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Re: Hi, I'm New...

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1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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A great list of the legal/illegals plus a lot of other helpful information

is found at this website: http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/.

I use my regular blender or food processor to grind nuts. Here is a pancake

recipe you can use with different types of nuts (I have made it with

almonds, cashews, and walnuts so for. I, too, rotate nuts because of my

daughter's allergies and seizures.)

Nut/Fruit Pancakes

3/4 cup ground nuts (grind almonds are other nuts in the blender until fine

like flour)

2 eggs

1 mashed ripe banana or 1 chopped apple or ½ cup blueberries

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp honey

1 tsp. oil

1/8 tsp of cinnamon

Water, almond milk, or fruit juice to thin, if necessary

Mix all ingredients and drop by spoonfuls on non-stick, buttered, griddle.

Flip when bubbles appear on top.

God bless,


daughter Kim, age 20

epilepsy and autism

Hi, I'm New...

> Hi everybody

> I'm new... and new to groups and computers in general.

> I'm a single mother, with another child, on a budget, and not

> naturally gifted regarding kitchen activities.

> I've taken your advice, become familiar with BTVC, and Lucy and her

> book.

> I refuse to be overwhemled by these circumstances and awful systems,

> though it's a challenge.

> I thank the Holy Trinity for this group.


> My son is Toren, 11-1/2, recovering from heavy metal toxicity,

> autistic, CP, OCD, ADHD, and Tourette's syptoms.

> We've been on the diet for about a month now... first 10 days were

> good with formed stools and gained 4 lbs...then became too loose and

> lost 2 lbs.


> Questions

> 1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

> just almond because of sensitivity development.

> Where do I find them?


> 2) If I must grind them myself.... What easy to use--easy to clean

> grinder/food proceesor do you recommend?


> 3) What easy to use---easy to clean juicer do you recommend?


> 4) Is Xylitol legal?... And if not, why?...Isn't it a monosacharide?


> 5) I saw refernce to a legal/illegal list... how can I get a hold of

> that?


> 6) Are there guidelines for combining the SCD, GFCF, Allergy

> avoidance, and rotation diets?


> 7) What are the SCD legal enzymes, probiotics, teas, amino acids,

> oils, etc?


> 8) Toren is vexed by bursts of severe full body motor ticking, facial

> grimacing, and vocal ticking... he says he doesn't like it, it's

> uncomfortable and awful. It looks like a chorea movement. Toren is

> chemically sensitive, and risperadyl is contraindicated. Help does

> anybody know of any supplement that will stop the ticking?


> Thanks for the nut yogurt recipe and your help








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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A great list of the legal/illegals plus a lot of other helpful information

is found at this website: http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/.

I use my regular blender or food processor to grind nuts. Here is a pancake

recipe you can use with different types of nuts (I have made it with

almonds, cashews, and walnuts so for. I, too, rotate nuts because of my

daughter's allergies and seizures.)

Nut/Fruit Pancakes

3/4 cup ground nuts (grind almonds are other nuts in the blender until fine

like flour)

2 eggs

1 mashed ripe banana or 1 chopped apple or ½ cup blueberries

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp honey

1 tsp. oil

1/8 tsp of cinnamon

Water, almond milk, or fruit juice to thin, if necessary

Mix all ingredients and drop by spoonfuls on non-stick, buttered, griddle.

Flip when bubbles appear on top.

God bless,


daughter Kim, age 20

epilepsy and autism

Hi, I'm New...

> Hi everybody

> I'm new... and new to groups and computers in general.

> I'm a single mother, with another child, on a budget, and not

> naturally gifted regarding kitchen activities.

> I've taken your advice, become familiar with BTVC, and Lucy and her

> book.

> I refuse to be overwhemled by these circumstances and awful systems,

> though it's a challenge.

> I thank the Holy Trinity for this group.


> My son is Toren, 11-1/2, recovering from heavy metal toxicity,

> autistic, CP, OCD, ADHD, and Tourette's syptoms.

> We've been on the diet for about a month now... first 10 days were

> good with formed stools and gained 4 lbs...then became too loose and

> lost 2 lbs.


> Questions

> 1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

> just almond because of sensitivity development.

> Where do I find them?


> 2) If I must grind them myself.... What easy to use--easy to clean

> grinder/food proceesor do you recommend?


