Guest guest Posted June 10, 2009 Report Share Posted June 10, 2009 It appears the FDA has struck again....throwing another curve ball at health freedom by removing a valuable nutrient from store shelves. I wonder when this will happen, and how it will affect things like nutritional yeast?Pyridoxamine's Status Has Changed Up until now Pyridoxamine has been marketed and sold as a dietary supplement, but recently the FDA has changed its status to a drug. This change means that the product will be removed from sale in US nutrition outlets. Read about the change here The rare antiaging B vitamin Pyridoxamine is one of the three naturally occurring vitamin B6’s (the others being pyridoxal and pyridoxine), but pyridoxamine as a supplement is the rarest form, perhaps partly due to its high per Kg. price. Recent clinical trials have supported facts about pyridoxamine that do not appear to be present in the more commonly available B6 vitamins. One of the most noticeable features of pyridoxamine is the fact that it is the most potent natural substance to inhibit glycosylation. This process (also known as cross-linking) inhibits the actions of proteins to go about there functions, it is formed when sugar (normally as glucose) meets oxygen and protein. More glycated proteins leads to more incidences of aging disorders such as cataracts, hardened skin, tough collagen (thereby more inefficient cell and arterial walls) and it is a well know fact that diabetics have large numbers of glycated proteins, a prominent feature of the diabetic disease. In animal models, pyridoxamine has inhibited both development and progression of diabetic nephropathy for type 1 and 2 diabetes. Human trials are ongoing but show promise at doses of 50 mg. twice daily, and whilst some patients have taken as much as 300 mg daily, they have not shown any signs of serious side effects or contraindications. Glycation, particularly as Advanced Glycated End products (AGE) has been associated with aging for many years and forms a fundamental theory of aging. There are a number of stages, both early and late, in the formation of AGE’s and whilst excellent anti-glycators such as Aminoguanidine show excellent ability to prevent early-stage glycation, it is not so effective in post or late stage glycation. This is where pyridoxamine has been shown to be most effective. One study, (Booth AA, Khalifah RG, Todd P, Hudson BG, In-vitro kinetic studies of formation of antigenic advanced glycation end products. Novel inhibition of post-Amadori glycation pathways, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Feb 28;272(9):5430-7), stated that; “…[pyridoxamine] may compliment others, such as Aminoguanidine, known to either prevent initial sugar attachment or scavenge highly reactive dicarbonyl intermediates.†Apart from inhibiting AGE formation, pyridoxamine also “traps†advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALE’s). This fact has not escaped researchers interested in atherosclerosis, because this is viewed as an age-related disease and the presence of an excess of ALE’s seem to set the stage to affect the structure and function of the vascular wall. In animal experiments, pyridoxamine is noted to help reduce the formation of ALE and has therefore been suggested that it could help prevent (or slow) the formation of atherosclerosis, which would naturally assist in the avoidance of heart disease. Further interesting animal experiments with pyridoxamine have shown improvement for kidney disorders, in particular helping to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Dosages: Normal dosages are considered to be 50 mg once daily. A Universal Weapon against aging By Kaufmann, MS We are constantly being bombarded with messages from the media, the department of public health, and the World Health Organization (WHO) about how overweight and sedentary we have become. The incidence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Our growing waistlines coupled with our sedentary lifestyles have put us at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes as well as a host of other chronic degenerative diseases. I raise this issue, because in the face of all this public discussion, it is easy to ignore the public health warnings, particularly if you are an individual of normal weight and consider yourself at low risk of developing diabetes. Actually, when one looks at the disease Diabetes Mellitus (DM), it is apparent that what is truly occurring is an accelerated form of aging. Aging is occurring in all of us. It is important to make note of the many microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes because these complications provide us with clues from which we can form a logical and rational anti-aging protocol. There are a number of different theories of aging. One of the oldest and best known theories is Denham Harman’s ‘free radical’ theory of aging which dates back to 1956. This theory posits that unpaired oxygen electrons, which are produced during aerobic respiration, cause cumulative oxidative damage, resulting in the effects of aging and death. Harman posited that endogenous oxygen radical generation occurs within the body, as a by product of enzymatic redox chemistry. Therefore the necessary ingredient for life – oxygen – is a double edged sword. While we can’t live without breathing in oxygen, we cannot utilize oxygen without it damaging our cells. Another theory of aging is the cross-linking theory of aging. The cross-linking theory of aging and the free radical theory of aging are not mutually exclusive, but synergistic. Ironically the cross-linking theory of aging is actually based upon processes described by the food chemist Louis Camille Maillard in 1912 who outlined the non-enzymatic chemical reactions between proteins and carbohydrates that cause foods to turn brown and further enhance their flavors. This process also occurs in the body when a reduced sugar (usually glucose) attaches to a protein. An intermediate reversible product is formed. That product is a Schiff base. As the protein/glucose complex continues to be exposed to additional sugar a more stable, less reversible complex forms. That complex is known as an Amadori product. Amadori products further degrade into a number of highly reactive carbonyl compounds. These compounds are known as Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) or when lipids or fats are involved Advanced Lipoxidation End products (ALEs). AGE/ALEs go on to react with other fats, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids and a variety of other cells. AGEs in tissues increase the rate of free radical production, cause tissue injury, inflammation, and can deposit anywhere. For example, when AGEs attach to LDL cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol is rapidly oxidized and is more likely to deposit within a blood vessel thereby contributing to plaque formation and atherosclerosis. AGEs form at