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Re: just couldn't make the turn, lost my nerve

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oh allison. I'm sorry for you. But you did what was right. If you didn't feel

comfortable you should't have gone through with it. I'm sure your husband

will be more understanding in time. I don't think they understand that inner

voice that talks to us.

Are you going to try again or try something else?

Fayetteville NC

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, Don't hate yourself! Everytime IM getting prepped for surgery I get

anxiety attacks, I would probably back out but IM to chicken to to that. If

you felt you were not ready your not ready. IM sorry I don't remember were

you a self pay or insurance. Not that it matters. Do you wish you would

have done this? What IM asking is was it just a moment of fear or are you

really not ready?

Your in my prayers! You seemed a little scared in your post this morning. I

hope you will not be so hard on yourself.

Trisha Lanman

praying Dr. R. will help me to the other side soon!!!

Las Vegas NV

BMI 40

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What is it you were afraid of? That you couldn't face the changes it will

cause in your life? That you might not survive surgery? What ever your fears

you need to face them head on and deal with the real issue. Something held

you back,and it was probably a concern that bothered you before but you

pushed it down and ignored it. It came back and bit you big time. Never

underestimate the power of prayer. Pray and ask for guidance. The lord will

answer you. I will keep you in my prayers that you can face your fear

honestly and overcome it. I think a three month wait is a good idea. You need

time to pray and really think about what you are doing and why. Don't be hard

on yourself because that will accomplish nothing. Be the brave person that

you are and face your enemy with strength and compassion. Give your husband a

chance to calm down he will come about very soon. Men think differently then

women and he will have a hard time understanding why you backed out. But I'm

sure he loves you and will understand eventually if you talk to him. I'm

sorry this happened to you but you will survive this to be a stronger person

with much better self knowledge. God bless you on your new journey.

{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}

Janet Armour

MGB 5-10-00

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Hi ,

I think you now have a 3 month waiting period. I think another person had the

same experience. I met you Saturday write me if you like.


MGB 4/20/00

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In a message dated 5/1/2000 6:52:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

allison@... writes:

<< Hi everyone,

I couldn't do it, I was laying on the gurney in the hold room had iv

in and everything, Dr. R came to see me and I was ok after he left I

lost all nerve that I ever had, got really scared and couldn't do.

Now what do I do? Am lost really hate myslef right now and my husband

is really pissed. Can't win for losing., any help out there.

allison Prewer >>

Please don't hate yourself. This is a life or death decision and it's

you're life that you are deciding with. You just have not made it to that

final peace with you're decision, just as I have not made mine yet. Tell

you're husband that it is you're life and you and only you have the right to

make the final decisions and if you were not comfortable with it, then you

were right to stop it.

A Little Scared, but wanting

to be on the other side,

Cathy in Lenoir, NC

BMI 42

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I want to try again but I think Dr. R makes you wait for about 3 mnts

before I can have it done again. I don't know I really hate myself

for this.


> oh allison. I'm sorry for you. But you did what was right. If you

didn't feel

> comfortable you should't have gone through with it. I'm sure your


> will be more understanding in time. I don't think they understand

that inner

> voice that talks to us.

> Are you going to try again or try something else?

> Fayetteville NC

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Oh , I'm so sorry. You were approved reasonably quick, weren't you?

A couple of people who got approved pretty fast, it kind of freaked them out

when they got to surgery. Sometimes I think people need a couple of months

of chatting with people who've had surgery and really taking the time to do

all the steps and really saturate themselves with information. Please don't

beat yourself up about it. Yes, it's disappointing, but this too, shall

pass. I believe the rules are, once you've backed out, you must wait

three months before you can reschedule a surgery date. Take that time to

continue your research, do a little soul evaluation on yourself and if the

time passes and you are still in earnest to have surgery, by then you will

be much better able to handle it psychologically.

I think from Ohio and I would be the coolest cucumbers in the OR

waiting area! LOL Actually I have seen quite a few people wait over a year

before getting their surgery done, it's not that horrible. All things come

to those who wait.

Good luck to you, hope to see you back on the schedule again. Perhaps in

three months we will be litter mates. LOL Chin up, it's okay, just relax

and look and listen for awhile.


At 10:48 PM 05/01/2000 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,

> I couldn't do it, I was laying on the gurney in the hold room had iv

>in and everything, Dr. R came to see me and I was ok after he left I

>lost all nerve that I ever had, got really scared and couldn't do.

>Now what do I do? Am lost really hate myslef right now and my husband

>is really pissed. Can't win for losing., any help out there.


