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Re: New to list - need SCD goats yoghurt advice

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Welcome to the list Natasa,

> I wonder if anyone could give some advice on this: my son has been

on SCD for almost 3 months, with some great results. He has been

casein free since May.


> We tried to introduce goats milk yoghurt, hoping that he would

tolerate it better than he did dairy produce in the past.


> On day one we did not notice any negative symptoms, but during the

night he woke up once, cried a little, and went back to sleep. On

the second night he groaned in his sleep, and also woke up a few

times (but did not stay awake, just sort of tossed and turned for a

minute or so). Now this scared the hell out of us, as he used to

have terrible sleep problems before we removed diary, so we

immediately decided to stop the yogurt.


> Also no obvious side effect during the day, apart from MAYBE that

his eye contact was not as great as it was in the past few weeks.


> One positive today: the red ring around his anus, that has been

there from the day he was born, was today almost invisible. That

made me wonder - could the yoghurt actually be having the positive

effect on fighting yeast? This fast? And could his night cramps be

sign of yeast/bacterial die-off and not casein-intolerance? Does

anyone have any experience of this?

It does sound like die off - sleeplessness is pretty common with die

off. You could try reducing the amount. We usually suggest starting

with 1/8 tsp and slowly working up - this helps cut down on the die

off symptoms. Also epsom salt baths may help ease the symptoms.

If you are already doing 1/8 tsp you can go even smaller or skip

days in between doses.


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Thanks for the advice Sheila. Just a couple more question: if he really is

intolerant to casein, my worry (I know it might sound silly, but here it

is:) is that going with such small doses we might not be able to notice

adverse reactions at first. also: how much yoghurt would be the 'full

recommended dosage' for a 2yr old, 33lb? if starting with tiny amounts, what

is the aim to build up

to? Thanks, Natasa > >

Welcome to the list Natasa, > > > I wonder if anyone could give some

advice on this: my son has been > on SCD for almost 3 months, with some

great results. He has been > casein free since May. > > > > We

tried to introduce goats milk yoghurt, hoping that he would > tolerate it

better than he did dairy produce in the past. > > > > On day one we

did not notice any negative symptoms, but during the > night he woke up

once, cried a little, and went back to sleep. On > the second night he

groaned in his sleep, and also woke up a few > times (but did not stay

awake, just sort of tossed and turned for a > minute or so). Now this

scared the hell out of us, as he used to > have terrible sleep problems

before we removed diary, so we > immediately decided to stop the

yogurt. > > > > Also no obvious side effect during the day, apart from

MAYBE that > his eye contact was not as great as it was in the past few

weeks. > > > > One positive today: the red ring around his anus, that

has been > there from the day he was born, was today almost invisible. That

> made me wonder - could the yoghurt actually be having the positive >

effect on fighting yeast? This fast? And could his night cramps be > sign

of yeast/bacterial die-off and not casein-intolerance? Does > anyone have

any experience of this? > > It does sound like die off - sleeplessness

is pretty common with die > off. You could try reducing the amount. We

usually suggest starting > with 1/8 tsp and slowly working up - this helps

cut down on the die > off symptoms. Also epsom salt baths may help ease

the symptoms. > > If you are already doing 1/8 tsp you can go even

smaller or skip > days in between doses. > > Sheila >

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Thanks for the advice Sheila. Just a couple more question: if he really is

intolerant to casein, my worry (I know it might sound silly, but here it

is:) is that going with such small doses we might not be able to notice

adverse reactions at first. also: how much yoghurt would be the 'full

recommended dosage' for a 2yr old, 33lb? if starting with tiny amounts, what

is the aim to build up

to? Thanks, Natasa > >

Welcome to the list Natasa, > > > I wonder if anyone could give some

advice on this: my son has been > on SCD for almost 3 months, with some

great results. He has been > casein free since May. > > > > We

tried to introduce goats milk yoghurt, hoping that he would > tolerate it

better than he did dairy produce in the past. > > > > On day one we

did not notice any negative symptoms, but during the > night he woke up

once, cried a little, and went back to sleep. On > the second night he

groaned in his sleep, and also woke up a few > times (but did not stay

awake, just sort of tossed and turned for a > minute or so). Now this

scared the hell out of us, as he used to > have terrible sleep problems

before we removed diary, so we > immediately decided to stop the

yogurt. > > > > Also no obvious side effect during the day, apart from

MAYBE that > his eye contact was not as great as it was in the past few

weeks. > > > > One positive today: the red ring around his anus, that

has been > there from the day he was born, was today almost invisible. That

> made me wonder - could the yoghurt actually be having the positive >

effect on fighting yeast? This fast? And could his night cramps be > sign

of yeast/bacterial die-off and not casein-intolerance? Does > anyone have

any experience of this? > > It does sound like die off - sleeplessness

is pretty common with die > off. You could try reducing the amount. We

usually suggest starting > with 1/8 tsp and slowly working up - this helps

cut down on the die > off symptoms. Also epsom salt baths may help ease

the symptoms. > > If you are already doing 1/8 tsp you can go even

smaller or skip > days in between doses. > > Sheila >

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had to post this twice, my computer does this funny thing, sorry:

Thanks for the advice Sheila. Just a couple more question: if he really is

intolerant to casein, my worry (I know it might sound silly, but here it is:) is

that going with such small doses we might not be able to notice adverse

reactions at first.

also: how much yoghurt would be the 'full recommended dosage' for a 2yr old,

33lb? if starting with tiny amounts, what is the aim to build up to?




