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So happy to hear you had a wonderful time!!! I'm looking forward to

something like that one of these days...lol. Hope the good days

continue. Laurie

> Hi Everyone!


> I just got in from my trip and had a glorious time. I was able to

visit Santa

> Fe, Taos, Albuquerque, Gallup, Shiprock, Durango and passed thru


> Springs. Dollar Car Rental gave me a wonderful 2002

> concorde/convertible to drive. The beauty of those cities was just


> I visited the St Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe and lighted up

> candle for all of us. You know there is so much beauty in life, I


> that there is so much that I haven't seen or have done yet. Now

more that

> ever I'm going to fight my upcoming challenges with all my strenght

> so I can be able to fullfill all those dreams that I have given up

on. My

> inmune system is going to find out that I'm not surrending to his


> I have so many e-mail to go thru but I ran into Luanne's e-mail. I

hope that

> things got better by now. Bert you know I loved your jokes. Harper,

> , Carol I just got the e-mails but thank you. I want to say

that I

> missed you all but I can't because you were there in my heart. I


> couldn't see your writing on my screen and that I did miss. Wow its


> I better get to sleep. God Bless You!



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  • 3 years later...
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Rainy Sue! I have missed you dearly.

You might not want to write that long E-mail, but I want you to. I hope

you've been well.

There are a lot of young members who could benefit from hearing about your

experiences. Are you still on Remicade?

Welcome back!

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] I'm Back!

> Hello & a!


> It's been... years! But I haven't forgotten any of you. I am doing well,

> and will get you caught up slowly. I don't want to do any huge long email

> of what my life has been for the years I've been absent.


> For now, hello to those who never got to know me before I disappeared and

> hello to all my old friends!


> How is everyone??


> My best, Rainy aka Sue

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Welcome back Rainy Sue!! I've thought about you often. I hope you're

still doing as well as you were.

If enough has been going on to fill a book, we'll take it chapter by

chapter. Not much new is going on with me except I finally moved to

Florida. After years of talking about it, we finally did it. We've

been here a year and absolutely love it.

I can't wait to hear about you!


On Jul 2, 2005, at 3:45 PM, Rainy wrote:

> Hello & a!


> It's been... years! But I haven't forgotten any of you. I am doing

> well, and will get you caught up slowly. I don't want to do any huge

> long email of what my life has been for the years I've been absent.


> For now, hello to those who never got to know me before I disappeared

> and hello to all my old friends!


> How is everyone??


> My best, Rainy aka Sue




> " The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who

> still manages to find a living in the city. " -- Carl Van Vechten

> RainySue19@...









> __________________________________________________


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Hi Rainy,

Just a great big welcome back, Tawny

> Hello & a!


> It's been... years! But I haven't forgotten any of you. I am doing

well, and will get you caught up slowly. I don't want to do any huge

long email of what my life has been for the years I've been absent.


> For now, hello to those who never got to know me before I

disappeared and hello to all my old friends!


> How is everyone??


> My best, Rainy aka Sue




> " The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who

still manages to find a living in the city. " -- Carl Van Vechten

> RainySue19@y...









> __________________________________________________


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Hi Rainy,

It has been such a long time. It is wonderful to see you back.

Lynn (MeMom)

Rainy wrote:

> Hello & a!


> It's been... years! But I haven't forgotten any of you. I am doing well, and

will get you caught up slowly. I don't want to do any huge long email of what my

life has been for the years I've been absent.


> For now, hello to those who never got to know me before I disappeared and

hello to all my old friends!


> How is everyone??


> My best, Rainy aka Sue


> " The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who still manages

to find a living in the city. " -- Carl Van Vechten

> RainySue19@...


> __________________________________________________


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Welcome back Rainy, so glad to have you back in the family. Hope things are

going well for you. You were missed.



[ ] I'm Back!

Hello & a!

It's been... years! But I haven't forgotten any of you. I am doing well, and

will get you caught up slowly. I don't want to do any huge long email of what my

life has been for the years I've been absent.

For now, hello to those who never got to know me before I disappeared and

hello to all my old friends!

How is everyone??

My best, Rainy aka Sue

" The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who still manages

to find a living in the city. " -- Carl Van Vechten



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Wow!!Rainy Sue, it seems like a lifetime that you have been gone, but VERY

happy that you are able to post and let us hear from you.

Please know that you may have been gone from our boards, but never out of our

hearts and thoughts. Welcome Back!

