconsider. You really are so valuable to

all of

> us.


> Best wishes,


> Marilyn







> am leaving pecanbread completely



> > last post, cyas.

> >

> > nothing personal, just a bit tired of the attitudes

> >

> > i have message board if you are interested but realistically i


> > see any here interested so its better for me to focus more for

what i

> > know and am working with.

> >

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/who_knows/

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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If you will be going to another board, would you let us know which one? I'm

sure that people on this board would like to continue to read your posts,

and would be interested in joining another group on which you will be


Best wishes,


am leaving pecanbread completely



>> > last post, cyas.

>> >

>> > nothing personal, just a bit tired of the attitudes

>> >

>> > i have message board if you are interested but realistically i

> can't

>> > see any here interested so its better for me to focus more for

> what i

>> > know and am working with.

>> >

>> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/who_knows/

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

> the book

>> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following

>> > websites:

>> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

>> > and

>> > http://www.pecanbread.com

>> >

>> >

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If you will be going to another board, would you let us know which one? I'm

sure that people on this board would like to continue to read your posts,

and would be interested in joining another group on which you will be


Best wishes,


am leaving pecanbread completely



>> > last post, cyas.

>> >

>> > nothing personal, just a bit tired of the attitudes

>> >

>> > i have message board if you are interested but realistically i

> can't

>> > see any here interested so its better for me to focus more for

> what i

>> > know and am working with.

>> >

>> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/who_knows/

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

> the book

>> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following

>> > websites:

>> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

>> > and

>> > http://www.pecanbread.com

>> >

>> >

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> from the conceptual development of scd and scd and not moved since

> one of the most remarkable testimonies for scd is elaine gottschalls

> mental agility at a very advanced age


> it was staggering to see her moving with the forefront of research

> several years ago when she was posting on elianes children


> she was very interested in the innate immune system of the gut, this

> emphasis is the direction of logical progression of scd........


> when she stopped posting on " Elaine's Children " she retired effectively

> from the conceptual development of scd and scd and not moved since


I spent the day yesterday at Elaine's memorial and burial. The day was rich with

tribute but

I returned home feeling empty.

Now that she is gone I would like to reveal something to all of you. Elaine

didn't stop

researching. Her brain wasn't 84 years old, it was a teenager--- always

searching and

inquiring. On my last visit before her illness, she was showing me the details

of Paneth

and Goblet cells as captured by an electron microsscope.

She withdrew Internet group partcipation from the frustration of having answered


same questions over and over again when their were well qualified moderators and

parents who were veterans of the diet. Watching the politics of organizations

that tried to

prevert and overwrite her version of the Dr, Haas diet. was more than she could


Since Elaine's arrival on the autism scene was fairly recent and her knowledge

of the many

aspects of auism limited, she was committed to address SCD and not the many


discussions about other treatments that are pursued to solve the autism puzzle.


these are not an integral mission of this list, it is difficult to separate them

from dietary

intervention and the founders and moderators, being autism parents have been

understandingly lenient in allowing the sidebars to continue.

It makes this list unique among the other support groups.

Elaine wished to zero in on was havinng formal trial studies of SCD against

other dietary

interventions to conclusively provide the type of scientific evidence and


that has been demanded by the mainstram medical community, organizations like


Crohn and Colitis Foundation etc.

During the eulogies which were heart warming and inspiring , it was reiterated

that even

though Elaine is gone, the word is out. SCD can't be stifled. The numbers who

have been

helped are legion.

They will carry the torch.

It is sometimes difficult to remain in groups where one is unpopular because

they seek to

go further and you should not depart hastily on that basis.

Fritz Perls said, " We are not put into this world to live up to the expectation

of others. "

I think many of your contributions are scientfically accurate and of value.

You do not always communicate them in a sugar coated way and you sometimes


measures not mentioned in the diet but always present the science behind your


Perhaps you need to understand that the main mission of Pecanbread is to

interpret and

support SCD. So you have the option to allow yourself to remain within those


or to continue on your own website where you have freer reign.

But I think you could try to understand that with nearly 2000 on this board the


statement of the group founders and the integrity of the diet must be


You and I have had our " zingers " on occasion, but I respect your intelligence

and inquiring

mind and understand why you won't make compromises. You understand your own list


not an official SCD site but one that many read and appreciate?

Although I find the science fascinating I think newbies like to know " what and

how " to do

the diet more than " why " at first.

A good way to learn is to reread BTVC over and over as I do. There is always

some new

detail to uncover.

The Internet is a rather free environment so if you do go Godspeed and if you

decide to

stay please keep the iron fist in a velvet glove. It helps people to be more


Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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I also want to add to this thread that even Elaine herself merely did what Dr.

Haas told her to until well-after her daughter had recovered. Elaine did not

run off to college the very instant that she heard about SCD. She did what

she had to in order for her daughter to get well.

Saying negative things about the list because we do not push forward

scientifically is really a bit unfair I believe. It needs to be taken into

consideration that most of us have more than one child and some of us have

more than one child on the spectrum. Between doing everything that a

" regular " mom has to do: laundry, housework, shopping, etc, we spend

extradordinary amounts of time working with our kids to get them better.

Some of us homeschool our kids. And on top of that, we are all in our

kitchens making food from scratch rather than relying on time-saving

convenience foods. I doubt that there is a single mother on this list that gets

enough sleep consistently because there are just too many things to do each


Perhaps, someone will join in the SCD for autism movement who is NOT

inundated with things to do, who either already is a fantastic scientist or who

will have the time to go back to school and research the way that Elaine did.

Unfortunately, to my knowledge none of us currently helping on the list has

the required background to do the type of " forward thinking " research that is

needed. I know that Elaine set up a foundation and it is my hope that through

that foundation more research will continue to be done.

We have lost a fabulous scientist whose shoes cannot be filled by me or

anyone I personally know. But I know that Elaine did not want SCD or the

research to stop with her passing. So, I will continue to do what I do best. I

am not a scientist, but I am a darn good cook. I was a teacher before autism

came into my life. I can teach people what I know and I can help people come

up with ideas for kid friendly foods that meet their child's restrictions. I


only do what I can do. And I continue to do that. That is my contribution to

Elaine's work. I can help people implement the diet. Others will have to

continue her scientific research.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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It has come to my attention that at least one person mistakenly thought that I

(Jody) am leaving the list.

This is not the case. It is who is leaving the list.

I am sorry to see leave as I have always found his contributions to be

thought provoking and interesting.

For those who wish to join 's forum:




mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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