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Hi, Just wanted to say hi and grab any free advice while I'm

searching the archives.

I'm ready to start SCD, I am a mom to baby L who reacts to foods I am

eating. She is 9 months old, and thus far has been exclusively

breastfed, we have only tried a few solids (and literally I mean a

few!) with little success.

At 3 weeks of age, I eliminated dairy from my diet, at 4 weeks, soy

(after subbing soy for dairy she had an AWFUL reaction), and then

went on TED (total elimination) for a month and added foods to find

that she reacts to dairy, soy, garbanzo beans, pork, citrus, red

berries, all melons, peanuts. So I do not eat those foods, she also

reacted to avocado when she had some, although she does not react

when I eat it.

She has severe GERD, bowel issues, and rash/eczema when exposed to

these foods. The GERD is controlled very well with meds and my diet.

I believe that if I switch to SCD I may be able to reintroduce dairy

in the allowed forms and that if she starts solids in SCD and

continues to nurse, that we may be able to overcome the reactions

rather than create true allergies.

Her GI has suggested that she nurse w/o solids to one year at this

point, as it seems to be just too frustrating and damaging to add

foods that she reacts to.

Any advice? :)


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Welcome to the list ,

We suggest that most people start with the introductory diet and

gradually add foods after that. Since she has such a bad reaction

when you eat dairy it would probably be a good idea for you to start

with the dairy free version of the intro diet (1-5 days; 4-5 for

severe diarrhea, 1-3 for everything else):


Here are some more links for getting started on the diet:





I agree that in your case keeping her off solids for a while longer

is probably a good idea. When you are ready to try solids with her

we can help you out. There are other parents on the list whose

children have GERD. At some point you may be able to introduce

dairy in the form of yogurt (with helpful healing bacteria) though

taking it slow at least for now is probably a good idea.

Sheila, SCD 56 mos, 21 yrs UC

mom of , SCD 41 mos

> I believe that if I switch to SCD I may be able to reintroduce


> in the allowed forms and that if she starts solids in SCD and

> continues to nurse, that we may be able to overcome the reactions

> rather than create true allergies.


> Her GI has suggested that she nurse w/o solids to one year at this

> point, as it seems to be just too frustrating and damaging to add

> foods that she reacts to.


> Any advice? :)


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Wow I went through ALL this with both of my kids. I now believe that if I had

known what I know now and done SCD that they would not have the bowel problems

we have now. I did all the eliminations you have (dairy, citrus, berries, eggs,

peanuts, chocolate, etc.) I now believe that MY gut is so leaky that everything

I ate went in to my milk! But that's another story...

If cow dairy is a problem I would highly recommend using goat milk yogurt and

cheeses until your gut has done some healing... as the babies have a very hard

time digesting cow protein, even if you are only eating legal dairy. That's

just my opinion but after going through what you have (and believe me, I've been

there) I would hate to see you introduce the dairy prematurely and see problems

before SCD has had a chance to work for you!!! :)

What a great and brave mommy you are! Many don't see the issues you are dealing

with as a big deal or just go the formula route. :)


new here.. intro

Hi, Just wanted to say hi and grab any free advice while I'm

searching the archives.

I'm ready to start SCD, I am a mom to baby L who reacts to foods I am

eating. She is 9 months old, and thus far has been exclusively

breastfed, we have only tried a few solids (and literally I mean a

few!) with little success.

At 3 weeks of age, I eliminated dairy from my diet, at 4 weeks, soy

(after subbing soy for dairy she had an AWFUL reaction), and then

went on TED (total elimination) for a month and added foods to find

that she reacts to dairy, soy, garbanzo beans, pork, citrus, red

berries, all melons, peanuts. So I do not eat those foods, she also

reacted to avocado when she had some, although she does not react

when I eat it.

She has severe GERD, bowel issues, and rash/eczema when exposed to

these foods. The GERD is controlled very well with meds and my diet.

I believe that if I switch to SCD I may be able to reintroduce dairy

in the allowed forms and that if she starts solids in SCD and

continues to nurse, that we may be able to overcome the reactions

rather than create true allergies.