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Wow! Hi guys! It is so good to hear from old friends! I have never forgotten any

of you! Obviously, since I am back! ;)

I'm basically in the same shape as before. Same meds. Ask if you want list. I

have do have 23 years experience in the business! LOL. I've been on most all of


I'm still writing, THAT is a given, that will never die. It's been my main

escape and ONLY constant thing in my life that has never betrayed me. Though the

meds I have been taking haven't changed, I certainly have. I have " grown up " in

many ways. One day I will explain.

I still have my kitty, Isabella. She'll be 9 this summer. I still have my LOUD

squawk box bird, Quay, and also have 3 cockatiels, and a parakeet. Quay and 2 of

the cockatiels will be 16 this summer. My parakeet is almost 9, which is unreal!

He has gone FAR past his life span. I call him my little old man. :) The last

cockatiel is abt 4.

Still learning Russian and doing great there. And am majorly addicted to TV

reality shows! Big Brother 6 starts tonight! That one is my all time favorite.

Anyone else?

It's great to be back and find all my friends still here! Thank you for such

warm welcomes! It gives me many smiles!

~Rainy Sue

" The cat is the only animal without visible means of support who still manages

to find a living in the city. " -- Carl Van Vechten



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  • 6 months later...

Hi Deb,

I was wondering what was going on with you. Congratulations on your

new prospects!

Is the difficulty you speak of that you feel you are not sure of

the need to disclose this part of your personal health to the

commmunities that are considering having you as associate pastor? On

the one hand, I suppose there may be a period of time where you have

to be absent if you decide to have surgery and then recovery...but

would it not be a blessing for any congregation to have someone

ministering to them that understands chronic and unrelenting pain?

The understanding that you have will no doubt be helpful in

addresing what is a part of many a familys struggle, I suspect.

Did you ever see Dr Crandall? I recall that you were trying to see

him in January.

Weel, I wish you a rainy day....! Glad you are back..Cam

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Hi, Cam!

I don't have a problem disclosing my situation, but most people, as

you all can attest to, find it difficult to accept when they

actually see you day in and out. You can be " fine " (meaning hiding

it well) and then not. Plus all the stuff about asking people for

help. Some stuff is easy to ask for help (No, I can't move the

tables and chairs to set up for the event), and some stuff isn't

easy to ask for help or help others understand that I just can't (I

can't take the youth on a hike, much as I'd like too, and I can't

stand up very well today, as a matter of fact.)

Anyway, I'm still working on how much I can tell about my real

situation and where I need to draw the line. Lots of that is

personal boundaries for myself (honoring my own, though I am quite

good at that, sadly, having given up lots of things I like doing -

like hiking). Lots of that is public boundaries - what is

appropriate to share with people, in what contexts, how much, and

how much do I " dismiss " about myself with others (Oh, yeah, I had

surgery 17 years ago and I live in chronic pain, but everyone has

something they deal with.)

I actually cancelled my appointment with Dr. Crandall. Thanks for

remembering! I was doing better after some intensive massage therapy

and a drastic reduction in my activities that I am slowly adding

back on. I just couldn't face starting up with a new dr, when I'm

going to move in the next six months, and my problems were no longer

so acute I felt the need to do something about them now, as compared

with starting with someone in a few months.

I hope all is well for you!

Deb M.

(Thinking we will have no rain in Phoenix until the monsoons in

July/August, for which hopefully we won't be here anymore!!! :-)


> Hi Deb,


> I was wondering what was going on with you. Congratulations on


> new prospects!


> Is the difficulty you speak of that you feel you are not sure of

> the need to disclose this part of your personal health to the

> commmunities that are considering having you as associate pastor?


> the one hand, I suppose there may be a period of time where you


> to be absent if you decide to have surgery and then recovery...but

> would it not be a blessing for any congregation to have someone

> ministering to them that understands chronic and unrelenting pain?

> The understanding that you have will no doubt be helpful in

> addresing what is a part of many a familys struggle, I suspect.


> Did you ever see Dr Crandall? I recall that you were trying to see

> him in January.


> Weel, I wish you a rainy day....! Glad you are back..Cam


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cool! I'm finding lots of connections to the area that I hadn't known

about before!

Maybe I'll run into them!



> Deb M.

> My sister-in-law lives in New Bern, N.C.! She loves it there!


> Very good luck to you!


> Carole


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  • 1 month later...
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, this is absolutely wonderful news!

(and yes, we all know how awesome is.)


May you continue to heal smoothly and uneventfully.


[ ] I'm Back!

