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Re: Starting Over SIGH

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I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your breastmilk,

your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would be to

start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.

Just a thought,


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months

Starting Over SIGH

>I have totally made a mess of things and we need to start all over

> again. Due to a whole lot of things going on at once my boys have been

> back on potatoes and a few other non-SCD things. I could see their

> regressions, but couldn't really do much about it. Now the dust has

> settled and we are preparing to start again. Hopefully we will do

> better this time around.


> I have a few questions. First, I want to make juice in the vitamix

> instead of buying it (my ds1 can't tolerate acsorbic acid). How much

> should I dilute it? Do I need to dilute it to make gelatin? Can I use

> other fruits or should I stick to home made apple and grape juices?


> We had big success right away the first time around, I think that is

> because we came from a whole food/organic diet anyway. The big change

> was to cut out whole grains and potatoes (I still have not allowed them

> to have grain, so we are further ahead than last time). My ds1 (the one

> with ASD) never seemed to react to casein so we did yogurt right away

> (cows milk). We were already eating 24-hour yogurt daily before the

> diet. Would goat milk be better or will it not make much difference in

> his case?


> Any other advice as we start over? When should we consider enzymes?

> What other supplements are recommended? I want to get them back on CLO

> but have been unable to purchase any as of yet.


> Wish us luck :)


> Laurie

> 4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

> 2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

> 8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

> breast milk)

> SCD (or trying at least) 4 months





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your breastmilk,

your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would be to

start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.

Just a thought,


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months

Starting Over SIGH

>I have totally made a mess of things and we need to start all over

> again. Due to a whole lot of things going on at once my boys have been

> back on potatoes and a few other non-SCD things. I could see their

> regressions, but couldn't really do much about it. Now the dust has

> settled and we are preparing to start again. Hopefully we will do

> better this time around.


> I have a few questions. First, I want to make juice in the vitamix

> instead of buying it (my ds1 can't tolerate acsorbic acid). How much

> should I dilute it? Do I need to dilute it to make gelatin? Can I use

> other fruits or should I stick to home made apple and grape juices?


> We had big success right away the first time around, I think that is

> because we came from a whole food/organic diet anyway. The big change

> was to cut out whole grains and potatoes (I still have not allowed them

> to have grain, so we are further ahead than last time). My ds1 (the one

> with ASD) never seemed to react to casein so we did yogurt right away

> (cows milk). We were already eating 24-hour yogurt daily before the

> diet. Would goat milk be better or will it not make much difference in

> his case?


> Any other advice as we start over? When should we consider enzymes?

> What other supplements are recommended? I want to get them back on CLO

> but have been unable to purchase any as of yet.


> Wish us luck :)


> Laurie

> 4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

> 2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

> 8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

> breast milk)

> SCD (or trying at least) 4 months





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your breastmilk,

your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would be to

start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.

Just a thought,


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months

Starting Over SIGH

>I have totally made a mess of things and we need to start all over

> again. Due to a whole lot of things going on at once my boys have been

> back on potatoes and a few other non-SCD things. I could see their

> regressions, but couldn't really do much about it. Now the dust has

> settled and we are preparing to start again. Hopefully we will do

> better this time around.


> I have a few questions. First, I want to make juice in the vitamix

> instead of buying it (my ds1 can't tolerate acsorbic acid). How much

> should I dilute it? Do I need to dilute it to make gelatin? Can I use

> other fruits or should I stick to home made apple and grape juices?


> We had big success right away the first time around, I think that is

> because we came from a whole food/organic diet anyway. The big change

> was to cut out whole grains and potatoes (I still have not allowed them

> to have grain, so we are further ahead than last time). My ds1 (the one

> with ASD) never seemed to react to casein so we did yogurt right away

> (cows milk). We were already eating 24-hour yogurt daily before the

> diet. Would goat milk be better or will it not make much difference in

> his case?


> Any other advice as we start over? When should we consider enzymes?

> What other supplements are recommended? I want to get them back on CLO

> but have been unable to purchase any as of yet.


> Wish us luck :)


> Laurie

> 4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

> 2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

> 8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

> breast milk)

> SCD (or trying at least) 4 months





> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Wow, thanks!

I am doing SCD with the kids as I figured my leaky gut is a source of

problems, but I never considered enzymes for myself. I will look into it :)


4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

breast milk)

SCD (or trying at least) 4 months

Marilyn Sawyer wrote:

> I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your

> breastmilk,

> your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would

> be to

> start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.


