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Whey Protein Isolate

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First of all, I do believe I have a section on my website about whey - with

lactose or not.

It is an inferior protein. Having watched a lot of history unfolding, I hate to

see you

parents being used for economic gain. For many years, whey, a byproduct of


manufacture was dumped wherever possible - most of the time in farmers' creeks.

Because it contained so much carbohydrate (lactose) it caused bacteria to

ferment it

vigorously and the stench was horrendous. Farmers complained for miles around.


the Dept. of Agriculture decided to turn another waste product into money and

posted all

sorts of new bulletins about how wonderful whey was. In biochemistry, we learn

it is an

inferior protein and one which is most apt to cause allergic reactions. Perhaps


promoting it do not know biochemistry nor history but this is my take on whey


The best protein is casein - as my website tells you, it was ued by developing

countries (as

well as industrialized countries) as the best protein to help children dying

from diarrhea

from cholera, etc. to regain health. Those who do not know history are doomed to


through the same mistakes.

Carol F.

Toronto, Celiac, SCD 5 years

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Hi Jody,

What kind of meat chicken, beef etc.?


Ground, roast etc.

Are you sure there are no additives, seasonings etc.?

Sheila, SCD 57 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 42 mos


> Can not eat meat. Body does not like it. I have cd and

> absorption problems. Someone told me that I need to

> eat meat/protein,but it is not an option for me.

> I cant eat nuts or meat,so what else is there?

> I was taking whey protein powder even that makes me

> ill.

> Just got a batch of yoghurt to finally gel so am

> hoping that will help.


> j4dcj

> Celiac Sprue




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