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Dill activates glutathione-s-transferase enzyme

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I was perusing the world's healthiest foods website (again) and found

this on dill. Don't know if anyone else has noticed this already, but

it may be of interest to ASD and glutathione issues:


" Protection Against Free Radicals and Carcinogens

The monoterpene components of dill have been shown to activate the

enzyme glutathione-S-transferase, which helps attach the anti-oxidant

molecule glutathione to oxidized molecules that would otherwise do

damage in the body. The activity of dill's volatile oils qualify it as

a " chemoprotective " food (much like parsley) that can help neutralize

particular types of carcinogens, such as the benzopyrenes that are part

of cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke, and the smoke produced by

trash incinerators. "

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