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Re: New Question

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It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on

" MY "

> left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> still be panc pain?

> Hugs to all, Elicia


I'm a leftie also, always have been. All the pain, front, flank and

back, is on mid to left side only. You're not the only one.

With hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth - SC


Southeastern Representative

Pancreatitis Association Intl.

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I understand the worry and wonders about changing docs midstream... oh boy do I.

I don't live in a farm town, but the ER here is not exactly what I would call

great. And the docs in this town are all so into seeing $$$$ they only wnat to

try to get you better if you have enough money to get them happy first.

I applied for and got SSD, it took two years from start to finish. Went through

all of the hoops they wanted me too, and was denied. Appealed the denial, got a

hearing... my pro-bono lawyer was 5 minutes late and they post-poned the hearing

for two months in order for the ATTY to get his poop in a group. The ATTY...

not me, I was so mad that I wanted to smack the crap out of him. And for being

Pro-Bono... he got 25% of my award. (While I was so upset and in the middle of

an anxiety attack he had me sign what he called a retainer... no costs involved,


Unfortunately my award wasn't based on my pain and inability to work because of

it, it was based soley on my depression and anxiety. And if I hadn't gotten my

laywer in to see my shrink... I wouldn't have gotten it based on that either.

(He might have earned a little bit of that $1500, but not that much.) My

depression came from Not being able to work and the anxiety was from all of the

meds that they had tried me on that gave me reactions. I was terrified of

taking anything, the more I hurt the more depressed I got.)

I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your endeavor to get SSD, but it

could take awhile to get it... hopefully not, but it may. Don't waste your time

with docs that don't want to help or that are bad mouthing other docs. (I think

it just means they are insecure with thier own professional abilities.) I drive

to another town to see the doc and the drive to the ER in Kalamazoo isn't too

bad, its worth it almost just to know that someone will actually listen.

Good luck again and I hope you are feeling better soon!


pooh43078 tenagel@...> wrote: Hi gang! The good news is the last

three days have been pretty good.

I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

you guys over my reg md any day! I have constant nausea but have only

thrown up on about two occasions in the last year or so. My first

severe attack I couldn't stop throwing up for over 27 hours until

they finally gave me zofran. But that was in Feb of 2000. I have more

bouts with constipation then diarreah (sp).

I am currently getting things settled to see a new internist/gastro

at Ohio State Medical Center. They just emailed me a referral to the

doc they think I should see. My problem is my current family doc

(sucks) and is the one that has me signed out of work and had me

apply for SSD. Afraid if I drop him right now, that will cause a hold

up in my getting approved. So guess I'm stuck between a rock and a

hard place right now on that. Think I'll go see the internist/gastro

as a " second " doc anyway, then hold off on getting a new GP until SSD

is settled. What do you guys think? Your opinions are worth the world

to me because I know you've all been there.

Our local hospital is a farm town one and they aren't very good.

There is another hospital about 20-30 mins from our house that is

great so thinking of going there and getting a new GP. Our only

concern there is the travel time when I need to get to the er. I

think I can do it, and certainly have had enough of my GP I have

right now. Especially since he was bad mouthing Dr Lehman last week

on a follow up visit. It really made me mad!!!

Well, as usual, I've written too much. Thanks for listening and hope

to hear from you. You may write me privately if you prefer.

Hugs to all, Elicia

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Dear Elicia,

All things considered, it sounds like you're doing pretty well. Doesn't it

bite that " doing well " has to be preceded by " all things considered " ?

Haha... It always does for me, and I look forward to the day when I can say

" I'm doing well. " Period. Nothing before or after. Ha. I know you know

what I mean. But for NOW - all things considered - it sounds like you're

doing pretty well.

FYI, my ab pain is mostly LEFT flank area - starting middle front below the

sternum, around the back and DOWN, and all the way back UP to the top of my


I don't recall - is it the TAIL or the HEAD of the pancreas that is on the

left? Perhaps you and I have more damage in one particular region while

others have more damage in the other. Just making a guess. Also, I have

nausea often as well, but throw up little. I retch a lot. I think in my

case, that is because when I had my hiatal hernia repaired, they wrapped that

sucker so tightly that NOTHING would ever escape. Like you, I threw up with

my first bout for almost an entire day straight through, until they finally

stopped it in the hospital... They hadn't done my Nissen Fundoplication yet

at that time. But since they have - It's been almost two years - and I still

can't even belch. Literally! So when I'm nauseous, ain't nothin' comin'

back up. I just have to retch and retch. Makes some pretty awful sounds. I

know that by now, the neighbors all think that some VERY strange things go on

in this place. With that, and the crying and wailing that goes on when I'm

in really serious pain, ambulances coming and going, and the kinds of hours I

keep with the tv on around the clock for days at a time... I think I must

probably scare them very seriously.