> 3) What easy to use---easy to clean juicer do you recommend?


> 4) Is Xylitol legal?... And if not, why?...Isn't it a monosacharide?


> 5) I saw refernce to a legal/illegal list... how can I get a hold of

> that?


> 6) Are there guidelines for combining the SCD, GFCF, Allergy

> avoidance, and rotation diets?


> 7) What are the SCD legal enzymes, probiotics, teas, amino acids,

> oils, etc?


> 8) Toren is vexed by bursts of severe full body motor ticking, facial

> grimacing, and vocal ticking... he says he doesn't like it, it's

> uncomfortable and awful. It looks like a chorea movement. Toren is

> chemically sensitive, and risperadyl is contraindicated. Help does

> anybody know of any supplement that will stop the ticking?


> Thanks for the nut yogurt recipe and your help








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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> I thank the Holy Trinity for this group.

Welcome ,

You can also thank the late Elaine Gottschall who " ran with the ball " after

originator of the

diet, Dr. S.V. haas died.


> Questions

> 1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

> just almond because of sensitivity development.

> Where do I find them?

Contact Lucy Rosset of Lucy's Kitchen Shop. if she doesn't sell these she will

uggest a




> 2) If I must grind them myself.... What easy to use--easy to clean

> grinder/food proceesor do you recommend?

My Cusinart Food processor (11 cup plus) does a good job of grinding all types

of nut



> 3) What easy to use---easy to clean juicer do you recommend?

I have a wonderful Omega 8002 juicer but it was not cheap!


> 4) Is Xylitol legal?... And if not, why?...Isn't it a monosacharide?

It is not legal because it is a sugar alcohol and will create bacteria and

irritate the gut.


> 5) I saw refernce to a legal/illegal list... how can I get a hold of

> that?





> 6) Are there guidelines for combining the SCD, GFCF, Allergy

> avoidance, and rotation diets?

We do not support GFCF, or generally advocate rotation diets although you are

free to try

rotation if you wish. Allergies can often diminish or disappear as healing takes

place. the

immune system is greatly influenced by digestive problems. Foods with a strong


should be abandoned. The enzymes are listed on the Pecanbread web site above.


> 7) What are the SCD legal enzymes, probiotics, teas, amino acids,

> oils, etc?


> 8) Toren is vexed by bursts of severe full body motor ticking, facial

> grimacing, and vocal ticking... he says he doesn't like it, it's

> uncomfortable and awful. It looks like a chorea movement. Toren is

> chemically sensitive, and risperadyl is contraindicated. Help does

> anybody know of any supplement that will stop the ticking?

These behaviors often improve after a time on SCD as the brain is affected by

what goes

on in th digestive sytsem.


> Thanks for the nut yogurt recipe and your help



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Thanks Marilyn

Jim and Marilyn jmdixon@...> wrote:


A great list of the legal/illegals plus a lot of other helpful information

is found at this website: http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/.

I use my regular blender or food processor to grind nuts. Here is a pancake

recipe you can use with different types of nuts (I have made it with

almonds, cashews, and walnuts so for. I, too, rotate nuts because of my

daughter's allergies and seizures.)

Nut/Fruit Pancakes

3/4 cup ground nuts (grind almonds are other nuts in the blender until fine

like flour)

2 eggs

1 mashed ripe banana or 1 chopped apple or ½ cup blueberries

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp honey

1 tsp. oil

1/8 tsp of cinnamon

Water, almond milk, or fruit juice to thin, if necessary

Mix all ingredients and drop by spoonfuls on non-stick, buttered, griddle.

Flip when bubbles appear on top.

God bless,


daughter Kim, age 20

epilepsy and autism

Hi, I'm New...

> Hi everybody

> I'm new... and new to groups and computers in general.

> I'm a single mother, with another child, on a budget, and not

> naturally gifted regarding kitchen activities.

> I've taken your advice, become familiar with BTVC, and Lucy and her

> book.

> I refuse to be overwhemled by these circumstances and awful systems,

> though it's a challenge.

> I thank the Holy Trinity for this group.


> My son is Toren, 11-1/2, recovering from heavy metal toxicity,

> autistic, CP, OCD, ADHD, and Tourette's syptoms.

> We've been on the diet for about a month now... first 10 days were

> good with formed stools and gained 4 lbs...then became too loose and

> lost 2 lbs.


