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Defending the mothers of Autism/ / Was Re: scd and putting on muscle

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I generally like your posts and find you a very interesting resource. I

certainly don't want you to leave. However, you should realize that every once

in a while you depart from your biomedical talks to make a personal comment or

observation and I believe this is the source of the problems.

It's a bit like going up to someone that you don't know and saying " You're fat.

You'd better lose weight or you're going to die. " It may be honest and direct,

but when someone is embarrassed and hurt, their brain is going to be too

emotionally preoccupied to be receptive to the truth - a bit like trying to

swallow a bitter pill. Knowing that it's good for you and that you need to do

it doesn't stop you from gagging on the nasty thing and it doesn't go down any

easier for the knowledge.

This happens to men, too. The variation is generally in what men are sensitive

to & the manner in which they handle it. And recognizing these as

generalizations means that it is necessary to remember that every individual

varies in sensitivity and reaction as well. Even absent the presence of yeast,

stress, fatigue and all those other extra negative influences people might be

dealing with, too.

You don't have to go to great lengths to make your statements more digestible.

Generally, just turning a negative statement positive will suffice - like

" losing weight will help you feel better and live longer " . (Notice that the

direct personal observation that the person is fat is left out, but it still

indicates that the need to lose weight is there)

Choosing your words with a little care can make so much difference in the

receptiveness of the person you're talking to. Some words can be expected to

provoke more negative reactions than others. (Like fat vs. overweight or

difficult vs. challenging or whine vs. plead and so on)

If a person has been told or has read something from a source that they have

been able to rely on in the past, they will naturally question someone who tells

them something different and be more resistant. In those cases, invite

observation and comparison as you so often do and then let them learn. That is

the way of human nature. And so many members here have said as much - that they

learned you were right and then they started listening to you better.

Making the " medicine " pallatable makes all the difference in getting people to

accept it.

Looking forward to reading more of your biomedical info,


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Thanks, ! That was a prime example of what I am talking about and very

helpful! Have a great day! :-)


Defending the mothers of Autism/ / Was Re: scd

and putting on muscle

the female brain can decline in a drastic way from about 35 on, if i

were you i would look to your own issues and stop projecting about mine

do you have amalgams?

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Hi Carol,

Yes,it was Bruno Bettleheim who propagated this dastardly accusation.

I read his biography;what a tragedy! He was in a concentration camp

and became very disturbed because of this experience. It is a similar

situation to that of abused children who grow up becoming abusers

themselves:one tragedy leads to another...

So his accusations led to another group being persecuted:the mothers

of autism. It took a long time for the mothers of autism to be

vindicated. There are many mothers on this list who have suffered so

much. That is why I am willing to stand up when anyone speaks rudely

about the mothers of autism. I am not disputing the fact that many of

them are suffering from heavy metal poisoning.

Personally speaking,I have no ill felings towards . I admire all

the incredible progress he has made,his dedication to helping others

and his vast knowledge. Even his social skills,I consider to be fine

compared to those of the older generation of ASD folks. As the mother

of an adult man who was born with ASD,I am very aware of the lack of

good resources during those times. Many years ago,when I found new

treatments for my children,I met excellent mothers who had older high

functioning ASD sons and daughters who were unbelievably violent. One

had even murdered an infant. Autism makes a devastating injury to the

social skills of adults who did not get the right treatments.

told me that is about 30 or 40 years old;there was no help for

ASD children when was young.

I agree that we should return back to talking about SCD.



> Elaine showed me the old video about the poor mothers in the 1950's

who were blamed

> for their children's autism and dubbed " Refrigerator Moms. " I was

horrified. Was it Bruno

> Bettleheim who propagated this dastardly accusation?


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