an accelerated rate in hyperglycemia, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. However, AGEs are a universal symptoms of aging. They can deposit in any organ or tissue, including the skin, the lungs, the blood vessels, the lens of the eye, the neurons in the brain, and in the filtering mechanism in the kidney. Whenever and wherever AGEs deposit, the normal functioning of that organ, tissue or cell is compromised. There is evidence that AGEs can bind with DNA and have a mutagenic effect (contributing to the risk of cancer and autoimmune disease). When we think of the formation of AGEs and ALEs we generally think of them forming endogenously as a result of the glucose that is already within the body. We often forget that there are also dietary AGEs and ALEs. Our exposure to AGEs and ALEs occurs as an end result of normal metabolism. However we can also be contributing to the problem through the intake of dietary, exogenous AGEs. So, no matter who we are, how fit we are, how thin we are, we cannot escape the effects of these cross linked proteins. Pyridoxamine Vitamin B6 exists in 3 naturally occurring forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine (PM). Pyridoxine is the form most commonly seen in supplements. However, each can be phosphorylated at the 5 position. Pyridoxal 5’ phosphate (PLP) and pyridoxamine 5’ phosphate (PMP) are the active coenzyme forms. Pyridoxine is found in plant sources. Pyridoxamine and pyridoxal are found in animal sources where they exist mainly in their phosphorylated forms. All 3 forms have some ability to function as anti-glycation agents inhibiting the formation of AGE/ALEs, but it is pyridoxamine that is the most potent agent of the three forms. Pyridoxamine prevents the formation of AGEs. It works by trapping reactive carbonyl groups and it also demonstrates free radical quenching properties. Accumulation of AGEs is a physiologic consequence of tissue aging. Tissue deposits of AGEs and circulating AGEs are a hallmark of diabetes mellitus. Damage from AGEs is also seen in a variety of other vascular and degenerative diseases. AGE generation potentiates oxidative damage and lipid peroxidation in target tissues. The tissue damage caused by AGEs and ALEs further drives inflammation. The more we understand about the role of AGEs in ‘normal’ global aging, the more important a pharmacologic agent like pyridoxamine becomes. Pyridoxamine has multiple mechanisms of action which can are best summarized in a study published in 2005. “…PM inhibits post Amadori steps of the Maillard reaction by sequestering catalytic metal ions and blocking oxidative degradation on Amadori intermediate. PM also has the capacity to scavenge toxic carbonyl products of sugar and lipid degradation, and to inhibit reactive oxygen species.†Pyridoxamine has been shown to limit the formation of AGEs without affecting glycemic control. There is additional evidence that high blood lipids contribute to the formation of AGE/ALEs even in the absence of hyperglycemia. Pyridoxamine inhibited the formation of both toxic end products demonstrating a protective effect on vascular and renal function in an animal model. It is quite unique that PM demonstrates the ability to prevent lipid peroxidation and therefore ALE formation. Pyridoxamine inhibited the formation of ALEs by trapping malondialdehyde (MDA) an important intermediate in ALE formation. The beauty of pyridoxamine lies not only in its multiple mechanisms of action, but also in its tolerability. There are little or no contraindications for its use. The Role of AGEs in Health and Disease There are a variety of chronic and degenerative diseases associated with the accumulation of AGEs in tissues and organs. Many of these conditions we consider a normal part of growing older. The toxic AGEs can deposit anywhere compromising physiologic function. AGEs deposit in the lens of the eye leading to the formation of cataracts. When AGEs deposit in the vascular system, long lived proteins such as collagen and elastin become stiff and hypertension is just one of many possible consequences. It is hard to envision a chronic degenerative condition or disease of aging that would not benefit from the inhibition of AGE/ALEs formation. “Although AGEs in proteins are probably correlative, rather than causative, with respect to aging, they accumulate to high levels in tissues in age-related chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and neurodegenerative disease.†Inhibition of AGE formation could inhibit oxidative and inflammatory damage in target tissues, slowing the progression and pathophysiology of aging. This could lead to a significant improvement of the quality of life of the aging population. It is evident that AGE/`ALEs likely contribute to both diabetic and non diabetic vascular damage. AGEs accumulate in tissues and organs in rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer disease. As mentioned above, diabetes mellitus provides us with a model of accelerated aging. AGE/ALEs contribute to the various microvascular and macrovascular complications which occur in the disease. Just as AGEs compromise the flexibility and efficiency in the vascular system, AGE deposition in the kidney compromise the kidney’s filtering capacity and can lead to nephropathy and kidney failure. Culling the most recent literature was enlightening. There is now evidence that AGEs may contribute to colon cancer and melanoma. Pyridoxamine may prove to be a therapy for primary hyperoxaluria (which causes the formation of kidney stones. AGEs may well interfere with osteoclast activity by altering the structural integrity of bone matrix proteins and osteoclast induced bone resorption, thereby contributing to an increased risk of bone fracture. There may even prove to be a link between AGEs and osteoarthritis (OA) the most common cause of chronic pain and disability in older adults. In conclusion, pyridoxamine may prove one of our most powerful weapons in the war against chronic degenerative disease and aging itself. 1 Harman D. Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry. J Gerontol. 1956; 2: 298-300 2 Hipkiss AR. Accumulation of altered proteins and ageing: causes and effects. Exp Gerontol. 2006; 41(5):464-73 3 Kikuchi S, Shinpo K, Takeuchi M, et al. Glycation-a sweet tempter for neuronal death. Brain Res Rev. 2003;41(2-3):306-23 4 Ulrich P, Cerami A. Protein glycation, diabetes and aging. Recent Prog Horm Res. 2001;56:1-21 5 Brownlee M. The pathological implications of protein glycation. Clin Invest Med. 1995; 18:275-82 6 Brownlee M. Advanced protein glycosylation in diabetes and aging. Annu Rev Med. 1995;46:223-34 7 Vlassara H. Advanced glycation in health and disease: role of modern environment. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005;1043:452-60 8 Leklem, JE: Vitamin B6 In Handbook of Vitamins. 2nd Ed. Edited by L.J. Machlin. 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