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Bye for now

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> I've decided to go no-mail for a while.


> I've enjoyed my time here, yet I realised yesterday when I was

> disappointed noone had replied to my mails, that I was starting to

> take it too personally, and too seriously.

I know how you feel Karina; and I *am* no mail, but I still like to

see responses to my postings, and I also (stupidly) take it

personally if I feel " ignored " . However I can well understand why not

all my messages are of interest to everyone, as I can't reply to

postings which have no relevance to me either, ie breastfeeding bras

or books/dvds I haven't seen/read. Also since I am out of the small

child era, and most of you are deep in it, I whinge on about my

teenagers which most of you can't relate to. Hard not to take it

personally however, I agree!

> Time to get on with real life - make real life contact, get


> locally perhaps, ring people I haven't kept in touch with.

Good move, although you *can* do both; I have found the less I use

IRC the more I interact with the real world as IRC is *far* more

timeconsuming and addictive than the yahoogroups. You just sit there

for hours typing to someone whose face you might never see.

Come back soon, anyway!


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Karina, can you try and do both? I mean real life, plus maybe read the

messages on the web when you have a spare minute? I love this list and find

it a real life saver at times! My boys are 4, 2 and 4 months and although I

do get out quite a lot (school runs, parties, out with friends), there are

times when I can't get out with all of them, and it is *so* nice to be able

to have grown-up conversations on here. I'm sure it's helped keep my sanity

at times.

I assume you mean the mail about your weekend on your own that no one has

replied to? I nearly did and was going to rattle off all the things you

could be doing and then realised that they were all near me and I had no

idea where in the country you are, so decided not to reply!! Can you try

and see friends this weekend or have someone over to you? Or go out

somewhere locally, like a zoo, park or even fruit picking? It's nice to do

something different, but I sometimes avoid going places at weekends as it

does get so busy, and I still have the option of going during the week.

Hope you have a good weekend whatever you decide!


Bye for now

I've decided to go no-mail for a while.

I've enjoyed my time here, yet I realised yesterday when I was

disappointed noone had replied to my mails, that I was starting to

take it too personally, and too seriously.

Time to get on with real life - make real life contact, get involved

locally perhaps, ring people I haven't kept in touch with.

Thanks again. Perhaps I'll come back some time.


Mum to Emilia (Oct 98) and Sebastian (Aug 00)

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Oh Karina,

I struggle with this list continually (e.g. feeling like I don't fit

in) and I am not even one of the regulars!

I rarely reply to posts because I just don't have the time, and was

thinking I would go no mail too as I am getting grief from him

upstairs about all the time i spend on 'his' cooter in the evening


Anyway I guess I am ideally placed to reply to your email about what

to do in the area because I think (?) it is you that lives in NW5

(therefore quite near).

(hope you will read this)

One idea is the children's activites/performers at Hampstead heath.

There is supposed to be an acrobat performing at 3pm on sunday in

Golder's Hill Park - might be worth a look and cheap too! Email me if

you want more details.

Other suggestions: London Zoo, Highgate Woods, shopping (well that's

my favourite).

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NW5? I didn't know you lived that close to me (NW11). Not that I

have small kids, but I do remember what I used to do with them in

the holidays and Golders Hill Park was a firm favourite; there is

always something to do there; also Parliament Hill has a wonderful

play area/activity centre and a gorgeous paddling pool and sandpit.

All free!

If it rains there's always clown town which is behind the big tesco

on the North Circular going east towards southgate.


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NW5? I didn't know you lived that close to me (NW11). Not that I

have small kids, but I do remember what I used to do with them in

the holidays and Golders Hill Park was a firm favourite; there is

always something to do there; also Parliament Hill has a wonderful

play area/activity centre and a gorgeous paddling pool and sandpit.

All free!

If it rains there's always clown town which is behind the big tesco

on the North Circular going east towards southgate.


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I *think* Karina lives there. I live in N4.

I have never been to clown town but I keep thinking I ought to go.

Ruthie, do you know if it is any good?


> NW5? I didn't know you lived that close to me (NW11). Not that I

> have small kids, but I do remember what I used to do with them in

> the holidays and Golders Hill Park was a firm favourite; there is

> always something to do there; also Parliament Hill has a wonderful

> play area/activity centre and a gorgeous paddling pool and sandpit.

> All free!


> If it rains there's always clown town which is behind the big tesco

> on the North Circular going east towards southgate.


> Ruthie

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I *think* Karina lives there. I live in N4.

I have never been to clown town but I keep thinking I ought to go.