> Hello all - just a quick note as I can't sit too long yet.....Dr. Hu,

> her Fellows and residents, and UCSF are absolutely tops. To have done

> what I did, and to be back home in 7 days is mind-boggeling - and I

> give the credit to them for that. I am doing great too. (Except for

> having to wear this TLSO. I got to pick a design though, and mine is

> lavendar with purple butterflys.) The pain is managed fairly well with

> Oxycontin 30mg every 8 hours and Norco every 4 hours as needed for

> breakthrough pain. For the first time, I also developed the nerve pain

> and burning on the tops of my thighs, so I also take Neurontin every 8

> hours. The surgery was more successful than even Dr. Hu had

> anticipated. She achieved 90-95% correction when she had to stop at 9

> hours due to the bleeding. She felt she could have gotten 100% if I

> hadn't started to bleed out and she could have finished. But this is

> fine with me! My husband said he had never seen me so tall - I told

> him he had just forgotten. I was down to 5'3 " , and now I know I'm at

> least 5'6 " , posssibly taller. I will post more later. I'm sure you

> already know this, but Racine is an absolute angel! I can never

> thank her enough for everything.

> Blessings,

> ~CA ~






> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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CA , I am so proud of you! It totally amazes me that you are

already home. God is good! I have this suspection that you are smiling

quite a bit in spite of the discomfort. I hope you have quick and

complete healing.

Lots of love,


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Hi !!!! Welcome Back!!!! I am so glad to hear from you and that you are doing so well.. How exciting!!!! Take care, Ken. <Dawg@...> wrote: Hello all - just a quick note as I can't sit too long yet.....Dr. Hu, her Fellows and residents, and UCSF are absolutely tops. To have done what I did, and to be back home in 7 days is mind-boggeling - and I give the credit to them for that. I am doing great too. (Except for having to wear this TLSO. I got to pick a design though, and mine is lavendar with purple butterflys.) The pain is managed fairly well with Oxycontin 30mg every 8 hours and Norco every 4 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. For the first time, I also developed the nerve pain and burning on the tops of my thighs, so I also take Neurontin every 8 hours. The surgery

was more successful than even Dr. Hu had anticipated. She achieved 90-95% correction when she had to stop at 9 hours due to the bleeding. She felt she could have gotten 100% if I hadn't started to bleed out and she could have finished. But this is fine with me! My husband said he had never seen me so tall - I told him he had just forgotten. I was down to 5'3", and now I know I'm at least 5'6", posssibly taller. I will post more later. I'm sure you already know this, but Racine is an absolute angel! I can never thank her enough for everything.Blessings,~CA ~

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ca, glad to hear your home and doing so well.Wow out in 7 days and a lavender TLSO I hope I get a pretty one also.Take it easy,Vonnie <Dawg@...> wrote: Hello all - just a quick note as I can't sit too long yet.....Dr. Hu, her Fellows and residents, and UCSF are absolutely tops. To have done what I did, and to be back home in 7 days is mind-boggeling - and I give the credit to them for that. I am doing great too. (Except for having to wear this TLSO. I got to pick a design though, and mine is lavendar with purple butterflys.) The pain is managed fairly well with Oxycontin 30mg every 8 hours and Norco every 4 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. For the first time, I also developed the nerve pain and burning on the tops of my thighs, so I also take Neurontin every 8

hours. The surgery was more successful than even Dr. Hu had anticipated. She achieved 90-95% correction when she had to stop at 9 hours due to the bleeding. She felt she could have gotten 100% if I hadn't started to bleed out and she could have finished. But this is fine with me! My husband said he had never seen me so tall - I told him he had just forgotten. I was down to 5'3", and now I know I'm at least 5'6", posssibly taller. I will post more later. I'm sure you already know this, but Racine is an absolute angel! I can never thank her enough for everything.Blessings,~CA ~

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I can honestly say my eyes were welling up a little reading your post.

You sound fantastic and I hope your recovery continues apace. We all

have had you in the back of our minds all week and has kept

us " up to speed " ...right up to her dropping you at the airport

yesterday...so we all were anticipating hearing from you sometime next

week....NOT TODAY!!!

Take it easy, rest...recouperate. When you can sit longer you can fill

us in on the details, but for now we will all rest easy knowing you are


Take Care, Cam

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Wow!! I am so happy for you, . It's been a long road and I hope the

bumpy part is over. My recovery two cents: sleep and remember your

collace!!! Ann

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--- WOw, that is amazing!! I am glad you are doing so well...can

you believe it is over??,PA

In , " " <Dawg@...> wrote:


> Hello all - just a quick note as I can't sit too long yet.....Dr.


