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Autoimmunity healing guidelines...Dr. Fuhrman

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http://www.drfuhrman.com/disease/Other.aspxNutritional intervention is effective for autoimmune and rheumatologic diseasesWorking with patients with autoimmune diseases such as connective tissue disease, myositis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus is very rewarding. These patients were convinced that they could never get well and are eternally grateful to be healthy again requiring no medication. I regularly get notes and letters, such as these unsolicited comments: "After three months I am off all drugs" — Arroni "I would like to shout, Dr Fuhrman did it". —Fred Redington "Six months ago I prayed I would die, now I'm ready to live again." — Fullum "Thank you for saving my life" —Harriet FlemingAn aggressive nutritional approach to autoimmune illnesses

should always be tried first when the disease is in its infancy. Logically, the more advanced the disease and the more damage that has been done by the disease, the less likely the patient will be able to manifest a complete recovery. My experience with inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, is that some patients are more dietary sensitive than others, and other patients have very high levels of inflammation that are difficult to curtail solely with natural therapy.Nevertheless, the majority benefit from heathy eating. Since the conventional drugs used to treat these type of illnesses are so toxic and have so many risky side effects, the dietary method should be tried first. Modern drugs often contribute to the disability and misery of patients with an autoimmune illness and increase their cancer risk. Studies show that the long-term outcome is poor after twenty years of taking such

medication[ix]. A recent study in the British Medical Journal of Rheumatology showed that the major drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis, such as Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide, Chlorambucil and Methotrexate, increase the likelihood that the person will die of cancer.[x]Lupus is a disease with a dismal long-term prognosis, yet it seems so easy to resolve in the early stages. I have treated scores of patients with systemic lupus and discoid lupus with excellent results. The vast majority of patients were able to achieve a complete resolution of their problems and are considered lupus-free.Jane Richman, a patient with lupus who I saw a few months ago went back to her rheumatologist to discuss my suggestions for her. He promptly told her that she would deteriorate and likely die if she followed my nutritional approach and if she did not take Plaquinil as he prescribed. She left his office in

tears after a strong personal attack on her judgment and against me and never went back. Amazingly, she made a complete recovery in about one month and said good-bye to seeing specialists and taking medications.Here are the main points to increase the possibility of obtaining remission or improvement in patients with autoimmune diseases: 1. A plant-based diet, without flour and baked goods, is usually necessary; a lower protein diet is helpful. 2. A high nutrient-per-calorie density with caloric restriction sufficient to obtain a normal weight. 3. Checking the arachadonic acid and DHA levels with an essential fatty acid profile, is often helpful. Supplementation is frequently necessary, if the fatty acid balance is abnormal. Plant-derived DHA supplementation can be used, but sometimes higher dose fish oils are necessary to achieve the desired anti-inflammatory response.

4.Therapeutic fasting can be an extremely effective adjunct to control the autoimmune response and reset the hyperactive immune system to a more normal (lower) level of activity. Many research studies have documented the effectiveness of this approach, including my own published findings.[xi] Fasting should not be utilized if the patient is dependent on multiple immunosuppressive drugs, such as Methotrexate and Immuran, as it is not safe to fast while on such medication. It is essential that patients contemplating this therapy be properly supervised by a physician. Those more interested in therapeutic fasting for autoimmune illness, should read my book, Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease. 5.Food elimination and the challenge to uncover hidden food sensitivities. The offending foods are most typically animal produces, wheat and dairy; but many patients

find other foods that can worsen their condition as well. These foods are not routinely uncovered with allergy testing. It usually requires a short period of fasting and then the gradual introduction of only one new food each day, eliminating any food that causes an increase in pain over the fasted state. I would like to repeat this to make it clear—the elevated levels of IgG and IgE against various foods on allergy tests are indeed common in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. However, there is not an adequate clinical correlation between those foods and the foods we find to be aggravating the symptoms. Other researchers have noted the same thing.[xii] I usually instruct patients to save their money and forgo those tests.

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