Ruthie, do you know if it is any good?


> NW5? I didn't know you lived that close to me (NW11). Not that I

> have small kids, but I do remember what I used to do with them in

> the holidays and Golders Hill Park was a firm favourite; there is

> always something to do there; also Parliament Hill has a wonderful

> play area/activity centre and a gorgeous paddling pool and sandpit.

> All free!


> If it rains there's always clown town which is behind the big tesco

> on the North Circular going east towards southgate.


> Ruthie

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> I *think* Karina lives there. I live in N4.


> I have never been to clown town but I keep thinking I ought to go.

> Ruthie, do you know if it is any good?



TBH Clown town was an innovation after my kids were grown, so I

haven't been there either, but my DDs 1 and 2 take their kids there

quite frequently and they love it.

See you all after Sabbath; we are two hours ahead here so it's a

quarter past six already and as we are further east than the UK

Sabbath begins and ends earlier too. (ends around ten past 8 here,

at dark. The period between twilight and dark here is barely twenty


Yeshaya has been glued to his playstation ever since he got it, he

can't use it on Sabbath so this will be a real test of how he can

cope without it!


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Hi ,

I used to live in N4 - absolutely loved it and it was really good for small

children (I thought so anyway...). My daughter was born at the Whittington

in '94 (!) - the best thing when she was tiny was the NCT - don't know if

its still really active there. But there was lots else for us to do - and

she went to a lovely nursery from 2 at Gillespie school, and then on to the

school. We were there 'til Mon was over 6 - only had to move 'cos of the

house prices (too steep when we finally got enough together to buy). Have

you been there long, and how old is/are your kid/s? Mon still goes to a


school in N1 on Saturdays (we're now in E10 & starting from scratch -

new area with new baby :-) ).


Re: Re: Bye for now

> I *think* Karina lives there. I live in N4.


> I have never been to clown town but I keep thinking I ought to go.

> Ruthie, do you know if it is any good?




> >

> > NW5? I didn't know you lived that close to me (NW11). Not that I

> > have small kids, but I do remember what I used to do with them in

> > the holidays and Golders Hill Park was a firm favourite; there is

> > always something to do there; also Parliament Hill has a wonderful

> > play area/activity centre and a gorgeous paddling pool and sandpit.

> > All free!

> >

> > If it rains there's always clown town which is behind the big tesco

> > on the North Circular going east towards southgate.

> >

> > Ruthie



> *** NCT enquiry line - 0 ***


> Live chat http://www.yahoogroups.com/chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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  • 4 years later...

Though I have found all your emails to be so helpful, I am getting a bit

overwhelmed keeping up with the messages in my outbox. Is there a way for me to

just go on the yahoo website periodically and see these?

I need to take a break from the emails so I can begin " digesting " all this

information and see how to best help my daughter in following this diet to get

the best results. I am soon getting a yogurt maker to try the yogurt so I need

to spend my time learning how to do that as well.

However, if any of you who have read my emails in the past and want to contact

me in private, feel free to do that and I will reply. Thank you all for your


Marilyn Dixon

daughter, age 20

Epilepsy and autism


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You can go to the webpage of the group:


click on " Edit membership " above the orange bar, and you can select to just

read messages at the website instead of receiving messages. You can access

the posts and archives at the above link as well, just click on " messages in

the pale orange box on the left side o the page.


> Though I have found all your emails to be so helpful, I am getting a bit

> overwhelmed keeping up with the messages in my outbox. Is there a way for me

> to just go on the yahoo website periodically and see these?


> I need to take a break from the emails so I can begin " digesting " all this

> information and see how to best help my daughter in following this diet to

> get the best results. I am soon getting a yogurt maker to try the yogurt so

> I need to spend my time learning how to do that as well.


> However, if any of you who have read my emails in the past and want to

> contact me in private, feel free to do that and I will reply. Thank you all

> for your help.


> Marilyn Dixon

> daughter, age 20

> Epilepsy and autism

> jmdixon@...



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> Though I have found all your emails to be so helpful, I am getting a bit


keeping up with the messages in my outbox. Is there a way for me to just go on


yahoo website periodically and see these?


> I need to take a break from the emails so I can begin " digesting " all this

information and

see how to best help my daughter in following this diet to get the best results.

I am soon

getting a yogurt maker to try the yogurt so I need to spend my time learning how

to do

that as well.


Go to the home page (see upper left menu). Click on upper right " edit my

membership. "

Where it asks how you wish to recive your messages, click on thre dot to the

left of

" Digest "


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