> Questions

> 1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

> just almond because of sensitivity development.

> Where do I find them?


> 2) If I must grind them myself.... What easy to use--easy to clean

> grinder/food proceesor do you recommend?


> 3) What easy to use---easy to clean juicer do you recommend?


> 4) Is Xylitol legal?... And if not, why?...Isn't it a monosacharide?


> 5) I saw refernce to a legal/illegal list... how can I get a hold of

> that?


> 6) Are there guidelines for combining the SCD, GFCF, Allergy

> avoidance, and rotation diets?


> 7) What are the SCD legal enzymes, probiotics, teas, amino acids,

> oils, etc?


> 8) Toren is vexed by bursts of severe full body motor ticking, facial

> grimacing, and vocal ticking... he says he doesn't like it, it's

> uncomfortable and awful. It looks like a chorea movement. Toren is

> chemically sensitive, and risperadyl is contraindicated. Help does

> anybody know of any supplement that will stop the ticking?


> Thanks for the nut yogurt recipe and your help








> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Thanks Marisol

Marisol Villamil mev11112002@...> wrote:


1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Welcome to the list ,

> We've been on the diet for about a month now... first 10 days were

> good with formed stools and gained 4 lbs...then became too loose


> lost 2 lbs.

What is he eating? If going through die off some find epsom salts

very helpful. Did you add new foods after the first ten days or any

new supplements/meds etc.


> Questions

> 1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

> just almond because of sensitivity development.

> Where do I find them?

They are places online depending where you are located.


I buy nuts from a local store and grind them myself.

> 2) If I must grind them myself.... What easy to use--easy to clean

> grinder/food proceesor do you recommend?

I have a Braun Combimax 600 that works great for nuts and has a fab

attachment for making mayo and sauces.

> 3) What easy to use---easy to clean juicer do you recommend?

I like my Juiceman Jr.

> 4) Is Xylitol legal?... And if not, why?...Isn't it a


It is illegal beacuse it is a sugar alcohol that can feed harmful


> 5) I saw refernce to a legal/illegal list... how can I get a hold


> that?


> 7) What are the SCD legal enzymes, probiotics, teas, amino acids,

> oils, etc?



Legal teas are black tea, Green tea (max of 2 Cups/day) and mint tea.

You can find info additional to what is in BTVC about oils at the

above legal/illegal list. If unlisted ask away on the list :)


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Hi ,

> Thanks for the info. I think the culprit may have been coconut

milk. Looks like I'm going to have to rotate it.

> When you speak of epsom salts, do you mean a bath or internal use?

If internal, how is it done?

Epsom salt baths, not internal. Here's some info (scroll down to the




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Hi ,

> Thanks for the info. I think the culprit may have been coconut

milk. Looks like I'm going to have to rotate it.

> When you speak of epsom salts, do you mean a bath or internal use?

If internal, how is it done?

Epsom salt baths, not internal. Here's some info (scroll down to the




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  • 1 month later...

Marisol, Thanks

Marisol Villamil mev11112002@...> wrote:


1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Marisol, Thanks

Marisol Villamil mev11112002@...> wrote:


1) I want to use walnut, filbert, brazil, or pecan nut flour, not

just almond because of sensitivity development.

Where do I find them?

Hi ,

I'm sorry I can't help you with all of your questions, but for the above, we

grind our own in a vitamix (but on vacation once were forced to used an ordinary

blender and it worked great). The key to grinding nuts, for us, is to keep the

nuts in the freezer and, essentially, grind them while frozen. Also, we do small

batches at a time.

Answers to a lot of the below questions (regarding what's legal etc.) can be

found on www.pecanbread.com Hopefully somebody else will have an idea about a

supp for tics. I know that Latitudes Magazine (now online, don't have url handy

but it shouldn't be hard to google them) writes a lot about natural approaches

to tourettes and OCD, maybe there will be something helpful there, I hope. I

imagine ticking must feel awful.

Also, I think a recent discussion on Xylitol named it illegal (which is what I

would have suspected.) But list moderators will have to verify that

Anyway, welcome to SCD. Glad it's going well for you so far.


Mom to 11yo SCD since 12/01 and 8yo Lena SCD since sometime in 2002


Yahoo! for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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