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Re: Old timer confused about yogurt starter

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Did you click on the link from Pecanbread.com?

Gi ProHealth


This company is in America.

They sell ProGurt Yogurt Starter and SCDophilus.

I have no idea where you got a phone number for a company outside the US.

You need to use this starter if you want to make yogurt that has no cow's milk

products in it.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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I went to the website myself.

I bet you wrote down the number that it says to call for CANADIAN customers.

There is no phone ordering in the US. Just put what you want in your

Shopping Cart and check out.

The phone number is for Canadians because there is now a Canadian

distributor to avoid the delays at customs.


mom to -6 and -9S

SCD 31 months

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