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Re: What is 95% SCD? LONG RESPONSE...

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Let's just say, the starter diet was not for her and I couldn't even get her

to eat the cooked apples or carrots. So we kept her on the raw version

because she has never had a huge problem with D. I have been baking with

almond flour since day 1 because she needed little snacks and such for

school. Although, I have only found 2 baked goods she likes. I guess what I

am saying is that I have not made it 100% scd but, Kali is still seeing

die-off and benefits from scd. She doesn't need behavior or sleep med.'s

anymore. She is almost potty-trained and knows about 50 words but, we are

still having a hard time with her speech. She will say about 5 words a day

now. And even though she is sick now with a cold, she has made gains in her

health also. I see bigger time spans between illnesses and her behaviors

have reduced a lot. If you aren't completely compliant you are not going to

see the benefits as fast or maybe not even to the same level. I had to try

it to see what it could offer and I'll have to say, I will never eat

processed, canned, inorganic foods with additives or preservatives again. I

am hoping for more progress. We have been sticking to it and have been able

to add more foods due to the fact that her tummy had healed a little and SHE

WANTS to try new foods!!:) This diet is so worth it. It can help the body

regain it's state of health. Kali has autism, pica, immune system damages,

O/C disorder, GI problems(healing), oral apraxia, and we are going to be

getting her tested for metabolic disease in Dec. She has come a long way in

6 months. It's all got to be due to the diet because we can't afford to see

an Autism specialist (DAN!) and it's all we've got. I hope this is some kind

of encouragement for you all!! Love, Jenn & Kali 95% scd 6 months

What is 95% SCD?

> I've noticed some of you post with a note that you are 95% SCD. What

> does this mean? Are there little ways to cheat and still see

> benefits? We are getting pretty desperate with our 3 year old who is

> surviving on peanut butter and now some gluten free hot dogs that seem

> to be legal. He will also drink a little apple cider and eat some

> frozen blueberries.


> He refuses all foods made with almond flour. I made mock sugar

> cookies this morning and he took one bite, made a face, and spit it

> out. He refused red lentils today (usually likes bean-type things).

> He won't eat yogurt.


> Yesterday my husband asked him what he wanted Santa to bring him and

> he replied " A packet of fruit snacks. " It's really breaking my

> heart!









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following


> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com



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