> her Fellows and residents, and UCSF are absolutely tops. To have


> what I did, and to be back home in 7 days is mind-boggeling - and I

> give the credit to them for that. I am doing great too. (Except


> having to wear this TLSO. I got to pick a design though, and mine


> lavendar with purple butterflys.) The pain is managed fairly well


> Oxycontin 30mg every 8 hours and Norco every 4 hours as needed for

> breakthrough pain. For the first time, I also developed the nerve


> and burning on the tops of my thighs, so I also take Neurontin

every 8

> hours. The surgery was more successful than even Dr. Hu had

> anticipated. She achieved 90-95% correction when she had to stop

at 9

> hours due to the bleeding. She felt she could have gotten 100% if


> hadn't started to bleed out and she could have finished. But this


> fine with me! My husband said he had never seen me so tall - I


> him he had just forgotten. I was down to 5'3 " , and now I know I'm


> least 5'6 " , posssibly taller. I will post more later. I'm sure


> already know this, but Racine is an absolute angel! I can


> thank her enough for everything.

> Blessings,

> ~CA ~


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Great news that you are doing so welll! Yea!


Re: [ ] I'm Back!

ca, glad to hear your home and doing so well.Wow out in 7 days and a lavender TLSO I hope I get a pretty one also.Take it easy,Vonnie <Dawg@...> wrote: Hello all - just a quick note as I can't sit too long yet.....Dr. Hu, her Fellows and residents, and UCSF are absolutely tops. To have done what I did, and to be back home in 7 days is mind-boggeling - and I give the credit to them for that. I am doing great too. (Except for having to wear this TLSO. I got to pick a design though, and mine is lavendar with purple butterflys.) The pain is managed fairly well with Oxycontin 30mg every 8 hours and Norco every 4 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. For the first time, I also developed the nerve pain and burning on the tops of my thighs, so I also take Neurontin every 8 hours. The surgery was more successful than even Dr. Hu had anticipated. She achieved 90-95% correction when she had to stop at 9 hours due to the bleeding. She felt she could have gotten 100% if I hadn't started to bleed out and she could have finished. But this is fine with me! My husband said he had never seen me so tall - I told him he had just forgotten. I was down to 5'3", and now I know I'm at least 5'6", posssibly taller. I will post more later. I'm sure you already know this, but Racine is an absolute angel! I can never thank her enough for everything.Blessings,~CA ~

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  • 2 months later...
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Amy wrote:


> Dear Bee,

> Hello there it's Amy, I haven't posted for a couple of months now.

> I've been following your diet for about 5-6 months and for the last

> couple of months I have been chopping and changing with supplements

> to try and hurry my recovery - It hasn't worked, I've fallen flat

on my face and need to go back to simple diet and supplements.

==>Hi Amy. It's great to have you back!


> I'm back here as I've realised my main problems are candida and

> adrenals. For the last week I have worn myself out and started

> trying to eat nuts, carrots and quinoa and brown rice as I am 5ft8 "

> and weigh just over 8 stone, this is very light and my family and

> boyfriend are worriedI'm fine with the diet but I have problems

> keeping the weight on. It's hard to know what to do.

==>Weight is the least of your problem when you have candida. I,

too, lost tons of weight, but went back to normal when I got through

killing off most of the candida and could add some foods.


> The brown rice and carrots and nuts give me back the itch on my

> wrist that I associate with candida. I've not been consistent with

> the antifungals and sometimes use the oregano oil every day then

> skip a day or two. I need to get my routine back.


> Do you think I should be able to tolerate some grains or higher

carb veggies once I'm back on the antifungals properly?

==>You must go by your symptoms. Some people cannot tolerante even a

minimum of 1/4 cup of grains or higher carb veggies until they've

gotten through most of the program. Focus on killing off the

candida, and not on your weight.


> I need to keep the weight on some how. It seems to have come off

> more since starting the oregano about 1 1/2 months ago. Before then

> I was on a lower dose capsule form with a mix of clove, oregano and

> grapeseed that kept it at bay - just. It amazes me how easily the

> yeast comes back, just when you're feeling brilliant for a couple

of weeks, let it slip for 2 days off the antifungals and bam! It's

back. I'm also finding die off hard to cope with in terms of mood

swings and weakness in general.


> Which B complex do you recommend? I can't find a water soluble one.

==>B complex is water soluble, as opposed to oil soluble like

vitamins A, E & D. I take Natural Factors.

> Also my vitamin d contains no allergens but it does contain

> safflower oil. Is this okay in such small doses or is it an evil

oil that could hamper my recovery? Maybe I am analysing too much.