Her GI has suggested that she nurse w/o solids to one year at this

point, as it seems to be just too frustrating and damaging to add

foods that she reacts to.

Any advice? :)


For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

_Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following





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UGH formula, yah, except they are all dairy or soy based and well, I'm from

a long line of breastfed women, gotta stick to that one!

I've had a lot to think about and I totally agree, my gut is leaky on the

things she reacts to, and so my gut is allowing bits too big into the milk

and her body isn't able to deal with it. Between that and the HUGE amts of

antibiotics we had in labor, I'm sure her gut is in ugly shape, as is mine.

Does anyone use raw milk? I might have an opportunity to get some on a

regular basis, and have heard great things about it being easier to digest.

Goat milk is difficult to come by here, $$$$ for a tiny little can.

On 10/24/05, Little Britches Boutique robbie@...>



> Wow I went through ALL this with both of my kids. I now believe that if I

> had known what I know now and done SCD that they would not have the bowel

> problems we have now. I did all the eliminations you have (dairy, citrus,

> berries, eggs, peanuts, chocolate, etc.) I now believe that MY gut is so

> leaky that everything I ate went in to my milk! But that's another story...


> If cow dairy is a problem I would highly recommend using goat milk yogurt

> and cheeses until your gut has done some healing... as the babies have a

> very hard time digesting cow protein, even if you are only eating legal

> dairy. That's just my opinion but after going through what you have (and

> believe me, I've been there) I would hate to see you introduce the dairy

> prematurely and see problems before SCD has had a chance to work for you!!!

> :)


> What a great and brave mommy you are! Many don't see the issues you are

> dealing with as a big deal or just go the formula route. :)


> Robbie



> new here.. intro



> Hi, Just wanted to say hi and grab any free advice while I'm

> searching the archives.


> I'm ready to start SCD, I am a mom to baby L who reacts to foods I am

> eating. She is 9 months old, and thus far has been exclusively

> breastfed, we have only tried a few solids (and literally I mean a

> few!) with little success.


> At 3 weeks of age, I eliminated dairy from my diet, at 4 weeks, soy

> (after subbing soy for dairy she had an AWFUL reaction), and then

> went on TED (total elimination) for a month and added foods to find

> that she reacts to dairy, soy, garbanzo beans, pork, citrus, red

> berries, all melons, peanuts. So I do not eat those foods, she also

> reacted to avocado when she had some, although she does not react

> when I eat it.


> She has severe GERD, bowel issues, and rash/eczema when exposed to

> these foods. The GERD is controlled very well with meds and my diet.


> I believe that if I switch to SCD I may be able to reintroduce dairy

> in the allowed forms and that if she starts solids in SCD and

> continues to nurse, that we may be able to overcome the reactions

> rather than create true allergies.


> Her GI has suggested that she nurse w/o solids to one year at this

> point, as it seems to be just too frustrating and damaging to add

> foods that she reacts to.


> Any advice? :)


> Thanks,









> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the book

> _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the following

> websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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Hi, Keep up the good work. I have two children with similar starts (one

four and one almost two). I have been gluten and casein free among many other

foods free for four years. I was breastfeeding my son and within a few weeks

from his birth knew he was reacting to foods I was eating. I only started

SCD six months ago with both kids and myself. It's a sacrifice to limit what

you eat if you don't have any outward symptoms but in my eyes definitely well

worth it. My youngest is petite and skinny and always has needed the

calories from my breast milk. Believe it or not I'm still nursing her along


solids. We are probably winding down but I believe both kids have benefited so

much from breastmilk. I weaned my son at 22 months and I saw such a huge

regression in his developmental skills within a month and a half. He has

severe leaky gut and now has autism. My daughter is developing beautifully but


was GCF all pregnancy and had a better idea of what to do. Since starting SCD

at 18 months her vocabulary has exploded. I feel I've headed off the

problems that occurred with my son and for that I'm grateful. They still both


major gut issues. I think my son's system is just going to take longer to

heal. Just my insight. mom to Cameron 4 and Peyton 22 months, SCD six


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