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Re: Ben, Aspergers, 16, starting diet Jan. 1

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Thank you so much for writing. My son is only 4 years old, and since he

lives with his dad, I will have no chance to help him until he is much

older. That your son is 16 and showing great gains, gives me great hope.

Please keep writing about his improvements.


leaky gut, low thyroid/adrenal, SCD 10 1/2 weeks

Ben, Aspergers, 16, starting diet Jan. 1

> Hi everyone!


> I have been lurking now for about a month. I would appreciate any

> feed back regarding the introduction of yogurt in our specific

> situation. I will try to make our story brief.


> My son Ben, Aspergers and diagnosed 4 years ago by myself and later

> confirmed by a psychologist. Against all rec. we put Ben on a GFCF

> diet--miracle after miracle after miracle. Ben is without any help in

> school, solid GPA, writing skills went from a 1-2 to a 5 (scale of

> 1-6) bright, engaging, and just a great kid. However, we are not

> there yet. A bit of tweaking still needs to be done. I believe, for

> us, that until we are healed, we have not arrived. (I have multiple

> sclerosis--same diet, started SCD two weeks ago--already see some

> improvement)


> My husband is a mental health counselor and together we provide a lot

> of tough love, help with editing etc., and back ground counsel on

> social issues. His sisters have also been an unbelievable help,

> giving slack when necessary and toughness when needed. And nothing

> like a sister to observe social skills!


> We have come so far in four years, I am beyond thrilled at finding you

> all and am very hopeful that we have found our cure here.


> Ben is now about 60% SCD. I believe that I am seeing a change but

> will confirm this next month. He used to eat a ton of rice, rice

> crackers, grits, and potatoes. It was a balanced diet (always a

> vegtable struggle) but a 16 year old, 6 foot 1, he eats a LOT of food.

> He is not overweight, rather tall, healthy and on the lean side.


> Questions are this: According to him he tends to be constipated, no

> visible food in stool, no diarrhea. We tested 1/8 tsp goat yogurt

> (purchased at HFS) with no visible affect, and both he and I were very

> nervous about it. Pretty thrilled at his response, actually.


> Second Question: I have read Bradstreet remarks, heard Wakefield on

> his lecture about " specific carbohydrates " ...are there any more

> comments by physicians or other experts on the diet and how kids are

> responding.


> Any comments are greatly appreciated.


> My belief on caring for our children with this odd and not yet

> socially accepted ailment is this: If we are going to run this race

> with our children, let us run this race to win.


> You are a courageous group of moms. My gratitude is beyond words.


> Lorraine












> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi Lorraine,

I loved hearing Ben's story, and yours! It's very encouraging. My

little one also became addicted to rice when going gfcf, and so we

switched (or " added " ) SCD with improvements. I wanted to note that as

far as I understand, we should only make the goat yogurt-not purchase

it. This is important. You can read the directions and the

recommended starter on pecanbread.com

Thanks again for sharing!


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Thanks for the comment.

Actually, the purchased yogurt, it was just a test while we

were " getting our feet wet " before I started totally switching

over. I thought, perhaps he is healed up enough to handle goat

yogurt and I did the little trial. I am shocked that he handled

it! We are doing 1/8 tsp again today. If this were cow yogurt he

would have had an emotional crash and burn. When they are small you

can pick them up and put them in their room...those days are gone.

And it is more upsetting to all of us. They suffer when they are

affected by what they eat.

I also realized that I can make my yogurt using an Excalibar

dehydrator (garage sale find---they are pricey) which is nice since

our food bill continues to rise. And rise.

We don't want him (future wife, family, friends) to have to deal

with this for the rest of his life.

Thanks again!



In pecanbread , " bluelilacbutterfly "



> Hi Lorraine,


> I loved hearing Ben's story, and yours! It's very encouraging.


> little one also became addicted to rice when going gfcf, and so we

> switched (or " added " ) SCD with improvements. I wanted to note that


> far as I understand, we should only make the goat yogurt-not


> it. This is important. You can read the directions and the

> recommended starter on pecanbread.com


> Thanks again for sharing!

> :)


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