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Re: Maybe time to move on #2?

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I have to admit that our situation with our 6 year old daughter is

almost identical. She eats almost the same exact foods! She does eat

a lot of veggies (collard greens, parsley, carrots, celery, onion,

garlic, spinach) with her bean soups, however. She eats all organic

food: PB, Black Beans, turkey burgers, soup, strawberries and

sometimes raspberries and that is IT!

She started GFCF late late December 2002 and started SCD in January

2004. Prior to starting SCD, she took a food intolerance test which

showed sensitivies to eggs, bananas, and just about all nuts, sugar,

brewers yeast, coconut and maybe a couple more (total of 13). Since

my daughter couldn't have eggs or nuts, this diet was probably more

difficult for us than for most.

For the past year and a half we still haven't been able to expand her

diet with the exception of adding strawberries and some raspberries.

Whenever we have tried to vary from her diet, she ends of waking up

at night for hours on end 3 nights after starting with the new food

(most recently with egg and then with grape juice). During the day,

we don't see a whole lot of difference in behavior, which is a big

improvement from how she was before SCD when she had an infraction.

Also, the loose yeasty stools she had while on GFCF went away after

less than a month on SCD.

btw,we tried goat yogurt a few times and the incontinence was

unbearable. I can't bear to put a diaper on her as she has been

completely potty trained since before 3. I did post the yogurt info

on the board last summer and was told I was giving her too much

yogurt so I am willing to try that again!

any suggestions would be appreciated.


> >

> > Before you give up, I would remove the turkey if the hamburger

has any thing extra

> added, I would remove that too and see what happens.

> >

> > Turkey seems to be a real target for being injected with sugar

and they don't have to

> put it on the label either.

> > It would be a try anyway.

> > We like Smart Chicken Organic. Maybe you could try that instead?

> >

> > --

> > Carol in IL

> >

> >

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Hi ,

They do sound similar! My daughter also has the same sleep issues if

a food doesn't agree with her, and we used to see silly behaviors

during the day, but that has also passed. What do you do for

breakfast? This morning I tried the chicken pancakes which didn't go

over well at all, so I ended up making the pb ones with half the pb

and no honey, and she ate them with no problem. Maybe we should try

the yogurt again, also and start with a teaspoon this time? The

bathroom accidents were awful for her, too and the last thing I want

to do is put her back in a diaper, too.


> > >

> > > Before you give up, I would remove the turkey if the hamburger

> has any thing extra

> > added, I would remove that too and see what happens.

> > >

> > > Turkey seems to be a real target for being injected with sugar

> and they don't have to

> > put it on the label either.

> > > It would be a try anyway.

> > > We like Smart Chicken Organic. Maybe you could try that


> > >

> > > --

> > > Carol in IL

> > >

> > >

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Hi and Shellie,

> Maybe we should try

> the yogurt again, also and start with a teaspoon this time? The

> bathroom accidents were awful for her, too and the last thing I

want to do is put her back in a diaper, too.

We suggest staring much smaller than 1 teaspoon. 1 teaspoon of SCD

yogurt has about 15 billion CFU's of good bacteria - this can cause

massive die off and we see this a lot with the kids on this list.

Starting with tiny amounts like 1/8th of a teaspoon let the die off

occur gradually so they don't get too much die off and overwhelm

their little bodies like with the bathroom accidents, rashes,

sleeplessness etc.

Even if taking probiotics already(at a higher daily amount)the

yogurt will get further down into the colon and will trigger more

die off - getting the harder to reach places and evict the nasty


Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi and Shellie,

> Maybe we should try

> the yogurt again, also and start with a teaspoon this time? The

> bathroom accidents were awful for her, too and the last thing I

want to do is put her back in a diaper, too.

We suggest staring much smaller than 1 teaspoon. 1 teaspoon of SCD

yogurt has about 15 billion CFU's of good bacteria - this can cause

massive die off and we see this a lot with the kids on this list.

Starting with tiny amounts like 1/8th of a teaspoon let the die off

occur gradually so they don't get too much die off and overwhelm

their little bodies like with the bathroom accidents, rashes,

sleeplessness etc.

Even if taking probiotics already(at a higher daily amount)the

yogurt will get further down into the colon and will trigger more

die off - getting the harder to reach places and evict the nasty


Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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Hi and Shellie,

> Maybe we should try

> the yogurt again, also and start with a teaspoon this time? The

> bathroom accidents were awful for her, too and the last thing I

want to do is put her back in a diaper, too.

We suggest staring much smaller than 1 teaspoon. 1 teaspoon of SCD

yogurt has about 15 billion CFU's of good bacteria - this can cause

massive die off and we see this a lot with the kids on this list.

Starting with tiny amounts like 1/8th of a teaspoon let the die off

occur gradually so they don't get too much die off and overwhelm

their little bodies like with the bathroom accidents, rashes,

sleeplessness etc.

Even if taking probiotics already(at a higher daily amount)the

yogurt will get further down into the colon and will trigger more

die off - getting the harder to reach places and evict the nasty


Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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I hadn't realized that the yogurt goes down deeper to get the nasties

out. How long would you recommend 1/8 of a teaspoon? Would every

other day be an okay way to start? Increase every week or two weeks?

As far as behaviors being okay during the day but waking up at night.

are we being too picky in reject new foods that cause this result?

Not that we need sleep or anything, lol




> Hi and Shellie,


> > Maybe we should try

> > the yogurt again, also and start with a teaspoon this time? The

> > bathroom accidents were awful for her, too and the last thing I

> want to do is put her back in a diaper, too.


> We suggest staring much smaller than 1 teaspoon. 1 teaspoon of SCD

> yogurt has about 15 billion CFU's of good bacteria - this can cause

> massive die off and we see this a lot with the kids on this list.

> Starting with tiny amounts like 1/8th of a teaspoon let the die off

> occur gradually so they don't get too much die off and overwhelm

> their little bodies like with the bathroom accidents, rashes,

> sleeplessness etc.


> Even if taking probiotics already(at a higher daily amount)the

> yogurt will get further down into the colon and will trigger more

> die off - getting the harder to reach places and evict the nasty

> microbes.


> Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 42 mos


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Hi ,

> I hadn't realized that the yogurt goes down deeper to get the


> out. How long would you recommend 1/8 of a teaspoon?

You have to go with your child's reaction to determine how quickly

to increase the amounts. Since the dairy yogurt gets further down

in the colon you may have increased die off.

> Would every other day be an okay way to start? Increase every

>week or two weeks?

You could try every 2nd or third day and slow down or speed up

increasing the amounts depending on reactions.


> As far as behaviors being okay during the day but waking up at


> are we being too picky in reject new foods that cause this result?

> Not that we need sleep or anything, lol

Sleep is pretty important :) Epsom salt baths and/or activated

charcoal may help with the die off.

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos

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