The problem that you have with constipation has more to do with your pain

meds than anything, probably... they ALWAYS constipate, unfortunately. And

the lack of diarrhea just means that you're doing something right with your

diet! See, we really ARE all different - don't worry about comparing yoursel

f to others, it only gets confusing. We have the symptoms that we have, and

no two people are the same. I noted earlier that Chuck said something to

about her fever, etc., when she was in the ER and that wasn't typically

(along with a couple of others) a sign of CP, but it surely seems to be for

me! I ALWAYS alternate between heavy sweats and chills with a high temp, and

I also always have elevated BP - through the roof - so even though one

symptom may be " typical " , it's never a hard-and-fast. Everybody's so very

different and individual. If you don't quite fit the mold in every way,

please don't worry about it a bit. We'll just call you " special " , Dear. (g)

Your idea about maintaining your current GP while getting a new GI sounds

like a great one. That's exactly what I'd do in your case. No reason why

you have to change GP's to get a new GI, they both serve perfectly different


So, Elicia - hang in there - you're doing just fine. Right now or otherwise.

No worries, Mate.

Be well.

Terry in KC

<< Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

you guys over my reg md any day! I have constant nausea but have only

thrown up on about two occasions in the last year or so. My first

severe attack I couldn't stop throwing up for over 27 hours until

they finally gave me zofran. But that was in Feb of 2000. I have more

bouts with constipation then diarreah (sp).

I am currently getting things settled to see a new internist/gastro

at Ohio State Medical Center. They just emailed me a referral to the

doc they think I should see. My problem is my current family doc

(sucks) and is the one that has me signed out of work and had me

apply for SSD. Afraid if I drop him right now, that will cause a hold

up in my getting approved. So guess I'm stuck between a rock and a

hard place right now on that. Think I'll go see the internist/gastro

as a " second " doc anyway, then hold off on getting a new GP until SSD

is settled. What do you guys think? Your opinions are worth the world

to me because I know you've all been there.

Our local hospital is a farm town one and they aren't very good.

There is another hospital about 20-30 mins from our house that is

great so thinking of going there and getting a new GP. Our only

concern there is the travel time when I need to get to the er. I

think I can do it, and certainly have had enough of my GP I have

right now. Especially since he was bad mouthing Dr Lehman last week

on a follow up visit. It really made me mad!!!

Well, as usual, I've written too much. Thanks for listening and hope

to hear from you. You may write me privately if you prefer.

Hugs to all, Elicia >>

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go ahead and see the second Dr. A second opinion could then

be forwarded to SSD. Drown them in paperwork.





Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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I believe that most of the pain we had from chronic pancreatitis is referred

pain. Irritation the the

organs muscles and connective tissues in the abdominal cavity, I have had back

pain, woken up with severe

Right flank pain, and now have severe Left upper abdomen pain and left shoulder

pain. I do believe it

depend on the location and severity of the pancreaitis or pancreas obstruction

and the surgery you have

had to treat the pancreatits. Unfortunately the pain pathways are disturbed and

disrupted from the

inflammation and the cutting of the nerves.

Take care, & God Bless,


hhessgriffeth wrote:


> It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> > have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on

> " MY "

> > left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> > still be panc pain?


> > Hugs to all, Elicia


> Elicia,


> I'm a leftie also, always have been. All the pain, front, flank and

> back, is on mid to left side only. You're not the only one.


> With hope and prayers,

> Heidi


> Heidi H. Griffeth - SC

> hhessgriffeth@...

> Southeastern Representative

> Pancreatitis Association Intl.



> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo


> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis-subscribe (AT) Yahoo



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Hi all,

I've been a lurker until today. My partner of 6 years, Di, has had CP for the

last 3 years, and I am her sole caregiver. She's been through a gall bladder

removal and in the last 3 months, she's had 5 ERCP's (4 stent placements and

the last one a removal). The doctor said there is no more hope for her with

the stents b/c her pancreatic duct is completely scarred all the way through

and none of the stents did their job. They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories, or

just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there. So far, the

info on this list has been more than abundant. We have found that the

patients and caregivers on this list have it more together than any doctor

we've visited. and since Di has had another chronic condition (in her legs)

for the last 20 years...she's been to a lot of doctors. Any questions about

pain unfortunately, she knows. and any question about meds, again, she knows.

there are only about 3 drugs that have been listed here in the last 2 weeks

that she has not yet had to take/use. Right now, her daily meds include: 4

pancrease 4x day, 4mg dilaudid 1-2 pills every 4 hrs as needed, 10/325

percocet for days that the pain is not as severe, xanax 0.5 for anxiety when

needed, and 1 nexium, coupled with 100mg duragesic patch every other day. she

was on 10mg ambien for her insomnia for 2 years, but she had some side

effects that she didn't want to deal with anymore with that.

i think there is no need to say that the most prominent symptom of CP is

PAIN. there is not a day that goes by that Di is not in pain. she says at

least now, though, she gets some kind of 'warning' about 3 days before she

has a full attack. (that doesn't count the minor ones)

Now, the reason I answered this particular question is because when I was

reading this to Di she said " Yes, after I had each ERCP, especially when

there was a stent placed, the pain was specifically on the mid-left side,

radiating to the back, that lasted for at least a week, most of the time

longer " . So we thought we'd let you know that you are not alone there.

I hope this mail isn't too long for you readers, but I do hope that it helps

some. I know how it kills me to see Di in this pain, so if we can be of any

help to someone in the same condition, then we will.

Thanks for listening.


In a message dated 5/8/2002 10:06:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, " pooh43078 "


> Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

> I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

> down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

> this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

> left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

> you guys over my reg md any day!

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Hi all,

I've been a lurker until today. My partner of 6 years, Di, has had CP for the

last 3 years, and I am her sole caregiver. She's been through a gall bladder

removal and in the last 3 months, she's had 5 ERCP's (4 stent placements and

the last one a removal). The doctor said there is no more hope for her with

the stents b/c her pancreatic duct is completely scarred all the way through

and none of the stents did their job. They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories, or

just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there. So far, the

info on this list has been more than abundant. We have found that the

patients and caregivers on this list have it more together than any doctor

we've visited. and since Di has had another chronic condition (in her legs)

for the last 20 years...she's been to a lot of doctors. Any questions about

pain unfortunately, she knows. and any question about meds, again, she knows.

there are only about 3 drugs that have been listed here in the last 2 weeks

that she has not yet had to take/use. Right now, her daily meds include: 4

pancrease 4x day, 4mg dilaudid 1-2 pills every 4 hrs as needed, 10/325

percocet for days that the pain is not as severe, xanax 0.5 for anxiety when

needed, and 1 nexium, coupled with 100mg duragesic patch every other day. she

was on 10mg ambien for her insomnia for 2 years, but she had some side

effects that she didn't want to deal with anymore with that.

i think there is no need to say that the most prominent symptom of CP is

PAIN. there is not a day that goes by that Di is not in pain. she says at

least now, though, she gets some kind of 'warning' about 3 days before she

has a full attack. (that doesn't count the minor ones)

Now, the reason I answered this particular question is because when I was

reading this to Di she said " Yes, after I had each ERCP, especially when

there was a stent placed, the pain was specifically on the mid-left side,

radiating to the back, that lasted for at least a week, most of the time

longer " . So we thought we'd let you know that you are not alone there.

I hope this mail isn't too long for you readers, but I do hope that it helps

some. I know how it kills me to see Di in this pain, so if we can be of any

help to someone in the same condition, then we will.

Thanks for listening.


In a message dated 5/8/2002 10:06:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, " pooh43078 "


> Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

> I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

> down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

> this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

> left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

> you guys over my reg md any day!