> Just a thought,


> Marilyn

> leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months


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Wow, thanks!

I am doing SCD with the kids as I figured my leaky gut is a source of

problems, but I never considered enzymes for myself. I will look into it :)


4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

breast milk)

SCD (or trying at least) 4 months

Marilyn Sawyer wrote:

> I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your

> breastmilk,

> your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would

> be to

> start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.


> Just a thought,


> Marilyn

> leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months


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Wow, thanks!

I am doing SCD with the kids as I figured my leaky gut is a source of

problems, but I never considered enzymes for myself. I will look into it :)


4 yo ds (ASD, corn allergy)

2 yo ds (dairy, soy sensitivities)

8 mo dd (not on many solids, but appears to be reactive to foods via

breast milk)

SCD (or trying at least) 4 months

Marilyn Sawyer wrote:

> I'm guessing that if your daughter is reacting to foods via your

> breastmilk,

> your body may not be digesting the foods properly. A good test would

> be to

> start yourself on digestive enzymes, and then see if she improves.


> Just a thought,


> Marilyn

> leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 3 months


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> I have totally made a mess of things and we need to start all over

> again. Due to a whole lot of things going on at once my boys have been

> back on potatoes and a few other non-SCD things. I could see their

> regressions, but couldn't really do much about it. Now the dust has

> settled and we are preparing to start again. Hopefully we will do

> better this time around.


> I have a few questions. First, I want to make juice in the vitamix

> instead of buying it (my ds1 can't tolerate acsorbic acid). How much

> should I dilute it?

I dilute a bit lesss than half and half, using a little more juice than water.

>Do I need to dilute it to make gelatin?

gelain calls for a total of two cups of liquid, so I disolve the powder in 1/4

cup cold water,

pour on 1/4 cup hot water, add enough water to bring the total to one cup and

then add

one cup of juice.

Can I use

> other fruits or should I stick to home made apple and grape juices?

I use orange juice and tomato juice for gelatin and also would try juicing other

fruits like

pears, peaches, apricots etc.

> We had big success right away the first time around, I think that is

> because we came from a whole food/organic diet anyway. The big change

> was to cut out whole grains and potatoes (I still have not allowed them

> to have grain, so we are further ahead than last time).

Not necessarily. Tiny bits of illegals cause problems. There isn't much virtue

in thinking

because you use fewer you are doing better.

> My ds1 (the one

> with ASD) never seemed to react to casein so we did yogurt right away

> (cows milk). We were already eating 24-hour yogurt daily before the

> diet. Would goat milk be better or will it not make much difference in

> his case?

I would have done the intro diet as specified, introduced yogurt gradually and

used goat's

milk so i could journal other foods and isolate reactions.


> Any other advice as we start over? When should we consider enzymes?

> What other supplements are recommended? I want to get them back on CLO

> but have been unable to purchase any as of yet.


Being an adult on SCD I know little about enzymes and supplements but get good

feedback on their use by list members here.

Carol F.

SCD 6 years, celiac

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Thanks for the info! It can be a little overwhelming working out the

details with so much info swimming around my head. Plus, our life has

become chaotic recently....

We ARE doing better than we were before we started the first time. My

ds was severely malnourished because he self-limited his food so much.

All he ate was whole grain crackers and potatoes, plus the occasional

yogurt smoothie if I triple strained it and the texture was just right

(otherwise he would gag). Just the fact he is eating OTHER food is a

huge step forward :) Plus, we introduced meat back into our diet and

after a few months of trial and error he will eat it occasionally. His

health is better by leaps and bounds and we are able to actually DO the

intro diet because he will actually eat some of the foods!

The progress we have made so far and how much easier the intro diet will

be this time around are the things that keep me going. Having a child

who has severe reactions to so many foods, then sensory issues to so

many other foods is a hard road to be on. Especially when you see your

child pale, lethargic, and just wasting away before your eyes (testing

showed his nutritional status to be low in all areas and severely low in

a few key things). We really couldn't afford to limit him any more by

starting SCD but we knew we didn't have a choice.

We are at SUCH a better place than we were. I would take a few

indiscretions and a better start over THAT any day! I feel so positive

about jumping back in 100%

Thanks for the info!




> > We had big success right away the first time around, I think that is

> > because we came from a whole food/organic diet anyway. The big change

> > was to cut out whole grains and potatoes (I still have not allowed them

> > to have grain, so we are further ahead than last time).


> Not necessarily. Tiny bits of illegals cause problems. There isn't

> much virtue in thinking

> because you use fewer you are doing better.

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