>allison Prewer




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Oh , I'm so sorry. You were approved reasonably quick, weren't you?

A couple of people who got approved pretty fast, it kind of freaked them out

when they got to surgery. Sometimes I think people need a couple of months

of chatting with people who've had surgery and really taking the time to do

all the steps and really saturate themselves with information. Please don't

beat yourself up about it. Yes, it's disappointing, but this too, shall

pass. I believe the rules are, once you've backed out, you must wait

three months before you can reschedule a surgery date. Take that time to

continue your research, do a little soul evaluation on yourself and if the

time passes and you are still in earnest to have surgery, by then you will

be much better able to handle it psychologically.

I think from Ohio and I would be the coolest cucumbers in the OR

waiting area! LOL Actually I have seen quite a few people wait over a year

before getting their surgery done, it's not that horrible. All things come

to those who wait.

Good luck to you, hope to see you back on the schedule again. Perhaps in

three months we will be litter mates. LOL Chin up, it's okay, just relax

and look and listen for awhile.


At 10:48 PM 05/01/2000 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone,

> I couldn't do it, I was laying on the gurney in the hold room had iv

>in and everything, Dr. R came to see me and I was ok after he left I

>lost all nerve that I ever had, got really scared and couldn't do.

>Now what do I do? Am lost really hate myslef right now and my husband

>is really pissed. Can't win for losing., any help out there.


>allison Prewer




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>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

>Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

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Dear ,

Hang in there. When the time is right you will know it. You aren't

the first one to do this and I'm sure you won't be the last. I wish I could

remember the lady's name that did exactly the same thing and she recently

posted to say she had to have surgery that probably would not have been

discovered as easily because she would have been recovering from her MGB and

it would have masked her symptoms.

In January I had to have rectal surgery ( UGH!!!!! ) and I was just

fine until they left me alone and then I had a panic attack. I was crying

like a baby. When I have my MGB,

I want SOMEONE there with me until they put me under. Surgeries never used

to bother me until this last one. I think it was because it was my choice to

have it and I really feared the RECOVERY not the surgery. The unknown has a

tendency to scare the wits out of me. My point is this, just know that you

are not alone, you have friends here and some of us have done the same

thing. Hopefully it won't take too long for your hubby to come around and

you can work this out together. Keep us posted.

Best Wishes,

Genz ( Genzel )

allison@... wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I couldn't do it, I was laying on the gurney in the hold room had iv

> in and everything, Dr. R came to see me and I was ok after he left I

> lost all nerve that I ever had, got really scared and couldn't do.

> Now what do I do? Am lost really hate myslef right now and my husband

> is really pissed. Can't win for losing., any help out there.


> allison Prewer


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

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Dear ,

Hang in there. When the time is right you will know it. You aren't

the first one to do this and I'm sure you won't be the last. I wish I could

remember the lady's name that did exactly the same thing and she recently

posted to say she had to have surgery that probably would not have been

discovered as easily because she would have been recovering from her MGB and

it would have masked her symptoms.

In January I had to have rectal surgery ( UGH!!!!! ) and I was just

fine until they left me alone and then I had a panic attack. I was crying

like a baby. When I have my MGB,

I want SOMEONE there with me until they put me under. Surgeries never used

to bother me until this last one. I think it was because it was my choice to

have it and I really feared the RECOVERY not the surgery. The unknown has a

tendency to scare the wits out of me. My point is this, just know that you

are not alone, you have friends here and some of us have done the same

thing. Hopefully it won't take too long for your hubby to come around and

you can work this out together. Keep us posted.

Best Wishes,

Genz ( Genzel )

allison@... wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I couldn't do it, I was laying on the gurney in the hold room had iv

> in and everything, Dr. R came to see me and I was ok after he left I

> lost all nerve that I ever had, got really scared and couldn't do.

> Now what do I do? Am lost really hate myslef right now and my husband

> is really pissed. Can't win for losing., any help out there.


> allison Prewer


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> You have a voice mail message waiting for you at iHello.com:

> http://click.egroups.com/1/3555/1/_/453517/_/957221337/

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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass Mailing List at Onelist.com

> Please visit our web site at http://clos.net

> Get the Patient Manual at http://clos.net/get_patient_manual.htm

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I too lost my nerve right there with iv's in and ready to go. I know

there are so many feelings running through your head right now, but I

think now after looking back, that I knew I wasn't ready deep down. It

has been six months and now I am starting the process over to have the

surgery. Now after a lot of soul searching and prayer I KNOW I am ready.

You will know ,too.

Dee in NC



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