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carbo intake and hypoglycemia

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some questions:

1)My child seems has hypoglycemia,he needs to eat every 3 hours.

On SCD seems it got worse.What does it mean?Is it transitory?

2)These days he has like a metallis taste on his mouth.Can be ketosis?

3)To prevent ketosis how much carbo he should take daily?In the

www.specialfoods.com i read about 240 gr,which means 2 friuts are

already ok.Is it?

4)Do you give supplements like chromium for hypoglycemia and do you

know any book about it

THank you


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Carbohydrate intake is dependent on total calorie intake, which is dependent

on age, weight and actiivty level.

So, saying that 240g is appropriate for your child is not possible for me to say

without knowing the other information.

Many doctors recommend a 20/30/50 breakdown. 20% protein, 30% fat, 50%

carbohydrates. Other doctors recommend a 30/30/40 breakdown. 30%

protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates.

But I can tell you that 2 pieces of fruit a day as the only source of

carbohydrates is probably not enough carbohydrates for a child.

Try using fitday.com to determine your child's current calorie intake. It will

automatically calculate the protein, fat and carbohydrate intake for you.


Once you have done that, post the results along with your child's age (years

and months), height/weight and whether he is low active, active or very active.

With all that information, I will be better able to tell you whether your child


getting enough carbohydrates.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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dear Jody,I couldn't measure the calorie intake with the site

because is for at least 13 years of age.I couln't find any site

similar for children on internet.

is 5 years old,20 kg,2 feet tall end moderate active.

He is eating:

Morning:2eggs with ham and 1 pear

Snack:meat and carrots

Lunch:meat ,green beans

snack:2 eggs with ham ,1 pear or peach


Is that ok?He is still at the beginning of the diet and i have to go

slow because he reacts to a lot of foods.Thanks


> Simona,


> Carbohydrate intake is dependent on total calorie intake, which is


> on age, weight and actiivty level.


> So, saying that 240g is appropriate for your child is not possible

for me to say

> without knowing the other information.


> Many doctors recommend a 20/30/50 breakdown. 20% protein, 30%

fat, 50%

> carbohydrates. Other doctors recommend a 30/30/40 breakdown. 30%

> protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates.


> But I can tell you that 2 pieces of fruit a day as the only source


> carbohydrates is probably not enough carbohydrates for a child.


> Try using fitday.com to determine your child's current calorie

intake. It will

> automatically calculate the protein, fat and carbohydrate intake

for you.

> http://www.fitday.com

> Once you have done that, post the results along with your child's

age (years

> and months), height/weight and whether he is low active, active or

very active.


> With all that information, I will be better able to tell you

whether your child is

> getting enough carbohydrates.


> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months

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Just join the site as an adult. You don't want to use the " Weight loss "


You just want to use the site to enter his daily food intake. So, just make

yourself an account, then use it to input his food.

What is his height in meters because there is no way that he is just 2 feet


That's just 24 inches and most five year olds are between 3 and 4 feet tall.

Also, what kind of ham are you using? I have never seen legal ham in stores.

A few places have them that can be ordered online.

Once you post his height in meters (or again in inches), I can give you an idea

of how many calories he needs, but from looking at your list, it looks to me


he is getting way too much protein.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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I have some of these same questions. My daughter actually went into ketosis

and acidosis 3 weeks ago and was hospitalized for 2 weeks (she also

aspirated after all the seizures this caused which resulted in pneumonia)..

The doctors say it was due to a seizure drug (Topomax) she had been on for

3 years, but after researching I am wondering if this diet didn't help

trigger the reaction as the information I read said you have to be careful

using Topomax on a low carbohydrate diet. This diet has helped my

daughter's constipation immensely, but now I'm afraid to continue without a

doctor's supervision as the new seizure drug she is taking, Dilantin, can do

the same thing. Does anyone know of a doctor familiar with the SCD diet who

lives in the Austin, TX area. I called and emailed the name on the

pecanbread website, but as not heard from Kay yet.

