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Re: Castor Oil-please read

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Absolutely amazing. Thanks for passing it on.


Castor Oil-please read

> http://www.y2khealthanddetox.com/newsletter1-4.html



> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months







> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I didn't

see it on the legal/illegal list.

Funny that article was sent along to us just a day after I bought some

castor oil. I had planned on using it in packs, for better menstrual and

digestive circulation. So thanks for the link, Jody. :-)



>Reply-To: pecanbread

>To: pecanbread

>Subject: Castor Oil-please read

>Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 14:28:01 -0000






>mom to -6 and -9

>SCD 31 months




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" So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I didn't

see it on the legal/illegal list. "


I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained how to make

the castor oil packs.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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" So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I didn't

see it on the legal/illegal list. "


I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained how to make

the castor oil packs.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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" So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I didn't

see it on the legal/illegal list. "


I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained how to make

the castor oil packs.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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The article did mention taking it internally. I wonder if that's a

good idea.

a H.

> " So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I


> see it on the legal/illegal list. "


> ,


> I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained

how to make

> the castor oil packs.



> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months

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If I remember correctly, this was not a good idea. I think someone had sent

me a message a while ago from Elaine, and so I never even used the castor

oil in the cabinet for diaper rash.

Re: Castor Oil-please read


The article did mention taking it internally. I wonder if that's a

good idea.

a H.

> " So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I


> see it on the legal/illegal list. "


> ,


> I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained

how to make

> the castor oil packs.



> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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I use castor oil packs daily, which is an external application. Castor oil is

not recommended to consume internally, unless with the supervision of a doctor.

The most important thing about castor oil, if you are not positive it is hexane

free, then it can cause more trouble than its worth. I get my castor oil, a

large bottle for a good price, hexane free at www.mountainroseherbs.com in the

carrier oils section.

Wild Oats a.k.a. Nature's sells Home Health brand castor oil. I have never been

able to find its hexane free status anywhere, so do not trust it. I find the

Home Health wool flannel to be a perfect size, though.

I use castor oil packs, placed over my liver, nightly. I heat up my flannel in

the oven for a little bit. The packs, when applied correctly, help loosen up

lymph congestion, or more specific congestion depending on the area it is

placed, bile, etc. Thus, helping the liver or other specific organs to detoxify

themselves. I always find it necessary to wash up afterwards, with a little

baking soda on the oily skin patch, because castor oil can pull toxins from the

skin, and I want it washed off completely. I do not use epsom salt baths before,

quite unnecessary IMO if the pack is heated and applied well, generally, for me,

an hour.


Small Family smallmp@...> wrote:

If I remember correctly, this was not a good idea. I think someone had sent

me a message a while ago from Elaine, and so I never even used the castor

oil in the cabinet for diaper rash.

Re: Castor Oil-please read


The article did mention taking it internally. I wonder if that's a

good idea.

a H.

> " So....does that mean that castor oil is legal to take internally? I


> see it on the legal/illegal list. "


> ,


> I wasn't suggesting that it be taken orally. The article explained

how to make

> the castor oil packs.



> Jody

> mom to -6 and -9

> SCD 31 months

For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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I posted the link because of the information on how to make and apply the

castor oil packs.

I do not know anything about taking castor oil internally. It doesn't sound


a good idea. The packs however have been used by at least one person on

this list successfully for constipation/slow bowel transit.

That's why I post the information.


mom to -6 and -9

SCD 31 months

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