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Hi all,

I've been a lurker until today. My partner of 6 years, Di, has had CP for the

last 3 years, and I am her sole caregiver. She's been through a gall bladder

removal and in the last 3 months, she's had 5 ERCP's (4 stent placements and

the last one a removal). The doctor said there is no more hope for her with

the stents b/c her pancreatic duct is completely scarred all the way through

and none of the stents did their job. They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories, or

just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there. So far, the

info on this list has been more than abundant. We have found that the

patients and caregivers on this list have it more together than any doctor

we've visited. and since Di has had another chronic condition (in her legs)

for the last 20 years...she's been to a lot of doctors. Any questions about

pain unfortunately, she knows. and any question about meds, again, she knows.

there are only about 3 drugs that have been listed here in the last 2 weeks

that she has not yet had to take/use. Right now, her daily meds include: 4

pancrease 4x day, 4mg dilaudid 1-2 pills every 4 hrs as needed, 10/325

percocet for days that the pain is not as severe, xanax 0.5 for anxiety when

needed, and 1 nexium, coupled with 100mg duragesic patch every other day. she

was on 10mg ambien for her insomnia for 2 years, but she had some side

effects that she didn't want to deal with anymore with that.

i think there is no need to say that the most prominent symptom of CP is

PAIN. there is not a day that goes by that Di is not in pain. she says at

least now, though, she gets some kind of 'warning' about 3 days before she

has a full attack. (that doesn't count the minor ones)

Now, the reason I answered this particular question is because when I was

reading this to Di she said " Yes, after I had each ERCP, especially when

there was a stent placed, the pain was specifically on the mid-left side,

radiating to the back, that lasted for at least a week, most of the time

longer " . So we thought we'd let you know that you are not alone there.

I hope this mail isn't too long for you readers, but I do hope that it helps

some. I know how it kills me to see Di in this pain, so if we can be of any

help to someone in the same condition, then we will.

Thanks for listening.


In a message dated 5/8/2002 10:06:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, " pooh43078 "


> Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

> I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

> down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

> this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

> left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

> you guys over my reg md any day!

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In a message dated 5/8/02 7:09:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tenagel@... writes:

<< I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? >>


Most of my pain is on the left side. Don't know how true it is, but I have

been told that when you hurt on the left side it is the tail of the pancreas

and when you hurt on the right side it is the head of the Pancreas. Has

anyone else heard this?

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

If my pain doesn't settle, looks like I'm going to have to go to the ER or

DR. I hope I can hold out until Tuesday, I have an appointment to see my GI


Tammy - TN

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In a message dated 5/8/02 7:09:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tenagel@... writes:

<< I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? >>


Most of my pain is on the left side. Don't know how true it is, but I have

been told that when you hurt on the left side it is the tail of the pancreas

and when you hurt on the right side it is the head of the Pancreas. Has

anyone else heard this?

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

If my pain doesn't settle, looks like I'm going to have to go to the ER or

DR. I hope I can hold out until Tuesday, I have an appointment to see my GI


Tammy - TN

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In a message dated 5/8/02 7:09:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tenagel@... writes:

<< I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? >>


Most of my pain is on the left side. Don't know how true it is, but I have

been told that when you hurt on the left side it is the tail of the pancreas

and when you hurt on the right side it is the head of the Pancreas. Has

anyone else heard this?

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

If my pain doesn't settle, looks like I'm going to have to go to the ER or

DR. I hope I can hold out until Tuesday, I have an appointment to see my GI


Tammy - TN

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In a message dated 5/9/02 2:24:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Nuts4Drama@... writes:

<< They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories,


just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there >>


In 1995 I had a Peustow done. And done real well for several years. Now my

pain has been more frequent. And the nausea is terrible. But, the few years I

had that was good was worth it. My dad had a whipple done and a few months

later had to have his pancreas removed. Just my opinion, I would have the

peustow done instead of the whipple.

Tammy - TN

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In a message dated 5/9/02 2:24:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Nuts4Drama@... writes:

<< They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories,


just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there >>


In 1995 I had a Peustow done. And done real well for several years. Now my

pain has been more frequent. And the nausea is terrible. But, the few years I

had that was good was worth it. My dad had a whipple done and a few months

later had to have his pancreas removed. Just my opinion, I would have the

peustow done instead of the whipple.

Tammy - TN

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In a message dated 5/9/02 2:24:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Nuts4Drama@... writes:

<< They are now talking about either a

whipple or a peustow(sp.), neither of which sound too promising. We have

joined this list in hopes to hear any success stories, or any war stories,


just to identify with other panc. sufferers that are out there >>


In 1995 I had a Peustow done. And done real well for several years. Now my

pain has been more frequent. And the nausea is terrible. But, the few years I

had that was good was worth it. My dad had a whipple done and a few months

later had to have his pancreas removed. Just my opinion, I would have the

peustow done instead of the whipple.

Tammy - TN

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Who did they refer you too at OSU ? At lots of the ladies here have been to

see Dr. Fromke's and they did not have good results from the ERCP's with

him. I just know that his name has come up several times. So be cautious

please !