==>Get vitamin D from cod liver oil or halibut liver oil. Yes,

safflower oil is a no-no!


> Thanks so much Bee, I have learnt there is no fast way of getting

> better, my adrenals are far too delicate.

==>Have you read the Adrenals file?

Hugs, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
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HI! I'm so glad you are recovering pretty well, and I'm sorry about the P. I

know that I break out like crazy with any trauma so that is probably what is

causing it as well as not taking your meds.

BTW on 8/4 I'm meeting with Dr. Sultzberg out of Northwestern to talk about my



dreimutter1957 <dreimutter1957@...> wrote:

Thought I would check in with you guys and let you all know that the

hip replacement surgery went well. Thanks for everyone's good wishes

in response to my previous posting preop. This was something I

should have done a couple of years ago at least; I don't know why I

waited so long-silly of me.

They gave me epidural anesthesia, which was great postop because

they left the epidural in for 24 hours for pain relief. I don't know

what sort of other sedation they gave me, but I slept through the

whole operation. They did a posterior approach to put the hip

prosthesis in, so I have a lovely incision trailing right up the

middle of my fanny. Good thing I don't wear bikini's or low-rise

pants, I guess. The nurse is coming this Thursday 7/13 to take the

staples out.

The night of surgery, they sat me up to dangle at the side of the

bed. The day after, they pulled the epidural and Foley catheter and

I was allowed up with the walker. The following day I graduated to

crutches. I was discharged home on the the crutches. Physical

therapy came out three times the first week and second week. They

discharged me from Home Health PT on Friday because I graduated to

walking with a cane and then to walking without any assistive device

at all, plus I have been very diligent about my exercises. (I can do

30 reps or more of everything except for the hardest one, the

straight leg lift. I can JUST manage 10 reps of that one. It's HARD,

because the muscles are still sort of stiff and weak 'cause my hip

was so bad going into the replacement.) The ortho nurse clinician is

setting me up with outpatient PT since Home Health signed off. The

home health nurse has been coming twice a week to draw my blood to

check the PTT/INR because they discharged me on Coumadin for a month

to prevent postop blood clots. However, because Home PT discharged

me, she has to stop coming too....so after she comes Thursday to

check my blood and take out the staples, the nurse has to make

arrangements for me to have my blood drawn someplace outpatient to

check the PTT/INR twice a week. (Which will be fun GETTING to

outpatient PT and to the blood draws, since I can't drive yet till I

see the doc on 7/24 for my postop check. My oldest dd and my son can

drive, so I will have to work around their schedules to have them

take me, I guess. Maybe I shouldn't have been so motivated to get

rid of the cane/crutches, you know?)

Although the hip pain is SO MUCH BETTER than preop (even the first

few days postop, the surgical pain was NOTHING compared to the pain

I had preop!) I can really tell the psoriasis is flaring from being

off the Methotrexate and Enbrel nearly a month and a half now for

the surgery. Can't restart it until after the postop check either. I

have patches flaring on my scalp, on my forearm, on my back, and

under and between the breasts (This is pretty bad for me, normally

my psoriasis is pretty much limited to the scalp). The arthritis is

also flaring; my spondyloarthropathy is starting to kick in (my SI

area is starting to really throb and ache) and both feet are

swollen, with the right foot is red and painful as well all the way

to the ankle. I'm sure it's not a blood clot, but rather an

arthritis flare, since I have had swelling like this in the past

with flares, albeit without the pain and redness. I also have been

having recurring low grade fevers each night at bedtime (100-101)

and waking up with severe headaches (migraines? sinus?) 4 times in

the past week and a half. I have an appointment with my internist

today (ortho knows, and they said see the internist or

rheumatologist and see what they say and then to call them) to check

things out just in case.


although I really hate how that shot burns, plus I can't really

afford it...my insurance makes me pay $300 a month copay to get it)

AND ALEVE AGAIN!!!!! (Sorry, but to me, Norco, Tramadol, and Tylenol

Arthritis do NOTHING for that throbbing arthritis ache. Give me

Aleve anyday.)

BTW, , after you've been on the meds awhile and get around to

checking out ortho for your hip replacement, I can DEFINITELY

recommend Dr Lalit Puri at Northwestern. And I can honestly say the

nursing care on the ortho unit after surgery was top-notch. (As a

nurse myself, I really felt they are great professionals there.)

Take care, all! And again, thanks for all the good wishes preop!

[Editor's Note: Thanks for letting us know and congratulations on such a

successful post-op period. Please continue to let us know how you're doing.

Kathy F.]


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