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Re: constipation- need help now

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did you try carrot juice, beets, probiotics, enzymes?


phashmall PHashmall@...> wrote:

Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six caps

a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto the

colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5 days,

then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically he's

been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet poops

once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going back to

college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the herbal

laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

have any ideas?

a H.

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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trimedica lignisul pure msm

very small doses several times a day

> Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six


> a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto


> colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5


> then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically


> been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet


> once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

back to

> college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the


> laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> have any ideas?

> a H.

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Is Senna herbal tea legal?

I know it's a bit alternative, but would you ever consider energy healing?

or even homeopathy?

When I was pregnant, energy healing was the only thing that worked for me.

Of course, for it to be effective, you have to find an energy healer that

Eli resonates with, and that's kind of a trial & error thing.

I was skeptical of all the above, until I gave them a try. Even then, I

tried practitioners that only made me more skeptical, until I found people

that worked for me. So, it can be a long road to find people that are

effective at the above.

constipation- need help now

> Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six caps

> a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto the

> colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5 days,

> then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically he's

> been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet poops

> once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going back to

> college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the herbal

> laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> have any ideas?

> a H.







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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Hi Nella,

Yes, there was a time that we were juicing every day, carrots, beets,

and greens. He has taken probiotics (high potency multi strains for

years, and has switched to scd single strain), and was taking

enzymatic therapy Bio-zyme for years, just switche to scd compliant

enzymedica digest gold. None of these has ever helped his

constipation (which is why we are trying scd).

a H.

In pecanbread , nella tsukerman wrote:

> hi,

> did you try carrot juice, beets, probiotics, enzymes?

> Nella


> phashmall wrote:

> Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six


> a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto


> colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5


> then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically


> been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet


> once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

back to

> college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the


> laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> have any ideas?

> a H.






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Hi ,

What is lignisul msm? How does it differ from regular msm? He used

msm for quite a while (Jarrow powdered) but I saw no change.

a H.

> > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at


> caps

> > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake


> the

> > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5

> days,

> > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically

> he's

> > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet

> poops

> > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet.


> > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

> back to

> > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the

> herbal

> > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out


> > have any ideas?

> > a H.

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Senna tea used to give him explo9sive diarrhea all day, the few times

we tried it. It does the same for my mom. I don't know if it's

legal, anyway. What is energy healing? He has used homeopathy for

detoxing, but not for constipation. Is there a standard remedy?

a H.

- In pecanbread , " Marilyn Sawyer "


> Is Senna herbal tea legal?


> I know it's a bit alternative, but would you ever consider energy


> or even homeopathy?


> When I was pregnant, energy healing was the only thing that worked

for me.

> Of course, for it to be effective, you have to find an energy

healer that

> Eli resonates with, and that's kind of a trial & error thing.


> I was skeptical of all the above, until I gave them a try. Even

then, I

> tried practitioners that only made me more skeptical, until I found


> that worked for me. So, it can be a long road to find people that


> effective at the above.




> constipation- need help now



> > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at

six caps

> > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake

onto the

> > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5


> > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically


> > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet


> > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

back to

> > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the


> > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out


> > have any ideas?

> > a H.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

the book

> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the


> > websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

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I have no idea if there's a standard homeopathic remedy for constipation. I

haven't been very successful when I've tried to do homeopathy for myself -

it only works for me when a classical homeopath or a naturopath has

prescribed it.

Energy healers are people that are able to manipulate energy fields in your

body. If you know any alternative healers in your area, ask them if they

know a local energy healer that they highly recommend. I'm almost sure that

they will know someone.

constipation- need help now



>> > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

>> > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

>> > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at

> six caps

>> > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake

> onto the

>> > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5

> days,

>> > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

>> > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically

> he's

>> > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet

> poops

>> > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

>> > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

>> > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

> back to

>> > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the

> herbal

>> > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out

> there

>> > have any ideas?

>> > a H.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read

> the book

>> > _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following

>> > websites:

>> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

>> > and

>> > http://www.pecanbread.com

>> >

>> >

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lignisul is the only decent source manufactuer

if msm did not make for looser stools there might be some major

issue like scar tissue/ a stricture in the intestine

you may have to look at the herbal laxatives again i think, theres a

lot besides scd to consider i think, yeast issues, efas, enzymes

it really does sound a bit yeasty to me.......... optizinc and co-

factor minerals, oreganol, candex

a cut down broad spectrum b multi might help, b vits are fairly


douglas labs magnesium taurate and chelate, inorganic magnesiums will

just feed yeast and high c doses will deplete selenium

> > > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with


> > > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> > > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at

> six

> > caps

> > > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake

> onto

> > the

> > > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for


> > days,

> > > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't


> > > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So


> > he's

> > > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet

> > poops

> > > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet.

> We've

> > > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> > > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

> > back to

> > > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the

> > herbal

> > > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out

> there

> > > have any ideas?

