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Re: CRACKERS Clarification

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Hi guys.

I am sorry that I missed to give you some info. I am aware of the rice being

illegal. I did not intend to confuse anyone. We are have not been able to do

100% scd yet. My daughter is 11 months old and has severe intolerance to all

meats, nuts and most vegetables! She is still breastfed. The problem is that

I have severe MCS and when I get flare-ups my milk production goes down

dramatically, and it takes a few weeks to go back up, assuming that I don't

get another flare up. We are still working on finding legal foods that she

can tolerate but she is very reactive to most foods still, so it goes very

very slowly. Her reactions are so severe that we have to wait for lab tests

for specific foods before we even consider trying them, and she still reacts

to most. She is allergic to all commercial formulas as well. Her milder

reactions are severe rash, diarrhea/consitpation and her worse ones are

laryngospasm, which is the most common one. We have tried diluting the milk

with water, with legal electrolyte solution, keeping her a bit hungry, etc.

Of the illegal foods, we have noticed that rice and roots have harmed her

the least. what I do is that I soak them overnight to pick up most of the

starch. then I boil them in a lot of water and change the water often. this

decreases the amount of starch that she is getting. I know that this is not

ideal but the alternative is admitting her to the hospital for fluids, which

you know have dextrose of unknown=unsafe sources, and nobody at the hospital

understands what we are trying to do. So I feel that, when the alternative

is hospitalization in that kind of harsh environment, with unknown dangers,

until we find a solution to this problem, we give her as little as possible

of those illegal foods to meet a minimal caloric requirement so that she

does not have to go to the hospital. We are working very actively in her

labwork and looking for a plan that works.

Any ideas?



> The rice crackers my son WAS eating were not legal.




> Hi. My daughter is allergic to all nuts and I haven't found a good rice

> cracker recipe. Can you share yours with us?

> Thank you


> fiolisabel@...




> >

> > My son loves onion/garlic rice crackers. Is there a cracker you can

> > buy already packaged? THANKS

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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