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For Jenn Lessard and Kali

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This message is for Jenn Lessard and Kali, pecanbread members having trouble


I tried to send you an email, but I got a mail failure delivery notice. I tried

to send some information on detoxification. I do not know about chelation

therapy with essential oils, I believe another member here, Nella, is the one

with experience in this category.

My advice, though, would be to wait 1 full year before doing anything. We have

been on SCD now for 11 months, and as the children continue to heal, they keep

progressing. The thing about leaky gut, chelation mobilizes the heavy metals,

and as they are excreted, they can be absorbed right back into the blood stream

again, from the gut. It also feeds the gut pathogens, and the immune system is

depressed from all the other undigested proteins leaking into the blood. When

metals resettle, they cause even more damage.

SCD helps the overall body burden, and liver burden, thus helping the

detoxification mechanisms. Progress doesn't happen all at once, it happens

slowly, as the healing progresses. If you are not making steady progress, I

would rethink the foods in the diet, and the supplements you give to Kali.

Enzymes are recommended. www.houstonni.com

Hope this helps,



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