> > > a H.

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Hi a,

Here is the advice for constipation from a doctor who uses a diet

similar to SCD:

" prescribing them instead daily cleansing enema with one and a half

litres of warm water without additives in order to bridge the period

of initial change.... "


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Hi a,

as constipating really bad for a very long time, I have tried everything

under the sun. A lot of very expensive and worthless in his case stuff.

Young Living products are keeping him regular for over a year.

I am new to the diet, and reluctant to give up some supplements that would be

illegal like Carbozyme - enzyme and essential oils supplement developed to help

digest carbs.

Anyway there are ways to help that would be legal.

You would use Essential Oils blend Di-Gize and Peppermint.

Ask your son to lay on his back, drop 5-6 drops of Di-Gize on the stomach,

massage them in with clock-word circular motion for 5 to 10 min.

Put warm compress on, when compress cools down repeat the same using peppermint.

Use the same oils on his feet. Do you know anything about reflexology?

Find middle of his foot, and work the prat of the foot from the middle to the

heel. press with your thumb pretty hard, you will find some sensitive points

work with them more.

It will be great if he can take couple of Di-Gize drops under his thung, if he

can not, use honey or nut milk with as much of the blend as he can tolerate.

Do all of this about 3 times/day until he is regular. Less effort is needed ones

he is regular for a few days.

Did you try Epsom salt baths, feet soaks.

It is cheap and effective. They get magnesium and sulfate from the salt through

the skin, that is the best way fro people with digestive problems.

where do you leave?I wounder if I could get you some samples of oils to try. I

am in NJ.


phashmall PHashmall@...> wrote:

Hi Nella,

Yes, there was a time that we were juicing every day, carrots, beets,

and greens. He has taken probiotics (high potency multi strains for

years, and has switched to scd single strain), and was taking

enzymatic therapy Bio-zyme for years, just switche to scd compliant

enzymedica digest gold. None of these has ever helped his

constipation (which is why we are trying scd).

a H.

In pecanbread , nella tsukerman wrote:

> hi,

> did you try carrot juice, beets, probiotics, enzymes?

> Nella


> phashmall wrote:

> Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six


> a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto


> colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5


> then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically


> been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet


> once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

back to

> college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the


> laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> have any ideas?

> a H.






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Hi a,

as constipating really bad for a very long time, I have tried everything

under the sun. A lot of very expensive and worthless in his case stuff.

Young Living products are keeping him regular for over a year.

I am new to the diet, and reluctant to give up some supplements that would be

illegal like Carbozyme - enzyme and essential oils supplement developed to help

digest carbs.

Anyway there are ways to help that would be legal.

You would use Essential Oils blend Di-Gize and Peppermint.

Ask your son to lay on his back, drop 5-6 drops of Di-Gize on the stomach,

massage them in with clock-word circular motion for 5 to 10 min.

Put warm compress on, when compress cools down repeat the same using peppermint.

Use the same oils on his feet. Do you know anything about reflexology?

Find middle of his foot, and work the prat of the foot from the middle to the

heel. press with your thumb pretty hard, you will find some sensitive points

work with them more.

It will be great if he can take couple of Di-Gize drops under his thung, if he

can not, use honey or nut milk with as much of the blend as he can tolerate.

Do all of this about 3 times/day until he is regular. Less effort is needed ones

he is regular for a few days.

Did you try Epsom salt baths, feet soaks.

It is cheap and effective. They get magnesium and sulfate from the salt through

the skin, that is the best way fro people with digestive problems.

where do you leave?I wounder if I could get you some samples of oils to try. I

am in NJ.


phashmall PHashmall@...> wrote:

Hi Nella,

Yes, there was a time that we were juicing every day, carrots, beets,

and greens. He has taken probiotics (high potency multi strains for

years, and has switched to scd single strain), and was taking

enzymatic therapy Bio-zyme for years, just switche to scd compliant

enzymedica digest gold. None of these has ever helped his

constipation (which is why we are trying scd).

a H.

In pecanbread , nella tsukerman wrote:

> hi,

> did you try carrot juice, beets, probiotics, enzymes?

> Nella


> phashmall wrote:

> Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six


> a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto


> colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5


> then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically


> been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet


> once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

back to

> college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the


> laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> have any ideas?

> a H.






> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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I realize your son is older, but when my 4 year old daughter used to be

constipated prior

to starting SCD, we used to give her a Fleet Baby Lax Suppository (it

essentially is a squirt

of glycerin up her bottom, aka enema). It worked everytime.

> > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with chronic

> > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal herbal

> > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea, at six

> caps

> > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all cake onto

> the

> > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes for 5

> days,

> > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't have

> > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So basically

> he's

> > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard pellet

> poops

> > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet. We've

> > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's going

> back to

> > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on the

> herbal

> > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out there

> > have any ideas?