Marilyn Dixon

P.S. What are good healthy carbs our children can eat?

carbo intake and hypoglycemia

> some questions:

> 1)My child seems has hypoglycemia,he needs to eat every 3 hours.

> On SCD seems it got worse.What does it mean?Is it transitory?

> 2)These days he has like a metallis taste on his mouth.Can be ketosis?

> 3)To prevent ketosis how much carbo he should take daily?In the

> www.specialfoods.com i read about 240 gr,which means 2 friuts are

> already ok.Is it?

> 4)Do you give supplements like chromium for hypoglycemia and do you

> know any book about it

> THank you

> simona






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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SCD should not be implemented as a LOW carbohydrate diet.

The intro diet includes juice.

After the intro diet, fruits like applesauce and pearsauce are recommended.

Cooked peaches and other fruits as well.

If you look at the recommendations on pecanbread.com, they all include fruits.

I understand that many people feel that the cannot give their kids fruits. But


CANNOT recommend this because I feel that it is dangerous to implement a

diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Ketogenic diets MUST

be overseen by medical professionals. Ketogenic diets are high in FATS not


Please either add fruits to your child's diet or discontinue SCD and add some

other form of carbohydrates to the diet.

If you are wishing to implemet SCD and the ketogenic diet simultaneously that

will take a lot of planning and some medical help.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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My 20-year-old daughter has been eating fruit every day while we were on the

diet. However, since she has no grains or potatoes in her diet anymore,

this seems like a low carbohydrate diet to me. She wasn't drinking fruit

juice As it seemed that from what I read that fruit juices were discouraged.

However, she is drinking them now to make sure she gets enough fluid.

She is not on the ketogenic diet. Her seizure drug that she has been on for

3 years suddenly put her into dangerous ketosis and acidocis. I felt that

perhaps the SCD diet contributed to it in that she is not eating as many

carbs as she used to.

Marilyn Dixon

P.S. She has been on the diet since April, but I had not tried her on any

of the yogurt yet.

Re: carbo intake and hypoglycemia

SCD should not be implemented as a LOW carbohydrate diet.

The intro diet includes juice.

After the intro diet, fruits like applesauce and pearsauce are recommended.

Cooked peaches and other fruits as well.

If you look at the recommendations on pecanbread.com, they all include


I understand that many people feel that the cannot give their kids fruits.

But I

CANNOT recommend this because I feel that it is dangerous to implement a

diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Ketogenic diets MUST

be overseen by medical professionals. Ketogenic diets are high in FATS not


Please either add fruits to your child's diet or discontinue SCD and add


other form of carbohydrates to the diet.

If you are wishing to implemet SCD and the ketogenic diet simultaneously


will take a lot of planning and some medical help.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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You can check her intake by using fitday.com and inputting a day's menu to

see how many calories, etc. she is getting per day.

That way you'll have more knowledge to base her menus on.

I am glad to hear that you have added some carbohydrates.

I get very concerned when I hear of kids who are eating a LOT of protein and

very few carbs as that can be very hard on the body.

I hope I didn't come across as jumping on you in anyway. I just get very

concerned and I want to make sure the kids are not going into ketosis from not

consuming enough carbs.



mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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i know the houstonni enzymes are expensive but you won't make enough

progress until you use them to extend the food range

you can get them from the uk or over the internet from the usa

you are looking in the wrong corner, weights and calories imo are

pretending to do something that certainly is not expensive but does

it work?

is greece an offal eating culture? i know turkey is

what works is a path of orginal thinking, that is you are actually

guided but what works and not websites put together by 'out of it'

university nutritionalists

i went out and shot a wallaby last night for its testicles which are

a hugely nutritive food.

and the eyes and lungs and heart and pancreas, wallaby livers are

not so good

imo scd needs to be balanced up with offal which is legal, the main

issue with offal is freshness and wether things like liver have

pesticide residues.

ham has nitrates and pork in the usa and australia and europe is not

fed like it used to be 30 years ago off farm whey and scraps........

if you can get pork like that, fine but otherwise i would be careful

of it.

