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goat yoghurt

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Hi Jody,

What temperature did you cool the goat milk to?

Are you using a yogurt maker or in an oven...?

What temperature did you incubate it at ?


> I boiled my goat yoghurt to 180 then I cooled it and

> put 1 tsp of pro-gurt in it. It never gelled. I cooked

> it 24 hours and 2 hours after that. Still no gel. I

> tried the package but can not handle that.

> Now am trying commercial to make.

> Can you help?


> j4dcj

> Celiac Sprue




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cooled it to touch and cooked it 24 hours.I tried

pro-gurt 1/4 - 1 tsp and stil does not gel. Now I

tried it with commercial yoghurt and we will see. I

know I made it with half n half and it worked.Now am

trying it with goat milk.


Celiac Sprue


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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I finally have my yoghurt machine and am very nervous about giving

him yoghurt because of the casein. Despite the fact I've been told

by many that the casein changes and the very good benefits of goats

milk, my son still reacts badly to casein. So I am trying to be

cautious. My questions are:

1. Is there a particular brand or rule regarding what kind of goat

milk to use? and

2. Once the yoghurt is made, do I give it to my son on an empty

stomach without food or anytime during meals?

My son was never fond of anykind of yoghurt prior to being in the

diet and am not sure how I will feed it to him. But I will deal

with that one later. Thanks for any advice any one could give me

Marie Remy Nirschl

Mother of 3 yr old Richie (ASD) &

(8yr old)

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