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Re: Re: Approved, but not for Dr. R

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Robyn, Are you mad at me? Know my last joke was bad..However I thought you

would get a laugh..And you know what they say if the shoe fits wear it..

Hey don't feel bad I have bird legs too.lol

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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Robyn, Are you mad at me? Know my last joke was bad..However I thought you

would get a laugh..And you know what they say if the shoe fits wear it..

Hey don't feel bad I have bird legs too.lol

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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Robyn, Are you mad at me? Know my last joke was bad..However I thought you

would get a laugh..And you know what they say if the shoe fits wear it..

Hey don't feel bad I have bird legs too.lol

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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, that is my body mass index. If you go to clos.net and scroll down you

will see where you can click on your BMI and it will calculate it for you.

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

BMI 40

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, that is my body mass index. If you go to clos.net and scroll down you

will see where you can click on your BMI and it will calculate it for you.

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

BMI 40

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thanks , it looks like I have more research to do.


Re: Approved, but not for Dr. R

> I've heard of Marema. He's in Ft. Lauderdale. He studied under Fobi

> in California, which is why he prefers the open procedure and removes

> the gallbladder.


> In the open procedure, a silastic band can be placed around the

> opening to the new stomach pouch to prevent it stretching out later,

> which can't be done by the laparoscopic method.


> The gallbladder is removed in all of Fobi's patients because rapid

> weight loss often causes gallstones and with the small stomach pouch,

> you don't need the gallbladder anyway (and the risk of more surgery),

> because it is just a bile reservoir.


> However, if he does it laparascopically, he may not remove the

> gallbladder, I don't know.


> If you join the Fobi one-list, there are several of Dr. Marema's

> patients on there.





> > Hey folks,

> > I am dazed and confused, Barbara from Dr. R's office called me at

> > work today, to give me good news and bad news....The good news is I

> > have been approved for surgery, but not with Dr.R unless I want to

> go

> > out of network, which I would have to pay 40%. But there is a Dr.

> > Marema, who is doing lap RNY and that would be paid in

> > network, which would be alot cheaper and no traveling. I looked at

> > his sight, and he prefers to do an open RNY and removes the

> > gallblader. I'm very confused, I don't wasnt open surgery. I know

> > that. All I need is to have my PCP give me a refferal. Well I

> fired

> > my PCP monday. oy vey! Has anyone in FLorida heard of this guy.

> Why

> > would they remove the gallbladder? any information would be soooo

> > appreciated.

> > Robynn



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It's your " body mass index, " which is basically, how fat are you

relative to your height? The higher the number, the more obese you

are. A BMI of 25-29 is considered overweight, 30 and up is obese,

and 40 and up is morbidly obese. Under 18.5 (like I have to worry

about that) is underweight. So " normal " is 18.5-24.9.

Dr. Rutledge has a BMI calculator here:


> Trisha:

> What does bmi 40 mean?

> Probably a dumb question.


> {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

> in Michigan

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It's your " body mass index, " which is basically, how fat are you

relative to your height? The higher the number, the more obese you

are. A BMI of 25-29 is considered overweight, 30 and up is obese,

and 40 and up is morbidly obese. Under 18.5 (like I have to worry

about that) is underweight. So " normal " is 18.5-24.9.

Dr. Rutledge has a BMI calculator here:


> Trisha:

> What does bmi 40 mean?

> Probably a dumb question.


> {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

> in Michigan

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Thanks, I couldn't sleep last night, but I was so tired (one of those female


After I asked the question and sent it through the air I realized what a dumb


I must have had a moment of BRIAN FREEZE, LOL.


God Bless You!


in Michigan

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Robynn, fight for this surgery. I E-mailed the Doc last night and asked them

why don't they call the surgery by its name instead of GBS. then insurance

would have no choice if he was the only one doing it.

Good Luck IM praying for you

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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I could never be mad at you, you brighten up my days and always bring a

smile to my heart, I think that yesterday I was in emotional shock, it was

just one of those days.

I adore you bird legs and all.


Re: Re: Approved, but not for Dr. R

Robyn, Are you mad at me? Know my last joke was bad..However I thought you

would get a laugh..And you know what they say if the shoe fits wear it..

Hey don't feel bad I have bird legs too.lol

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40


Get paid for the stuff you know!

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This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

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Robynn, Grab the phone book and just call until you find one!!!!

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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Robynn, Grab the phone book and just call until you find one!!!!

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

bmi 40

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Robynn, My friend Tannies Doc was not happy about the surgery either, she did

agree to write a letter after she told she was not asking for approval (she

does not approve of her being fat either) She told her Dr. I am just asking

that you support my discussion to better my life! To lose weight and get

physically in shape and mentally happy and healthy. I am aksing you if you

feel I am healthy enough for surgery and If you would like to continue to be

my Dr. and care for me . Her Doc, agreed after she put it that way. She

took the bull by the horn and did not take no. After all she is not asking

her Dr. to perform the surgery or be responsible for the outcome.

Good luck, My prayers are with you.

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

BMI 40

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Robynn, My friend Tannies Doc was not happy about the surgery either, she did

agree to write a letter after she told she was not asking for approval (she

does not approve of her being fat either) She told her Dr. I am just asking

that you support my discussion to better my life! To lose weight and get

physically in shape and mentally happy and healthy. I am aksing you if you

feel I am healthy enough for surgery and If you would like to continue to be

my Dr. and care for me . Her Doc, agreed after she put it that way. She

took the bull by the horn and did not take no. After all she is not asking

her Dr. to perform the surgery or be responsible for the outcome.

Good luck, My prayers are with you.

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

BMI 40

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Thanks Trisha, I am going to the other doctors clinic on Monday, armed with

much info and to get more info, I will then compare and do an appeal letter.

Now I still have to find a PCP for a referral.


Re: Re: Approved, but not for Dr. R

> Robynn, fight for this surgery. I E-mailed the Doc last night and asked


> why don't they call the surgery by its name instead of GBS. then insurance

> would have no choice if he was the only one doing it.

> Good Luck IM praying for you


> Trisha Lanman

> praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

> Las Vegas NV

> bmi 40



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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

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You should read the leter that I sent my Dr. It said all that and more,

that I was physically and emotionally perpared, that I had done my research,

that I was ready for this blah, blah, blah, the only thing he was worried

about was being sued. I tried explaining that this was something that I

would not do, even offered to draw up a legal agreement, the lily livered


So I am on the search for a new PCP, and at least I know that when I find

one, surgery is right around the corner...YEA!


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