to many eggs, and eggs are better boiled, retains the lecthin much


two pears a day is proably to much, too mito reducing, back to this

problem of needing to extend the food range, but the gut is so leaky

and probably istaimne levles so high that he is devloping food


that really forces you into mineral supplementation like optizinc and

cofactor minerals

i pressure cook a lot of veges liek in season aprsnip and they would

be very suitable for snacks

fat is a source of energy and chromium gft in sall amounts helps fat

emtaboilsm not be toxic

ketosis is not simply low carbs but unduly toxic processing of fats,

that is the body is messing the metabolism of fats from nutrient


hrs got a leaky gut and you will need a good fish oil , maybe a

teaspoon a say

to much olive oil is an issue, it impairs sulphur metabolism

and really i only fry with beef dripping now, and may just

occasiaonlly melt some frozin oilvie oil i keep over the meal

but frying with oil seem to make to many toxic compounds in it

it all seems like a huge burden to work into this stuff but you just

take in very small bites and you will slowly get there

hosutonni enzymes will cut years off the improvement time

you can't get around what is needed

you can not do it, but its still not done until its done and if its

needed you will never get there.

imo the ground has shifted on scd a bit, when elaine gottschall

developed it food was a lot better nutritionally

and its all gone the wrong way like and scd illegal food is not more

scd legal if you see what i mean

FOOD QUALITY is now an issue and going organic is not necessarily an

answer either

greece would have some very good foods not avaliable in the usa, goat

and sheep milk? you may need to make yougurt or use hostsonni

peptizyde (rice bran oil filler and capsules)

the early greek olympics in history have evidence of athletes using

a scd type diet

the greeks are smart and have a long food culture and you will find

resources around if you look.

> > Simona,

> >

> > Carbohydrate intake is dependent on total calorie intake, which


> dependent

> > on age, weight and actiivty level.

> >

> > So, saying that 240g is appropriate for your child is not


> for me to say

> > without knowing the other information.

> >

> > Many doctors recommend a 20/30/50 breakdown. 20% protein, 30%

> fat, 50%

> > carbohydrates. Other doctors recommend a 30/30/40 breakdown.


> > protein, 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates.

> >

> > But I can tell you that 2 pieces of fruit a day as the only


> of

> > carbohydrates is probably not enough carbohydrates for a child.

> >

> > Try using fitday.com to determine your child's current calorie

> intake. It will

> > automatically calculate the protein, fat and carbohydrate intake

> for you.

> > http://www.fitday.com

> > Once you have done that, post the results along with your child's

> age (years

> > and months), height/weight and whether he is low active, active


> very active.

> >

> > With all that information, I will be better able to tell you

> whether your child is

> > getting enough carbohydrates.

> >

> > Jody

> > mom to -6 and -9

> > SCD 31 months

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Dear Jody, is 1 mt and 10 cm high.He is sensitive to phenols and

to some foodhe gets eczema like almonds or zucchini.

Thank you so much for your support

I really feel scd is helping my son,just with the hyoiglycemia

things are more complicated and i have to learn how to balance



PS:the ham i give him is PROSCIUTTO from italy(PARMA).It is

delicious,it contains only beef and salt ,no conservants,nothing



-- In pecanbread , " Jody G. " wrote:

> Simona,


> Just join the site as an adult. You don't want to use the " Weight

loss " features.

> You just want to use the site to enter his daily food intake. So,

just make

> yourself an account, then use it to input his food.


> What is his height in meters because there is no way that he is

just 2 feet tall.

> That's just 24 inches and most five year olds are between 3 and 4

feet tall.


> Also, what kind of ham are you using? I have never seen legal ham

in stores.

> A few places have them that can be ordered online.


> Once you post his height in meters (or again in inches), I can

give you an idea

> of how many calories he needs, but from looking at your list, it

looks to me like

> he is getting way too much protein.


> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months

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I will look up the information based on his height and weight and get back to


Thank you for the clarification on the " ham " . Here in the US, we would not call

any product made from beef " ham " . Here " ham " is made from pork and

usually loaded with nitrates and preservatives.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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