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RE: What to do for Fever?

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how high is fever? alot of times it is just better to let it run its

course, that is how your body kills the infection


>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread

>Subject: What to do for Fever?

>Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 01:48:43 -0000


>Can anyone recommend an SCD legal fever reducer. I recall that Advil is a

>better choice then Tylenol, but neither are SCD legal. What adverse


>can I expect if I do give him Advil.


>Any advice is appreciated.










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If you have componding pharmacy in the area, you can get ibuprofen

compounded with no illegal ingredients.

Also, you can just give regular Ibuprofen in an emergency situation.

Elaine always said that medication should be given when needed, even

if it wasn't " legal " .

As for what to expect if you give the Ibuprofen, I think it depends on

the child. It gives my boys stomach aches. But it's one of those

situations where you have to weight the options and do what you think

is best for your child.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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If you have componding pharmacy in the area, you can get ibuprofen

compounded with no illegal ingredients.

Also, you can just give regular Ibuprofen in an emergency situation.

Elaine always said that medication should be given when needed, even

if it wasn't " legal " .

As for what to expect if you give the Ibuprofen, I think it depends on

the child. It gives my boys stomach aches. But it's one of those

situations where you have to weight the options and do what you think

is best for your child.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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Thank you for the responses. I will look into a compounding pharmacy? His

fever started at a very low grade (99.8), but is slowly increased to 101. So

far, I

haven't given him any medication - I wanted to be ready if it hits 102-103°

Thanks again,


> ,


> If you have componding pharmacy in the area, you can get ibuprofen

> compounded with no illegal ingredients.


> Also, you can just give regular Ibuprofen in an emergency situation.

> Elaine always said that medication should be given when needed, even

> if it wasn't " legal " .


> As for what to expect if you give the Ibuprofen, I think it depends on

> the child. It gives my boys stomach aches. But it's one of those

> situations where you have to weight the options and do what you think

> is best for your child.



> Jody

> mom to -7 and -9

> SCD 1/03


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