> Welcome to the list Natasa,


> > I wonder if anyone could give some advice on this: my son has been

> on SCD for almost 3 months, with some great results. He has been

> casein free since May.

> >

> > We tried to introduce goats milk yoghurt, hoping that he would

> tolerate it better than he did dairy produce in the past.

> >

> > On day one we did not notice any negative symptoms, but during the

> night he woke up once, cried a little, and went back to sleep. On

> the second night he groaned in his sleep, and also woke up a few

> times (but did not stay awake, just sort of tossed and turned for a

> minute or so). Now this scared the hell out of us, as he used to

> have terrible sleep problems before we removed diary, so we

> immediately decided to stop the yogurt.

> >

> > Also no obvious side effect during the day, apart from MAYBE that

> his eye contact was not as great as it was in the past few weeks.

> >

> > One positive today: the red ring around his anus, that has been

> there from the day he was born, was today almost invisible. That

> made me wonder - could the yoghurt actually be having the positive

> effect on fighting yeast? This fast? And could his night cramps be

> sign of yeast/bacterial die-off and not casein-intolerance? Does

> anyone have any experience of this?


> It does sound like die off - sleeplessness is pretty common with die

> off. You could try reducing the amount. We usually suggest starting

> with 1/8 tsp and slowly working up - this helps cut down on the die

> off symptoms. Also epsom salt baths may help ease the symptoms.


> If you are already doing 1/8 tsp you can go even smaller or skip

> days in between doses.


> Sheila


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Hi Natasa,

> had to post this twice, my computer does this funny thing, sorry:

No problemo.

> Thanks for the advice Sheila. Just a couple more question: if he

really is intolerant to casein, my worry (I know it might sound

silly, but here it is:) is that going with such small doses we might

not be able to notice adverse reactions at first.

If he really is intolerant he would probably have a reaction. If

unsure post what kind of reaction he has. Die off reactions do seem

to be different from intolerance (severe bloating, stomach aches

etc.). Also with die off you tend to notice good things happening

at the same time (but not always). When you reported that the red

ring on his bottom is almost gone that would be one of the good

signs :)

> also: how much yoghurt would be the 'full recommended dosage' for

a 2yr old, 33lb? if starting with tiny amounts, what is the aim to

build up to?

About 2 cups /day. So if you start low and go slow it could take a


Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 43 mos

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Now more confused than ever! Tried giving a 1/8 tsp of goats yogurt last night

(just before bedtime! -in retrospect probably a bad idea but my dh was the

baby-sitter and forgot about it during the day).

Anyway, we had contstant waking for the first few hours, groaning and crying

(almost like night terrors that he used to have on cow's milk). This morning he

is in a good mood again, so I'm in two minds about die-off versus intolerance


Could someone point me to some websites/papers/files that discuss

yeast/bacterial die-off and how to recognise it? His initial lab tests showed

Clostrida presence, so could this be a culprit?




> Hi Natasa,


> > had to post this twice, my computer does this funny thing, sorry:


> No problemo.


> > Thanks for the advice Sheila. Just a couple more question: if he

> really is intolerant to casein, my worry (I know it might sound

> silly, but here it is:) is that going with such small doses we might

> not be able to notice adverse reactions at first.


> If he really is intolerant he would probably have a reaction. If

> unsure post what kind of reaction he has. Die off reactions do seem

> to be different from intolerance (severe bloating, stomach aches

> etc.). Also with die off you tend to notice good things happening

> at the same time (but not always). When you reported that the red

> ring on his bottom is almost gone that would be one of the good

> signs :)


> > also: how much yoghurt would be the 'full recommended dosage' for

> a 2yr old, 33lb? if starting with tiny amounts, what is the aim to

> build up to?


> About 2 cups /day. So if you start low and go slow it could take a

> while.


> Sheila, SCD 58 mos, 21 yrs UC

> mom of , SCD 43 mos


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If testing indicated clostridia, you might also want to look into

giving him S. Boulardii.

If you look up herxheimer reaction on google, you'll find some of the

die-off symptoms.

As I mentioned before, I would probably give the yogurt at dinner,

then give an epsom salt bath and activated charcoal at bedtime.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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If testing indicated clostridia, you might also want to look into

giving him S. Boulardii.

If you look up herxheimer reaction on google, you'll find some of the

die-off symptoms.

As I mentioned before, I would probably give the yogurt at dinner,

then give an epsom salt bath and activated charcoal at bedtime.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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If testing indicated clostridia, you might also want to look into

giving him S. Boulardii.

If you look up herxheimer reaction on google, you'll find some of the

die-off symptoms.

As I mentioned before, I would probably give the yogurt at dinner,

then give an epsom salt bath and activated charcoal at bedtime.


mom to -7 and -9

SCD 1/03

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