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Re: Soy Sauce Substitute

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Since you have been on the SCD for a month, I don't

have any suggestions for you. However, once you have

been on the diet a while and can tolerate black beans,

you could try making your own soy sauce.

It is a long process that has several stages, but I

think it is really worth it. You also get black bean

" miso " paste out of it too which is beneficial to your


Black bean soy sauce and miso

Soak black beans for 24 hours. Boil until tender but

not mush. Remove water. Mash beans up or use

processor and pulse so most of it is crushed but still

chunky. Make squares about the size of your hand and

about 2-3 inces thick. Air dry in warm and well

circulating room on racks(near clean vents). This

process takes a long time (sometimes several weeks)

and smells up your house. In the summer, you can hang

them outside once they maintain their shape. Once

blocks are completely dried through, dust off and

place in brine made of filtered water and salt. Lots

of salt and lots of water so blocks are floating on

top. This liquid will become your soy sauce. Too

little salt does not allow the blocks to float and can

cause molding. I keep mine outside and open the lid

when the weather is nice so it can breath. I put mesh

around the opening to prevent anything from flying in.

I also put a piece of charcoal in the brine. It

takes away a lot of the smell and impurities. Leave

this for approx. 6 months. You can taste the brine

periodically to see if you like the taste. You can

always stop earlier. Once you are ready, remove moist

blocks and puree in food processor. Put brine through

sieve/cloth and boil liquid and let cool. Place in

glass jars.

Take bean paste and place in jars and either put

garlic paste or thick coating of salt over the top to

prevent molding. This has to age at least a few

months. Open the lid and let natural sun hit it and

form dry crust. Keep doing this when ever you can.

This intensifies the flavor and keeps it from molding.

When ready to eat, remove top layer and use as base

for soup.

I know it's a lot but if you ever try it, I know you

won't be disappointed. I have been making my own soy

sauce and bean paste for years and just started the

black bean one a year ago bc of scd. Of course it took

a year to make and since my son has been scd compliant

for 1.5 months, can now enjoy it. He was startled bc

he didn't think he could have it. When I said he

could, he was really really happy.:)

Best of luck.

--- W mail-lists@...> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,

> Thanks to everyone who posts here. Lots of good

> information on the list!


> Looking for a little help. I just started the SCD a

> month ago. I am fine

> with not eating most things, but I miss my Chinese

> food! I am trying to

> come up with some recipes that are close to my

> favorite dishes, but I

> need some kind of substitute or replacement for soy

> sauce. Any thoughts?


> Thanks in advance,


> UC 10yrs, SCD 1mo




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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I have read this email a few times in amazement that you go through this

process. I know don't have the time to do this, but thanks for the

recipe. If you ever go into business selling this (hint hint) you

certainly have a customer ;-)

Kim wrote:

> ,

> Since you have been on the SCD for a month, I don't

> have any suggestions for you. However, once you have

> been on the diet a while and can tolerate black beans,

> you could try making your own soy sauce.

> It is a long process that has several stages, but I

> think it is really worth it. You also get black bean

> " miso " paste out of it too which is beneficial to your

> health.


> Black bean soy sauce and miso

> Soak black beans for 24 hours. Boil until tender but

> not mush. Remove water. Mash beans up or use

> processor and pulse so most of it is crushed but still

> chunky. Make squares about the size of your hand and

> about 2-3 inces thick. Air dry in warm and well

> circulating room on racks(near clean vents). This

> process takes a long time (sometimes several weeks)

> and smells up your house. In the summer, you can hang

> them outside once they maintain their shape. Once

> blocks are completely dried through, dust off and

> place in brine made of filtered water and salt. Lots

> of salt and lots of water so blocks are floating on

> top. This liquid will become your soy sauce. Too

> little salt does not allow the blocks to float and can

> cause molding. I keep mine outside and open the lid

> when the weather is nice so it can breath. I put mesh

> around the opening to prevent anything from flying in.

> I also put a piece of charcoal in the brine. It

> takes away a lot of the smell and impurities. Leave

> this for approx. 6 months. You can taste the brine

> periodically to see if you like the taste. You can

> always stop earlier. Once you are ready, remove moist

> blocks and puree in food processor. Put brine through

> sieve/cloth and boil liquid and let cool. Place in

> glass jars.

> Take bean paste and place in jars and either put

> garlic paste or thick coating of salt over the top to

> prevent molding. This has to age at least a few

> months. Open the lid and let natural sun hit it and

> form dry crust. Keep doing this when ever you can.

> This intensifies the flavor and keeps it from molding.

> When ready to eat, remove top layer and use as base

> for soup.


> I know it's a lot but if you ever try it, I know you

> won't be disappointed. I have been making my own soy

> sauce and bean paste for years and just started the

> black bean one a year ago bc of scd. Of course it took

> a year to make and since my son has been scd compliant

> for 1.5 months, can now enjoy it. He was startled bc

> he didn't think he could have it. When I said he

> could, he was really really happy.:)

> Best of luck.



> --- W mail-lists@...> wrote:


> > Hi Everyone,

> > Thanks to everyone who posts here. Lots of good

> > information on the list!

> >

> > Looking for a little help. I just started the SCD a

> > month ago. I am fine

> > with not eating most things, but I miss my Chinese

> > food! I am trying to

> > come up with some recipes that are close to my

> > favorite dishes, but I

> > need some kind of substitute or replacement for soy

> > sauce. Any thoughts?

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> >

> > UC 10yrs, SCD 1mo

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >






> __________________________________

> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

> http://mail.yahoo.com



> For information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please read the

> book _Breaking the Vicious Cycle_ by Elaine Gottschall and read the

> following websites:

> http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info

> and

> http://www.pecanbread.com






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> > ,

> > Since you have been on the SCD for a month, I don't

> > have any suggestions for you. However, once you have

> > been on the diet a while and can tolerate black beans,

> > you could try making your own soy sauce.

> > It is a long process that has several stages,


What happened to the " soaking stage? "

Carol F.

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Soaking stage a given on scd so didn't write it. But

yes, of course, soak soak soak

--- carolfrilegh c.frilegh@...> wrote:


> >

> > > ,

> > > Since you have been on the SCD for a month, I

> don't

> > > have any suggestions for you. However, once you

> have

> > > been on the diet a while and can tolerate black

> beans,

> > > you could try making your own soy sauce.

> > > It is a long process that has several stages,


> ,

> What happened to the " soaking stage? "


> Carol F.











Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.

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Soaking stage a given on scd so didn't write it. But

yes, of course, soak soak soak

--- carolfrilegh c.frilegh@...> wrote:


> >

> > > ,

> > > Since you have been on the SCD for a month, I

> don't

> > > have any suggestions for you. However, once you

> have

> > > been on the diet a while and can tolerate black

> beans,

> > > you could try making your own soy sauce.

> > > It is a long process that has several stages,


> ,

> What happened to the " soaking stage? "


> Carol F.











Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.

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