Who is your local GI doc that was bad mouthing Dr. Lehman ? Was it Dr. Rauf

? Are you the gal from Urbana ? If I were you I would stay with your family

doc that is doing all of your SSD work and use the other docs as second

opinions. They can still all treat you. Maybe the others can add

documentation to help your SSD cause. Hang in there and ask lots of

questions. Which ER do you have luck with ?

Lily, the Springfield gal

New Question

> Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

> I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

> down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

> this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

> have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

> left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

> still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

> you guys over my reg md any day! I have constant nausea but have only

> thrown up on about two occasions in the last year or so. My first

> severe attack I couldn't stop throwing up for over 27 hours until

> they finally gave me zofran. But that was in Feb of 2000. I have more

> bouts with constipation then diarreah (sp).


> I am currently getting things settled to see a new internist/gastro

> at Ohio State Medical Center. They just emailed me a referral to the

> doc they think I should see. My problem is my current family doc

> (sucks) and is the one that has me signed out of work and had me

> apply for SSD. Afraid if I drop him right now, that will cause a hold

> up in my getting approved. So guess I'm stuck between a rock and a

> hard place right now on that. Think I'll go see the internist/gastro

> as a " second " doc anyway, then hold off on getting a new GP until SSD

> is settled. What do you guys think? Your opinions are worth the world

> to me because I know you've all been there.


> Our local hospital is a farm town one and they aren't very good.

> There is another hospital about 20-30 mins from our house that is

> great so thinking of going there and getting a new GP. Our only

> concern there is the travel time when I need to get to the er. I

> think I can do it, and certainly have had enough of my GP I have

> right now. Especially since he was bad mouthing Dr Lehman last week

> on a follow up visit. It really made me mad!!!


> Well, as usual, I've written too much. Thanks for listening and hope

> to hear from you. You may write me privately if you prefer.


> Hugs to all, Elicia




> PANCREATITIS Association, Intl.

> Online e-mail group


> To reply to this message hit " reply " or send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis (AT) Yahoo


> To subscribe to this e-mail group, simply send an e-mail to:

Pancreatitis-subscribe (AT) Yahoo



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thanks for posting. Please feel free to post anytime you

want, and we will listen all you need us to. Tell Di I wish

her more low pain days and if she has any, many pain free






Southwest Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

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I think I would try the docs at OSU. That is where my surgeon and pain docs

are. It takes me 2 1/2 hrs to get there, and I only had to see the pain doc

once a year to have my pain pump check out, but it's worth the trip. This is

surposed to be a good place for docs, however I have never been able to find a

good Gi doc there, so if you find one let me know.

Take Care,

Louie in WV

New Question

Hi gang! The good news is the last three days have been pretty good.

I think Mr P is finally getting over the ERCP and starting to settle

down some. Bad news is the pain is returning today, boo. My question

this week is: It seems most of you post about right flank pain. I

have on occasion had pain on the right but my 24/7 pain is on " MY "

left. In the ribs, around the flank, and into my back. Would this

still be panc pain? I know the doc says so but personally I believe

you guys over my reg md any day! I have constant nausea but have only

thrown up on about two occasions in the last year or so. My first

severe attack I couldn't stop throwing up for over 27 hours until

they finally gave me zofran. But that was in Feb of 2000. I have more

bouts with constipation then diarreah (sp).

I am currently getting things settled to see a new internist/gastro

at Ohio State Medical Center. They just emailed me a referral to the

doc they think I should see. My problem is my current family doc

(sucks) and is the one that has me signed out of work and had me

apply for SSD. Afraid if I drop him right now, that will cause a hold

up in my getting approved. So guess I'm stuck between a rock and a

hard place right now on that. Think I'll go see the internist/gastro

as a " second " doc anyway, then hold off on getting a new GP until SSD

is settled. What do you guys think? Your opinions are worth the world

to me because I know you've all been there.

Our local hospital is a farm town one and they aren't very good.

There is another hospital about 20-30 mins from our house that is

great so thinking of going there and getting a new GP. Our only

concern there is the travel time when I need to get to the er. I

think I can do it, and certainly have had enough of my GP I have

right now. Especially since he was bad mouthing Dr Lehman last week

on a follow up visit. It really made me mad!!!

Well, as usual, I've written too much. Thanks for listening and hope

to hear from you. You may write me privately if you prefer.

Hugs to all, Elicia

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