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When to try LOD.... (Sheila?)

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My almost 3 yr old asd son has been SCD for 6+ months and still he is

on only 8 foods, severe allegies to peanuts/eggs and cant digest even

nut yogurt. He eats carrots, chicken, turkey, bison, avocado, pear,

apple and peach, all cooked of course. His poops/bloating improved at

first but stopped progressing after 3 months. The second 3 months we

are back to bloating and mushy poops every 2nd or 3rd day. Then we

get a random formed one about 1x per week. Maybe we have no insoluable

fiber? Is cellulose fiber or psylium husks 1) legal, 2) insoluable?

We do now know he has oxalate crystals in his urine. Are any of you

out there experienced enough with SCD to determine that my son is not

recovering like most SCD kids do and is a good candidate for LOD diet

(Sheila, if you are out there, or anyone). He eats sooo much carrot -

it's killing me to feed him so much - he is orange - this can't be

good for him.

Thanks for any help,

Marilyn, Damien's mom

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> We do now know he has oxalate crystals in his urine. Are any of you

> out there experienced enough with SCD to determine that my son is not

> recovering like most SCD kids do and is a good candidate for LOD diet

> (Sheila, if you are out there, or anyone). He eats sooo much carrot -

I don't think it is our task to evaluate who is a candidate for LOD any more

than it is the

task of the LOD listserv to advise on SCD. I do know that those who have not had


with SCD often migrate to other groups seeking solutions. Those that remain on

SCD or

wish to continue with it as it is written are best to address SCD questions here

if they want

authoratative answers. It is such a puzzle trying to isolate issues like

phenols, oxalates,

sulfites, sulpher etc. It reminds me of unraveling a knitting mistake in one of

those argyle

sweaters with all the different bobbins.

Mimi, Jody or Sheila may have a better answer for you. I do think it is possible

to eliminate

high oxalate foods and remain true to SCD if you are sure oxalates are a major

issue. But it

is a problem when you have a limited and fussy eater.

If he is eating so much carrot, would you like to try substituting squash?

Carol F.

celiac, SCD 5 years

It sounds like I am doing some double talk.

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Hi Marilyn,

> Hello

> My almost 3 yr old asd son has been SCD for 6+ months and still he


> on only 8 foods, severe allegies to peanuts/eggs and cant digest


> nut yogurt. He eats carrots, chicken, turkey, bison, avocado,


> apple and peach, all cooked of course. His poops/bloating improved


> first but stopped progressing after 3 months. The second 3 months


> are back to bloating and mushy poops every 2nd or 3rd day. Then


> get a random formed one about 1x per week. Maybe we have no


> fiber? Is cellulose fiber or psylium husks 1) legal, 2) insoluable?

Cellulose fiber and psyllium are illegal. Small amounts of

cellulose as a filler for supplements but not in large amounts. The

large amounts will feed gut bugs.

> We do now know he has oxalate crystals in his urine. Are any of


> out there experienced enough with SCD to determine that my son is


> recovering like most SCD kids do and is a good candidate for LOD


> (Sheila, if you are out there, or anyone). He eats sooo much

carrot -

> it's killing me to feed him so much - he is orange - this can't be

> good for him.

Is Damien still improving besides the bowel movements - socially

etc.? It may be that what he eats needs to be fine tuned more -

which is difficult because of his allergies. If you can reduce the

amount of carrots and increase the amount of other foods like the

avocado that may help in reducing the orange colour and also firm up

his stool.

What about some of the other foods that he seemed to be okay with

before his allergy shots in August?

Which antifungals are you using now?

Are you still using an enzyme?


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