> > a H.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

> book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following websites:

> > http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> > and

> > http://www.pecanbread.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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The Pfeiffer Institute is recommending I take him for an abdominal

xray. I don't really like the idea, and am putting it on the back

burner for now. I know he has fungal issues, and I believe you are

correct that efa imbalance could be a problem. There's no easy way

to figure it out without lab work, and I don't have a good local

doctor at the moment to work with. This might sound like heresy, but

I just switched him from 2 tsp per day cod liver oil plus (recently)3

GLA caps to 2 Tbsp per day of Enzymatic Therapy flax oil which also

has pumpkin seed oil and borage in it. Years ago, when he was only

taking flax oil, he wasn't constipated. It's possible, I guess, that

all those years of only omega3 gave him an imbalance.

Thanks for the ideas. It helps to throw them around with others.

a H.

-- In pecanbread , " andrew " wrote:



> lignisul is the only decent source manufactuer


> if msm did not make for looser stools there might be some major

> issue like scar tissue/ a stricture in the intestine


> you may have to look at the herbal laxatives again i think, theres


> lot besides scd to consider i think, yeast issues, efas, enzymes


> it really does sound a bit yeasty to me.......... optizinc and co-

> factor minerals, oreganol, candex


> a cut down broad spectrum b multi might help, b vits are fairly

> laxative


> douglas labs magnesium taurate and chelate, inorganic magnesiums


> just feed yeast and high c doses will deplete selenium





> > > > Eli has been on scd for 16 days now, having started with

> chronic

> > > > constipation. When we started, he stopped his illegal


> > > > laxatives, which were giving him hard to push out diarrhea,


> > six

> > > caps

> > > > a day, which wasn't ideal, but better than letting it all


> > onto

> > > the

> > > > colon wall. We've tried the scd recommended cooked prunes


> 5

> > > days,

> > > > then the concentrated down prune juice with lemon (he can't

> have

> > > > orange) and hot tea for 4 days. These didn't help. So

> basically

> > > he's

> > > > been constipated again (excuse the graphics, small hard


> > > poops

> > > > once a day) for 16 days. Scd hasn't made a difference yet.

> > We've

> > > > tried over the years high vit. C, high magnesium, many colon

> > > > hydrotherapies, flax oil, and lots of other things. He's


> > > back to

> > > > college tomorrow and I don't want to have to restart him on


> > > herbal

> > > > laxatives again, since they are illegal scd. Does anyone out

> > there

> > > > have any ideas?

> > > > a H.

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He has had at least 25 colon hydrotherapies in the last year and a

half. They clean him out ok, but don't change the picture

otherwise. I must say that I can't figure out where one does an

enema. I can't imagine laying down on the cramped, cold bathroom

floor and looking at the underside of the toilet. I've never given

him the option because it sounds cramped and unpleasant. Does anyone

have any suggestions about where to do an enema comfortably? It

would sure save money.

a H>

> Hi a,


> Here is the advice for constipation from a doctor who uses a diet

> similar to SCD:



> " prescribing them instead daily cleansing enema with one and a half

> litres of warm water without additives in order to bridge the period

> of initial change.... "


> Mimi

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Dear a:

Just lay down a blanket. Use comfortable warm water - not too hot. There are

many websites offering directions.

I have alot of trouble with constipation even on scd. Nut muffins and fruit

really help. Also, yoga positions for constipation and relieving gas are also

helpful. You can do a search on google for these positions. The most important

position is for your son to squat on the ground for as long as it takes after

eating the stewed prunes. Usually 10-15 minutes does it. Get a magazine and

read. The most important thing is to form a habit of going the same time

everyday. This is Elaine's (may God bless her and her family) advice from the

website. I hope this helps. I can give descriptions of other yoga positions

but I think its better to see the pictures. Good Luck, Eileen

SCD December, 2004

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Thanks everyone for all your suggestions. I will get an enema kit,

I'll have him try the squatting and also castor oil packs. It will

take a while since I'll only see him most weekends now that he's back

at school. I'll let you all know if we have some success. I just

spoke to our doctor who feels that his problems are definitely

resistant parasite related, having affected his gallbladder. All

these things might help in the meantime.

I really appreciate all the help.

a H.

-- In pecanbread , wrote:

> Dear a:


> Just lay down a blanket. Use comfortable warm water - not too

hot. There are many websites offering directions.


> I have alot of trouble with constipation even on scd. Nut muffins

and fruit really help. Also, yoga positions for constipation and

relieving gas are also helpful. You can do a search on google for

these positions. The most important position is for your son to

squat on the ground for as long as it takes after eating the stewed

prunes. Usually 10-15 minutes does it. Get a magazine and read.

The most important thing is to form a habit of going the same time

everyday. This is Elaine's (may God bless her and her family) advice

from the website. I hope this helps. I can give descriptions of

other yoga positions but I think its better to see the pictures.

Good Luck, Eileen


> SCD December, 2004

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