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Re: New to diet

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> This is a great group, I've been reading all the digests since I

> joined & been looking up other info. You all are very sweet & I'm

> learning a lot.


> I wrote my whole bio on Amazon to help promote the book:

> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-

> /0969276818/qid=1128975431/sr=8-2/ref=pd_bbs_2/104-5568854-2701527?

> v=glance&s=books&n=507846


> I just started a few days ago & I always can tell within 1-2 bites

> or 20 min if it's bad for me. I'm living on steamed veggies, canned

> wild alaskan salmon, fresh organic apples (not peeled), fresh

> organic pinapples (sometimes Dole's also), organic sprouted salted

> pumpkin seeds & new organic Cliff nectar bars (fruits/nuts)

> (clifbar.com) which are cooked & noticed raw organic Larabars

> (fruit/nuts) get me a little. As I wrote I already have been on the

> diet w/o realizing except for eating rice. I always hated cheese &

> been off dairy exept every month or so (cheat with rice

> pudding/frozen organic yogart) for over 5 years. These bars as well

> as Origional Rebars (healthcocanada.com, Didi's living granola

> (bakingforhealth.com), Temple Balls I & II (glaserorganicfarms.com)

> might good for others as well. The ingredients all seem legal & I

> don't get issues myself.


> Past couple of days, my traps on my left shoulder are so contracted

> I can't move it & you can see the diff between the two. I've gotten

> in the past abour 2x/year that would last few days to 2 weeks. The

> interesting thing is that when I go to the bathroom, eat less or

> drink more water, the shoulder feels better. I am a Licensed Massage

> Therapist & studied Chinese Medicine & acupressure, so I know that

> it feels tied to the colon energy channel that runs through the

> shoulder. I normally do a lot of yoga & stretching so have great

> flexibility & always stretch whenever anything feels slight tight.

> Stretching this time isn't helping much, not moving makes it worse &

> even a vibrator only helps minimally.


> I am hungry every few hours, but can eat only a little before I feel

> my digestive getting unstable feeling. Normally I eat too much

> because tastes yummy. I have amazing nausea which rarely have in

> life. Is this possibily tied to the die off? I don't get nausea when

> I have a bad reaction, I get very very tired, sometimes to point I

> can't move, can't think, stabbing pains, horrible bloating & use the

> bathroom so much I can't leave my house & feel everythign goes

> through me in less then 20 minutes the normal way, never upwards.

The following will have to be abandoned for SCD™:

>organic sprouted salted pumpkin seeds, organic Cliff nectar bars (fruits/nuts)

>raw organic Larabar, Origional Rebars (healthcocanada.com, Didi's living


> (bakingforhealth.com), Temple Balls I & II (glaserorganicfarms.com)

> might good for others as well. The ingredients all seem legal & I

> don't get issues myself.

Sorry these conveneience foods are not SCD™ compliant and should not be posted

as part

of your testimonial on Amazon as they may mislead newcomers. The ingredients

are not

legal. Grain is not permitted, so no granola, seeds can only be used after six

months with

healing progressing well, You can make similar treats at home that resemble

some of the

bars. Even though these items above agree with you they could do harm to others


gastric and autism issues. We hope you continue on the group to learn more about


that can help.

Carol F.

SCD 5 years, celiac

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Welcome to the list.

Although the majority of the convenience foods that you listed seem to

have no illegal ingredients (with the exception of the Rebar-Original,

which contains alfalfa), ALL of those types of products (in their

homemade form) would be for only the most advanced SCDers as they all

contain whole nuts, seeds and dried fruits, all of which while allowed

on SCD, are among the most difficult to digest foods that are allowed

on the diet.

Please consider restarting the diet using the intro diet. Slowly add

new foods which are well-cooked and peeled. Keep a food log.

All symptoms should be under control, and after at least 3 months on

the diet, those advanced foods could be tried cautiously (whole nuts,

seeds, and dried fruits).

I would encourage you to start again and allow your GI tract to heal

thoroughly before introducing such advanced foods.

And although those products you listed appear to contain SCD legal

foods, we have no approval for the use of those convenience foods on

SCD. Manufacturers are allowed to omit ingredients on their listing

if the ingredient constitutes less than 2% of the total volume.

Foods similar to those you have listed can be made at home and

introduced well into the diet.



mom to -6 and -9

SCD 32 months

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On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:28:21 -0000 " carolfrilegh "

c.frilegh@...> writes:


> >

> > This is a great group, I've been reading all the digests since I

> > joined & been looking up other info. You all are very sweet & I'm

> > learning a lot.

> >

> > I wrote my whole bio on Amazon to help promote the book:

> > http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-

> Sorry these conveneience foods are not SCD™ compliant and should

> not be posted as part

> of your testimonial on Amazon as they may mislead newcomers. The

> ingredients are not

> legal. Grain is not permitted, so no granola, seeds can only be used

> after six months with

> healing progressing well, You can make similar treats at home that

> resemble some of the

> bars.

Are any varieties of Cliff or Larabar bars legal? Thanks and take care,


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Sorry Fay,

It is difficult to test, approve and monitor the many convenience foods on the

market. SCD

is mostly a " from scratch " opertation to insure safe compliance for best

results.. At present

only J.Gourmet and some items from Digestive Wellness are OK.

Please check out this link on our website and you will see why.


I make bars by pressing dried fruits into nut butter and rolling them in crushed

nuts or

coconut but it was pointed out recently here that these concentrated ingredients


intended for people who are advanced on the diet.

Carol F.

SCD5 years, celiac

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Sorry Fay,

It is difficult to test, approve and monitor the many convenience foods on the

market. SCD

is mostly a " from scratch " opertation to insure safe compliance for best

results.. At present

only J.Gourmet and some items from Digestive Wellness are OK.

Please check out this link on our website and you will see why.


I make bars by pressing dried fruits into nut butter and rolling them in crushed

nuts or

coconut but it was pointed out recently here that these concentrated ingredients


intended for people who are advanced on the diet.

Carol F.

SCD5 years, celiac

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