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Re: What to give when they're sick

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Hi, its probably Die-off which has all the symptoms of a really bad head


Try Activated Charcoal and Buffered Vit C, Zinc. Be careful with the Vit C

as it can cause diareaha SP?...

Good Luck

Lesley Mom to Cullen 71/2 yrs SCD 4 months

What to give when they're sick

> Hello,

> We've been on the diet for about a month and things are going well. My

> son has recently come down with one heck of a cold with lots of

> coughing and a stuffy nose. Is there anything we can give them that

> won't compromise the diet?

> Any advice is appreciated.

> Lori






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Dear Lori:

When my kids get a stuffy nose. I stop all dairy (this includes butter and

ghee) and give them humibid. Humibid is guaifenisen (expectorant)can be

purchased over the counter now and it has no artificial colors and flavors. I

didn't remember the ages of your children. (If your child does not swallow pills

- maybe crush the pill in banana but the stuff tastes terrible) There are also

forms of sudafed with no artificial colors and flavors to keep them from

clogging up and getting and infection. Saliene nasal spray or gel for their

noses. And, lots of SCD chicken soup. Humidifiers and epson salt baths work

wonders too. Good Luck! I hope this helps. Eileen Brown

ps. just to let you know I read on a fibromyalgia web site that foods high in

salycilates reduce the effectiveness of guaifenisen (I have never paid careful

attention to this)

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I agree with everything that Eileen wrote, but to add to it--we use

DiabeticTussin. It is liquid and contains only guaifenisen. We get it at

our local pharmacy, but I have seen it at Wal-Mart/K-Mart, etc. It tastes

horrible, but my kids do take it without too much grief. Good luck.

whole family SCD 2 years

Mom to Dakota (8--NF, BWS, CDD, seizures)

and (5--happy, healthy, supportive little brother)

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I agree with everything that Eileen wrote, but to add to it--we use

DiabeticTussin. It is liquid and contains only guaifenisen. We get it at

our local pharmacy, but I have seen it at Wal-Mart/K-Mart, etc. It tastes

horrible, but my kids do take it without too much grief. Good luck.

whole family SCD 2 years

Mom to Dakota (8--NF, BWS, CDD, seizures)

and (5--happy, healthy, supportive little brother)

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I was just looking up humibid because I also need something to aide

in decongesting, but it looks like this is more for a cough,

correct? I did notice while reading about it that it said:

Do not break, crush, or chew extended-release tablets and do not

open extended-release capsules; swallow them whole

Has anyone ever had motrin, decongestents compounded?



> Dear Lori:


> When my kids get a stuffy nose. I stop all dairy (this includes

butter and ghee) and give them humibid. Humibid is guaifenisen

(expectorant)can be purchased over the counter now and it has no

artificial colors and flavors. I didn't remember the ages of your

children. (If your child does not swallow pills - maybe crush the

pill in banana but the stuff tastes terrible) There are also forms

of sudafed with no artificial colors and flavors to keep them from

clogging up and getting and infection. Saliene nasal spray or gel

for their noses. And, lots of SCD chicken soup. Humidifiers and

epson salt baths work wonders too. Good Luck! I hope this helps.

Eileen Brown

> ps. just to let you know I read on a fibromyalgia web site that

foods high in salycilates reduce the effectiveness of guaifenisen (I

have never paid careful attention to this)







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